Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going

Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Boehner needs to put down the bottle, call an emergency session, and work on immigration before riots get humans injured & killed.
Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Opinion: Why we must now sue President Obama -
President Obama heartily WELCOMES him to take such action as news reports have brought out. He knows it would go nowhere but it would serve a much greater purpose and that is that he could then turn around and accuse the Republicans of Doing Nothing to help solve the problems that brought him to take such Executive Action. It would then open up a big can of worms in this election year with regard to Republicans and especially in 2016 as Americans would then be made FULLY AWARE of that fact. So, of course President Obama unequivocally welcomes such a lawsuit. This is actually great for the Democratic Party and to show all others that the obstructionist Republicans have not done one thing to try to solve this matter as Speaker Boehner does not even want to bring this matter up for a vote in the House. How will it look for Conservatives in the long run? Not Good At All Especially With the Elections Coming Up. So, go ahead Mr. Speaker, knock yourself out and Let's Do It! The President is waiting.
Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Opinion: Why we must now sue President Obama -

When you have a clown as president, a circus is appropriate.
When a country has been sold, only a clown can be a president.

Our country's low information voters were sold a parcel of lies...we can get it back starting in November.
Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Boehner needs to put down the bottle, call an emergency session, and work on immigration before riots get humans injured & killed.

Oh...I get it. Let us all acquiesce to mob rule.
"Gee, God forbid we should piss off the illegals. They might riot"..
That's government?
Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Opinion: Why we must now sue President Obama -
President Obama heartily WELCOMES him to take such action as news reports have brought out. He knows it would go nowhere but it would serve a much greater purpose and that is that he could then turn around and accuse the Republicans of Doing Nothing to help solve the problems that brought him to take such Executive Action. It would then open up a big can of worms in this election year with regard to Republicans and especially in 2016 as Americans would then be made FULLY AWARE of that fact. So, of course President Obama unequivocally welcomes such a lawsuit. This is actually great for the Democratic Party and to show all others that the obstructionist Republicans have not done one thing to try to solve this matter as Speaker Boehner does not even want to bring this matter up for a vote in the House. How will it look for Conservatives in the long run? Not Good At All Especially With the Elections Coming Up. So, go ahead Mr. Speaker, knock yourself out and Let's Do It! The President is waiting.

You have it backward.
First, the Congress does not exist to do the bidding of the Executive Branch. Apparently you libs believe the opposite. Newsflash, what you believe is immaterial.
Second, Obama's use of executive orders is ego driven and born of frustration that he is unable to persuade congress to allow him to do whatever he wants. In effect, these executive actions are temper tantrums.
In a speech delivered a couple weeks ago in Minnesota, Obama said to the audience ( of carefully selected individuals who no doubt were sworn to undying and endearing support of the Chosen One) that if Congress wanted to stop the executive actions that they simply "join him".....In other words, "Do as I say or I will use my power to bulldoze you".
This is not a President. This is a dictator.
This thing with these illegal immigrant kids is not going to ge well for Obama and the democrats. Already local residents in border towns from Brownsville to San Diego are pouring out of their homes protesting this Swiss Cheese border policy of the Obama admin.
Normal, honest people first see something to sue over, and only then decide to sue.

Republicans first decide they want to sue for something, and then go looking for a reason, any reason, that they could conceivably use. They haven't found one, but they're still trying.

Conclusion: Republicans are shameless partisan hacks.
Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Boehner needs to put down the bottle, call an emergency session, and work on immigration before riots get humans injured & killed.

He needs to put down the bottle and start addressing the Nation's business, and stop playing partisan politics – this inane 'lawsuit' being one of many examples.
Normal, honest people first see something to sue over, and only then decide to sue.

Republicans first decide they want to sue for something, and then go looking for a reason, any reason, that they could conceivably use. They haven't found one, but they're still trying.

Conclusion: Republicans are shameless partisan hacks.

dream on.

Your overconfident smugness will be your side's undoing.
I already deleted my post before you quoted it, it's just hard for me to believe that republicans who are part of the two party circus will take the country back in November.

Right. Yopu and your fellow fence sitter Jake Starkey who swears up and down he's not a liberal. Yet like you, he posts liberal, sides with liberals on every issue and he too takes shots at the political system.
Quite frankly I think you are full of shit.
Just admit what you are ( a dyed in the wool lefty) and be done with it.
the immigration bill would pass. Thats why the Orangeman is afraid to bring it up for a vote

What makes you believe it would pass?
Oh, which immigration bill is this?

Doesn't matter what bill on what subject.

The R said they would bring the country down and that's what they are doing.

Notice that he still has no grounds. Just that vague accusation that says absolutely nothing.

Normal, honest people first see something to sue over, and only then decide to sue.

Republicans first decide they want to sue for something, and then go looking for a reason, any reason, that they could conceivably use. They haven't found one, but they're still trying.

Conclusion: Republicans are shameless partisan hacks.


Okay then, what are the grounds?

There aren't any.

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