Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going

Boehner: "why we must now sue president" - because you have to keep your circus going and act like you are doing something - in 2016 you can even impeach him

Boehner needs to put down the bottle, call an emergency session, and work on immigration before riots get humans injured & killed.

Oh...I get it. Let us all acquiesce to mob rule.
"Gee, God forbid we should piss off the illegals. They might riot"..
That's government?

The current law makes exceptions for the deportation of children, and some for adults. The current laws must be amended, or there must be comprehensive revision. That requires CONGRESS.
Normal, honest people first see something to sue over, and only then decide to sue.

Republicans first decide they want to sue for something, and then go looking for a reason, any reason, that they could conceivably use. They haven't found one, but they're still trying.

Conclusion: Republicans are shameless partisan hacks.


The fact remains that Boehner's 'lawsuit' is nothing more than a partisan stunt.
Well, House Republicans have about done it all now: shut down the government, went on pretended recess but not really recess, refuse to pass any bills but one and that one to repeal Obama-care. (They have now passed that one about fifty times.) House Republicans have filibustered something, or other made speeches about Obama doing nothing, and talked of impeachment. So what's left, only sue Obama.
A really nice gesture would be for House Republicans to give up their salary for the year.
Well, House Republicans have about done it all now: shut down the government, went on pretended recess but not really recess, refuse to pass any bills but one and that one to repeal Obama-care. (They have now passed that one about fifty times.) House Republicans have filibustered something, or other made speeches about Obama doing nothing, and talked of impeachment. So what's left, only sue Obama.
A really nice gesture would be for House Republicans to give up their salary for the year.

Especially since they work only 126 days and have no problem with voting themselves raises while denying the working poor so much as a nickel.
Your overconfident smugness will be your side's undoing.
I already deleted my post before you quoted it, it's just hard for me to believe that republicans who are part of the two party circus will take the country back in November.

Right. Yopu and your fellow fence sitter Jake Starkey who swears up and down he's not a liberal. Yet like you, he posts liberal, sides with liberals on every issue and he too takes shots at the political system.
Quite frankly I think you are full of shit.
Just admit what you are ( a dyed in the wool lefty) and be done with it.
RINO's like you are exactly what got Obama elected, and people like me are exactly the only thing that can save this nation - you base your vomit on my words "dream on" I put my efforts to make speeches like this:

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