Boehner won't allow House vote on Senate bill

Okay...what we can get out of this is both parties block bills from being voted on. End of discussion.

What we should be getting is both parties suck. The sooner We The People get that and stop rah rah rahing like partisan cheerleaders who look the other way when our team does it and start holding all of DC accountable, regardless of whether a D or R is after the name, the better off we'll be.
Okay...what we can get out of this is both parties block bills from being voted on. End of discussion.

What we should be getting is both parties suck. The sooner We The People get that and stop rah rah rahing like partisan cheerleaders who look the other way when our team does it and start holding all of DC accountable, regardless of whether a D or R is after the name, the better off we'll be.

i don't think it is possible - look at our leftars loons - they don't think for themselves, they just parrot the talking points - if there is no memo for today they are lost - as on medical device tax - they did not expect that Senate dems will be for repealing it and were convulsing here all day long FOR the tax :lol:
how about Reid NEVER allowing to vote on house bills, including the budget?

THAT does not bother you, Hoffstra?

Reid can count, so no, it doesn't bother me that he has ignored many House Republican bullshit bills that are more about vaginas than anything else.

Before you allow a vote, you survey your chamber to see if it even has a chance of passing. Reid understands that if you bring a bill that goes after women's rights to a chamber controlled by Democrats, it won't pass.

John Boehner keeps passing every bullshit, fairy tale, wishlist and wetdream of the Tea Party and then expecting Democrats to pass it in the Senate and then Obama to pass it.

It makes Boehner and the Baggers fucking morons who have no idea how to count, since if they could, they'd understand that they only represent one branch of the federal gov't, while the other party controls the other two.

As the stock market continues to plunge throughout tomorrow, I put ALL the blame on Boehner and the fucking Baggers for costing me money.

If you're pro-business, you can't possibly be for a government shutdown.
GOP Lawmakers: House Could End Standoff With Up-Or-Down Vote On Clean Bill

House Speaker Boehner won't let the House vote on the Senate Continuing Resolution, that funds all govt. programs, because he knows all Democrats and some Republicans will vote "YES", and the bill would pass.

Why does Boehner hate democracy?

If the House truly represents the will of The People, why not let the House vote on the Senate's bill????

You're mad because he is using the same tactics Reid has used for the last several years?


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