Boehner's Plan B fails

you people are living in an alternate universe.

YOU and your historically failed ideas CRASHED the world economy.

You keep making me think... "can ANYONE really be THIS FUCKING STUPID?"

And I guess they can, you're living proof.
Boner looks like a complete fucking failure today

what do you minions do?

pretend that you canb blame someone else for your own distruction of your own party.
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
You do realize that if obama and the democrats increases taxes and spending, the whole country is coming down also don't you?

Pretty clear to me there's one side trying to save the country and another doesn't give a shit. The people trying to save the country are the ones that want the line held on taxes and real spending cuts made. The other side that doesn't give a shit are the ones that want more of your money so they can waste it and add to the debt.

It's clear as a bell.

Obama wants this country in ruin, it's working out exactly as he wants to see it. You'll never convince the mindless Obamabots of this tho, who knows if they'll ever realize it or believe it.
The media has been lying and covering for obama since he appeared on the political stage. Stupid people have believed all the hype, lies and pompom waving by the lame stream media. Problem is they have NEVER vetted obama. They have NEVER told anyone who and what he TRULY is. Thus we have the ignorant, misinformed, apathetic voter, and two terms of a very radical, socialist president who truly believes America is evil, and wants to "fundamentally change it."

He should have stayed in Kenya.

Yes I can see that it must frustrate you entirely that people just won't listen and believe the drivel you put forth. And you being an obvious fuking mental case might have something to do with that. Just saying.
Pretending the guy who wasnt even elected yet is at fault is fucking insanity
Obama wants this country in ruin, it's working out exactly as he wants to see it. You'll never convince the mindless Obamabots of this tho, who knows if they'll ever realize it or believe it.
The media has been lying and covering for obama since he appeared on the political stage. Stupid people have believed all the hype, lies and pompom waving by the lame stream media. Problem is they have NEVER vetted obama. They have NEVER told anyone who and what he TRULY is. Thus we have the ignorant, misinformed, apathetic voter, and two terms of a very radical, socialist president who truly believes America is evil, and wants to "fundamentally change it."

He should have stayed in Kenya.

Yes I can see that it must frustrate you entirely that people just won't listen and believe the drivel you put forth. And you being an obvious fuking mental case might have something to do with that. Just saying.
"Blah, blah, blah.... blah blah..." yes I know you can't refute a damn thing I said, so you revert to your pathetic Saul Alinsky tactics.

Just sayin'.
YOU and your historically failed ideas crashed the whole world economy after LYING us into war.
Boner looks like a complete fucking failure today

what do you minions do?

pretend that you canb blame someone else for your own distruction of your own party.

Shirely to goodness you can't expect one of these fuking clowns from the rethug party to accept responsibility for their own actions. Ain't gonna happen. Ain't that right you rethug whack jobs. Never accept responsibility if you even think you can pass it on to someone else. Must be Obama's fault. Must be.
gee when history is againts you all you can think of is the Pee wee defense huh?
Obama wants this country in ruin, it's working out exactly as he wants to see it. You'll never convince the mindless Obamabots of this tho, who knows if they'll ever realize it or believe it.
Silly, Obama didn't do a's all everyone else's fault.

I would love to be able to bring Truman back to life for a day and watch him cold cock that pussy.

Never let a good crisis go to waste. ;)

With the economy in ruins, people out of work, inflation spiraling out of control, who do you think will come to save the day? How will he have to save it? Well, by temporarily crushing the constitution of course. And it will be understandable, after all someone has to do something, right? Just like Sandy Hook and gun control, either use or create a catastophe so people are willing to hand over their liberty and freedom for so called 'security'. Fools.
It's the Alinsky script.
Boner looks like a complete fucking failure today

what do you minions do?

pretend that you canb blame someone else for your own distruction of your own party.

Shirely to goodness you can't expect one of these fuking clowns from the rethug party to accept responsibility for their own actions. Ain't gonna happen. Ain't that right you rethug whack jobs. Never accept responsibility if you even think you can pass it on to someone else. Must be Obama's fault. Must be.

Its all they have left.

they can NEVER admitt they were wrong so they just forge ahead wtih the same historically failed ideas as if nothing changed.

this is why their ranks will continue to shrink until the real second party will be the independents.

Unless the NOT insane republicans can wrestle these idiots off their backs.
The media has been lying and covering for obama since he appeared on the political stage. Stupid people have believed all the hype, lies and pompom waving by the lame stream media. Problem is they have NEVER vetted obama. They have NEVER told anyone who and what he TRULY is. Thus we have the ignorant, misinformed, apathetic voter, and two terms of a very radical, socialist president who truly believes America is evil, and wants to "fundamentally change it."

He should have stayed in Kenya.

Yes I can see that it must frustrate you entirely that people just won't listen and believe the drivel you put forth. And you being an obvious fuking mental case might have something to do with that. Just saying.
"Blah, blah, blah.... blah blah..." yes I know you can't refute a damn thing I said, so you revert to your pathetic Saul Alinsky tactics.

Just sayin'.

why in the fuk would I want to engage an idiot like you to refute drivel you post? You just make shit up and I hate to tell you this, you can't "refute" shit that is just made up.

But if you got proof Obama is a Kenyan, you are a little late to the party. Should have pulled that Trump card out a long time ago. Pun intended.

Just think, you whack job,, you could have been the one to have brought down the President. But evidentally you are holding your proof of Obama being a Kenyan till a later date. Why?
No, some of them are actually trying to do what they were sent there to do, hold the line on tax and spending increases.

This is what this country needs right now, period, nothing else is going to help, so why do people think that's a bad thing?

I don't get it. Do people really WANT to see obama and the democrats accelerate the imploding of our economy? Is your obama phone really worth that much to you that you'd prefer that and watch America go bankrupt? Where are you people's heads at?

You do realize, I hope, that they don't make a deal before the "cliff" comes, YOUR personal taxes are going up by several thousand dollars and every department of government, including DOD, will suffer a drastic hit in their budgets. There's a good chance you'll see a reduction in your Social Security or VA check (if you get one), road projects will just lie there unfinished, police, fire departments and schools won't get the money they need to operated efficiently, the stock market is likely to tank and millions more American's lose their jobs.

Is that worth making a political statement to you? Is it worth taking down the whole country?
You do realize that if obama and the democrats increases taxes and spending, the whole country is coming down also don't you?

Pretty clear to me there's one side trying to save the country and another doesn't give a shit. The people trying to save the country are the ones that want the line held on taxes and real spending cuts made. The other side that doesn't give a shit are the ones that want more of your money so they can waste it and add to the debt.

It's clear as a bell.

No, most of us know that the line you people are trying to sell is pure bullshit. That is why the President recieved 332 electorial votes.

And if we go over the fiscal 'cliff', there will be tax increases and spending cuts.

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