Bold prediction: 2016 presidential race will be Romney vs. Gore

WE have to remember that Reagan ran twice before he was finally elected to office so don't count Romney out. I see him running on a platform of not getting rid of obamacare, but fixing it which will do a lot for the independents. He will also call for tighter border control before discussing any kind of immigration reform, again this will bring in the independents. I would also not be surprised if he picks a woman as a running mate, possibly Nikki Haley of SC thus sewing up the southern vote.

Hillary won't run, she has been stumbling lately and I think her health will come into question. I see Biden making a run though. He may put his foot in his mouth all the time, but he is politically savvy. Had Bush listened to him about Iraq when he said it needed to be divided into three separate entities we would not have the problem we have today.
WE have to remember that Reagan ran twice before he was finally elected to office so don't count Romney out. I see him running on a platform of not getting rid of obamacare, but fixing it which will do a lot for the independents. He will also call for tighter border control before discussing any kind of immigration reform, again this will bring in the independents. I would also not be surprised if he picks a woman as a running mate, possibly Nikki Haley of SC thus sewing up the southern vote.

Hillary won't run, she has been stumbling lately and I think her health will come into question. I see Biden making a run though. He may put his foot in his mouth all the time, but he is politically savvy. Had Bush listened to him about Iraq when he said it needed to be divided into three separate entities we would not have the problem we have today.

Yes, you are correct. Reagan won the 1968 California primaries, but then that was the end of that. He candidacy pretty much ended there.

And he lost to incumbent Gerald Ford in 1976 by, I believe, 118 delegates.

However, that is the last time that a candidate was renominated after having lost a GE once. The time before that -where a candidate was nominated two times in a row and lost both times- was with Adlai Stevenson in 1952 and 1956. Yes, Nixon was also renominated, but not back to back after his 1960 loss to JFK.
Romney will be beaten even more badly if he runs than in 2012.

Paul will demolish Cruz by South Carolina, but probably before Iowa.

The USA would be a much better country today if Romney had won in 2012.

He is a good, honest, successful, intelligent person. He would have been a very good president----------and may yet.

He may have been that but he won't now.

Paul is going to take the nomination: just how easily will tbe the question.
Did they not learn last time?

Romney should have run a stronger campaign. He should never have agreed to the liberal formats of the debates, although he is being borne out as correct on nearly all of his debate points. The hurricane and the rampant democrat voter fraud hurt him also.
The right has a ton of people who have legitimate reasons to run for the GOP nomination:
Jeb, Christie, Rubio, Perry, Rand, Cruz, Ryan, Santorum, and others

I predict the nation will reject another Bush and during the primary I think Rand and Cruz will murder each other in their quest to be the tea-party candidate. Cruz has that far-right thing going for him, Rand has that libertarian i-can-reach-college-students thing going for him. I think they will be the end of each other in the primary

Going along with the growing speculation, I think the GOP will draft Romney as it becomes clear none of the nominees look electable, or the primary season is leaving the overall party extremely divided nearing the general election

I think Hillary will not survive the primary. I see someone like Elizabeth Warren going to war with her and both of their chances for the nominee dying together in their struggle. I think Gore will run again and he will get the nominee from the dems. He was progressive on climate-change and seems to have an environmentalist angle he can campaign on

NAH..., Clinton/Bush II. :D
Did they not learn last time?

Romney should have run a stronger campaign. He should never have agreed to the liberal formats of the debates, although he is being borne out as correct on nearly all of his debate points. The hurricane and the rampant democrat voter fraud hurt him also.

^^^^^^^^ :lol:

What hurt Mitt the most was his constant flip-flopping and his 47% comment. One would think that Mitt might have learned something from John Kerry's loss in 2004. The GOP's most effective ad was focused on Kerry's flip-flopping. History repeated itself in 2012. And insulting 47% of the population when you're running for president is never smart. :doubt:
Despite magic underwear...Romney does look a whole let better after 6 years of Obama. I still wouldn't vote for him thought. He is a liberal who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the conservatives. In that respect, I can understand the tea party.
Despite magic underwear...Romney does look a whole let better after 6 years of Obama. I still wouldn't vote for him thought. He is a liberal who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the conservatives. In that respect, I can understand the tea party.
Anyone looks better after 6 years of Obama. As for Romney, once a RINO, always a RINO.
Despite magic underwear...Romney does look a whole let better after 6 years of Obama. I still wouldn't vote for him thought. He is a liberal who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the conservatives. In that respect, I can understand the tea party.
Anyone looks better after 6 years of Obama. As for Romney, once a RINO, always a RINO.

He told us he was PROGRESSIVE back in 2002... RINO'S do NOT change stripes, they only LIE about it.... Kissing cousin to a subversive!

[ame=]Mitt Romney 2002 "I'm A progressive" - YouTube[/ame]
i don't believe romney will run a third time. hillary and kerry look good for the dems, have no clue on the pubs, the party is in somewhat disarray....
The right has a ton of people who have legitimate reasons to run for the GOP nomination:
Jeb, Christie, Rubio, Perry, Rand, Cruz, Ryan, Santorum, and others

I predict the nation will reject another Bush and during the primary I think Rand and Cruz will murder each other in their quest to be the tea-party candidate. Cruz has that far-right thing going for him, Rand has that libertarian i-can-reach-college-students thing going for him. I think they will be the end of each other in the primary

Going along with the growing speculation, I think the GOP will draft Romney as it becomes clear none of the nominees look electable, or the primary season is leaving the overall party extremely divided nearing the general election

I think Hillary will not survive the primary. I see someone like Elizabeth Warren going to war with her and both of their chances for the nominee dying together in their struggle. I think Gore will run again and he will get the nominee from the dems. He was progressive on climate-change and seems to have an environmentalist angle he can campaign on

I think it will be Walker v. Kerry, with Walker winning.

We're having a terrible time with America's national debt. Walker's state of Wisconsin had a debt also:

Recently, during the Wisconsin State of the State address, Gov. Scott Walker announced a nearly $1 billion revenue surplus. That’s quite an accomplishment considering the governor was faced with a $3.6 billion budget deficit when he took office just a few years ago.

Our future depends on whether we can control federal spending and tailor down the size of the national deficit. Scott Walker has the best track record. If he runs, I pray for him and his family. They will need it with the faucets no longer gushing freebies to those who didn't earn them.
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The right has a ton of people who have legitimate reasons to run for the GOP nomination:
Jeb, Christie, Rubio, Perry, Rand, Cruz, Ryan, Santorum, and others

I predict the nation will reject another Bush and during the primary I think Rand and Cruz will murder each other in their quest to be the tea-party candidate. Cruz has that far-right thing going for him, Rand has that libertarian i-can-reach-college-students thing going for him. I think they will be the end of each other in the primary

Going along with the growing speculation, I think the GOP will draft Romney as it becomes clear none of the nominees look electable, or the primary season is leaving the overall party extremely divided nearing the general election

I think Hillary will not survive the primary. I see someone like Elizabeth Warren going to war with her and both of their chances for the nominee dying together in their struggle. I think Gore will run again and he will get the nominee from the dems. He was progressive on climate-change and seems to have an environmentalist angle he can campaign on

I don't think Gore will put his hat in b/c he doesn't want the world to know how much he made of gw with his tax credit thing.

Mitt will run again, and will probably be the only moderate, so yea, he loses to whatever the dems put forward
Did they not learn last time?

Romney should have run a stronger campaign. He should never have agreed to the liberal formats of the debates, although he is being borne out as correct on nearly all of his debate points. The hurricane and the rampant democrat voter fraud hurt him also.

You live in a dream world.

Voter fraud is not what earned President Obama FIVE MILLION more votes than Romney. That is just batshit crazy. But just keep on believing their, buddy. Show the world how absolutely off-their-rockers a great number of Righties are.
Wait ... that doesn't jibe with what the whiny socialists here claim. They insist that cash wins elections and our gov't is owned by the rich. Don't the Repubs have plenty of that with which to work? :confused:

Sez a whiny person who loves to generalize.

Carry on, keeps SAYingIT.


It's entertaining!

Must I quote them or are you honest enough to admit you've read their silliness?

I read lots of things. Which part of those things do you classify as "silliness"?
The voice of the New Right, folks.

Yep. The harsh truth. The voice of the New Right.

Yep. The New Right can't take the time to come up with a comprehensive health care reform plan, but they can tell you Hillary's weight down to the ounce and how many vacation days Obama has had.

The country does NOT need "comprehensive health care reform". There is/was no crisis in health care that mandated destroying the entire system.

a few simple fixes would solve it

1. allow interstate competition between insurance companies
2. remove lifetime maximum payments from policies
3. require companies to take people with pre-existing conditions
4. reduce drug patents to 2 years from 12
5. limit malpractice awards and make the loser pay court costs.
6. continue to provide full funding for medicare, medicaid, and medicare advantage.

There, 6 changes that could be done in a one page law.
Did they not learn last time?

Romney should have run a stronger campaign. He should never have agreed to the liberal formats of the debates, although he is being borne out as correct on nearly all of his debate points. The hurricane and the rampant democrat voter fraud hurt him also.

You live in a dream world.

Voter fraud is not what earned President Obama FIVE MILLION more votes than Romney. That is just batshit crazy. But just keep on believing their, buddy. Show the world how absolutely off-their-rockers a great number of Righties are.

What gave obozo a second term was a biased corrupt media that refused to publish the truth about his marxist collectivist ideas to "fundamentally transform" the USA.

Now its happening-------------are you libtardian assholes ready for $8 gas?

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