Bolling Won't Turn on FoxNews


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelte tried every way he could think of to get the ex0FoxNews host turn on the network that fired him based on unfounded allegations.

"Is Fox now a propaganda machine?"

Bolling responded to Stelter’s question by pointing out that he used to book Peters when guest-hosting The O’Reilly Factor and Hannity, emphasizing that “there were only a handful of us” at Fox News who were on the Trump train from the very beginning. Stelter seemed surprised by Bolling’s statement: “Wait, not a lot of pro-Trump people at Fox?”

More of the attempted hit piece @ CNN's Stelter Asks Bolling If He Thought 'Fox is Now a Propaganda Machine'

Oh yeah, this same CNN hack admits He Let David Hogg Get Away With Lies About Guns, NRA @ CNN’s Stelter Admits He Let David Hogg Get Away With Lies About Guns, NRA

And we're supposed to trust this network?

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