
Jews fought with Che Guevara in Cuba?


You really cracked me up with that. I'm laughing pretty hard..

I learned when I was young. No situation can't be improved by mockery.
I hate the bolsheviks with all my heart.

So do I. Believe me. As far from my political core as is possible. But there's reasons why "the Revolution" started in Czarist Russia.. LOTS of them.

How can anybody have killed in cold blood a family...

with innocent young teen girls and a sick son

what kind of monsters does it take

it's so will be forever be written in History as the worst event of the 20th century.

the very worst!:(

Ummm... a LOT of innocent teen girls died in the 20th Century.

I hate the bolsheviks with all my heart.

So do I. Believe me. As far from my political core as is possible. But there's reasons why "the Revolution" started in Czarist Russia.. LOTS of them.

How can anybody have killed in cold blood a family...

with innocent young teen girls and a sick son

what kind of monsters does it take

it's so will be forever be written in History as the worst event of the 20th century.

the very worst!:(

Ummm... a LOT of innocent teen girls died in the 20th Century.


That's right ^^

so what's your point

the more the merrier? :rolleyes-41:
why Bolsheviks destroyd synagogues, as much they did with churches , Jewish religious schools , etc. ? why didn´t make a Jewish SSR?
The didn't destroy synagogues, at least not thousands as they did churches. And they didn't hunt down and execute the rabbinate like they did the clergy and their families.
If you wanted a secular society, which religion would you want to destroy?
The one that preaches to you up your ass or the one that leaves you alone.
Jews don't proselytize.
Are you some kind of lunatic? Who would want to destroy any religion? People should be free to choose. And is Christian proselytizing really an onerous burden on you? It isn't, and you know it isn't. The Jewish desire to destroy Christianity is rooted in ancient hatreds.
Communism is atheism.
If you don't know this you're an idiot.
What you don't want to admit is that Christianity preaches up your ass and pisses off Communists.
So massacre the clergy AND THEIR FAMILIES because preaching irks you? Execute the entire faculty of a university because you didn't like the sermon topic? What Jeffers called "the dirty-clawed cruelties" that your people unleashed on the white Christians of Russia was an orgy of viciousness and violence that makes Hitler look like Mr Rogers. It's no wonder Jews go to any length to keep it quiet. The sick thing is it isn't because you are ashamed, haha, no, you just don't want any blowback as you prepare for the next round.
Because the clergy was preaching our extermination.
Remember, murdering a "child of Satan" is not a big deal.
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.
I hate the bolsheviks with all my heart.

So do I. Believe me. As far from my political core as is possible. But there's reasons why "the Revolution" started in Czarist Russia.. LOTS of them.

How can anybody have killed in cold blood a family...

with innocent young teen girls and a sick son

what kind of monsters does it take

it's so will be forever be written in History as the worst event of the 20th century.

the very worst!:(

Ummm... a LOT of innocent teen girls died in the 20th Century.


That's right ^^

so what's your point

the more the merrier? :rolleyes-41:

Not precisely. Just adding some perspective to the 'Worst Event of the 20th Century'.
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

You ain't got a prayer of selling this shit.. Too obviously faked by INFERRING "jewish names" and identities.

Bolsheviks - Wikipedia

Composition of the party[edit]
The average party member was very young. In 1907, 22% of Bolsheviks were under 20, 37% were 20–24 and 16% were 25–29. By 1905, 62% of the members were industrial workers (3% of the population in 1897[16]).[17] 22% of Bolsheviks were gentry (1.7% of the total population), 38% were uprooted peasants, compared with 19% and 26% for the Mensheviks. In 1907, 78.3% of the Bolsheviks were Russian and 10% were Jewish (34% and 20% for the Mensheviks). Total membership was 8,400 in 1905, 13,000 in 1906 and 46,100 by 1907 (8,400, 18,000, 38,200 respectively for the Mensheviks). By 1910, both factions together had fewer than 10,000 members.[18]
Part of your cluelessness is that you think I am trying to sell it. That's what a Jew does. I'm stating the truth and you can pick it up or let it lie according to your own hatreds.

It's crap.. You probably KNOW it's crap. You just have to keep peddling it..
That's a personal problem. Not mine..
I know no such thing. Are you denying the Bolshevik take-over of Russia would not have happened had there been no Jews in Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution would have HAPPENED and been successful --- regardless of any "jewish" contribution. .How many Jews fought with Che Guevara in Cuba?

Cuba was a real revolution, AND has nothing to do with 1917 Russia. A Jew signed the order to execute the tsar and his family. Jews carried it out. When they were done slaughtering innocents, the tacked a note onto the bloodstained walls with the words Daniel interpreted in the Old Testament, the "writing on the wall". God has weighed your kingdom in the balance and found it wanting.

That's some evil Jew shit right there.

And think about the chutzpah! You are one percent of the population and you're going to slaughter these people's king? And his family? These are people who knew they were in absolute control.

Then they went out over the next decade and slaughtered 20 million white Christians, more than three times the almost certainly grossly inflated six million Jews in Germany 30 years later we've all heard so much about.

You know, I have to hand it to you people. You guys have the Holocaust Museum we Christians are paying for to the tune of $50 million / year.


A few blocks away there is a memorial to the victims of communism that was put up with private funds.


But the reason everyone hates Jews is because anti-semitism. It's in the water.
The didn't destroy synagogues, at least not thousands as they did churches. And they didn't hunt down and execute the rabbinate like they did the clergy and their families.
If you wanted a secular society, which religion would you want to destroy?
The one that preaches to you up your ass or the one that leaves you alone.
Jews don't proselytize.
Are you some kind of lunatic? Who would want to destroy any religion? People should be free to choose. And is Christian proselytizing really an onerous burden on you? It isn't, and you know it isn't. The Jewish desire to destroy Christianity is rooted in ancient hatreds.
Communism is atheism.
If you don't know this you're an idiot.
What you don't want to admit is that Christianity preaches up your ass and pisses off Communists.
So massacre the clergy AND THEIR FAMILIES because preaching irks you? Execute the entire faculty of a university because you didn't like the sermon topic? What Jeffers called "the dirty-clawed cruelties" that your people unleashed on the white Christians of Russia was an orgy of viciousness and violence that makes Hitler look like Mr Rogers. It's no wonder Jews go to any length to keep it quiet. The sick thing is it isn't because you are ashamed, haha, no, you just don't want any blowback as you prepare for the next round.
Because the clergy was preaching our extermination.
Remember, murdering a "child of Satan" is not a big deal.

"Remember, murdering a "child of Satan" is not a big deal."

And that kind of group pathological thinking is probably what makes you so, oh, I don't know, murderous? One of the first things the Bolsheviks did was make anti-Semitism a capital offense, or as certain primitives term it, "children of Satan". Should be quite the bloodbath when they do that here. I've heard Jews designate entire states "anti-Semitic". I can image whole towns will be discovered to be children of Satan--men, women, and children.

BTW, this is how you know Jesus really was your messiah. No real God would countenance genocide.
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.

They were ethnic Jews. Whether they believed in God is immaterial. The ethnicity is all that matters. If you want to immigrate to Israel, the don't ask you whether you keep kosher. They ask you who your mother was.

Andropov was a Jew and was the chairman of the KGB until 1982, ant the party sec until 1984. So they had a good 67 year run. Hah, the total deaths from the entire Soviet period is 66 million. Almost a million per year. After that, there was, yes, some ill feelings toward the Jews because of the anti-Semitism in the water, but a Jewish Senator got a bill through Congress where the American taxpayer picked up the tab to move any Jew who wanted to from the Soviet Union to their pick of the US or Israel. How 'bout that. And only Jews and Pentecostals. (That was before the Establishment Clause that the kritarchy used to shoot down Trump's Muslim ban was in the Constitution). Once we got them out of there the law was used to import the Ethiopians the Jews didn't want in Israel. How's that for some off the charts justification for anti-Semitism? Wait, it gets worse. Now that some Pentacostal Christians are starting to use it, I'm starting to kvetching about the law in the Jewish owned media. Dazzling!
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.

They were ethnic Jews. Whether they believed in God is immaterial. The ethnicity is all that matters. If you want to immigrate to Israel, the don't ask you whether you keep kosher. They ask you who your mother was.

Andropov was a Jew and was the chairman of the KGB until 1982, ant the party sec until 1984. So they had a good 67 year run. Hah, the total deaths from the entire Soviet period is 66 million. Almost a million per year. After that, there was, yes, some ill feelings toward the Jews because of the anti-Semitism in the water, but a Jewish Senator got a bill through Congress where the American taxpayer picked up the tab to move any Jew who wanted to from the Soviet Union to their pick of the US or Israel. How 'bout that. And only Jews and Pentecostals. (That was before the Establishment Clause that the kritarchy used to shoot down Trump's Muslim ban was in the Constitution). Once we got them out of there the law was used to import the Ethiopians the Jews didn't want in Israel. How's that for some off the charts justification for anti-Semitism? Wait, it gets worse. Now that some Pentacostal Christians are starting to use it, I'm starting to kvetching about the law in the Jewish owned media. Dazzling!

Bullpoo. That's the sort of argument you get from a simpleton. They were atheists. This ethnic jew shit is just that. Shit. You whine and snivel about the evil jew but it is the atheists and the authoritarians who are the enemy. And they keep morons, like you, fed with propaganda so you hate the wrong people. Grow up.
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.

They were ethnic Jews. Whether they believed in God is immaterial. The ethnicity is all that matters. If you want to immigrate to Israel, the don't ask you whether you keep kosher. They ask you who your mother was.

Andropov was a Jew and was the chairman of the KGB until 1982, ant the party sec until 1984. So they had a good 67 year run. Hah, the total deaths from the entire Soviet period is 66 million. Almost a million per year. After that, there was, yes, some ill feelings toward the Jews because of the anti-Semitism in the water, but a Jewish Senator got a bill through Congress where the American taxpayer picked up the tab to move any Jew who wanted to from the Soviet Union to their pick of the US or Israel. How 'bout that. And only Jews and Pentecostals. (That was before the Establishment Clause that the kritarchy used to shoot down Trump's Muslim ban was in the Constitution). Once we got them out of there the law was used to import the Ethiopians the Jews didn't want in Israel. How's that for some off the charts justification for anti-Semitism? Wait, it gets worse. Now that some Pentacostal Christians are starting to use it, I'm starting to kvetching about the law in the Jewish owned media. Dazzling!

So, you're showing how not Antisemitic you are by long, windy, tirades about how much you hate Jews?

How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.

They were ethnic Jews. Whether they believed in God is immaterial. The ethnicity is all that matters. If you want to immigrate to Israel, the don't ask you whether you keep kosher. They ask you who your mother was.

Andropov was a Jew and was the chairman of the KGB until 1982, ant the party sec until 1984. So they had a good 67 year run. Hah, the total deaths from the entire Soviet period is 66 million. Almost a million per year. After that, there was, yes, some ill feelings toward the Jews because of the anti-Semitism in the water, but a Jewish Senator got a bill through Congress where the American taxpayer picked up the tab to move any Jew who wanted to from the Soviet Union to their pick of the US or Israel. How 'bout that. And only Jews and Pentecostals. (That was before the Establishment Clause that the kritarchy used to shoot down Trump's Muslim ban was in the Constitution). Once we got them out of there the law was used to import the Ethiopians the Jews didn't want in Israel. How's that for some off the charts justification for anti-Semitism? Wait, it gets worse. Now that some Pentacostal Christians are starting to use it, I'm starting to kvetching about the law in the Jewish owned media. Dazzling!

Bullpoo. That's the sort of argument you get from a simpleton. They were atheists. This ethnic jew shit is just that. Shit. You whine and snivel about the evil jew but it is the atheists and the authoritarians who are the enemy. And they keep morons, like you, fed with propaganda so you hate the wrong people. Grow up.
Who's "they", you idiot. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not get it. Jon Stewart Liebowitz is a Jew. Everyone knows he's a Jew. And a particularly loathsome one, at that. No one cares if he believes in God. Get your head out of your ass. Willful stupidity is even worse than involuntary stupidity.
How Jewish was the most murderous bunch in history?

View attachment 148202

Remember, thousands of churches were destroyed and the clergy were hunted down and exterminated with their families. Synagogues and the rabbinate were left alone.

Your Op is wrong on too fronts. First off they weren't Jewish. They were atheists. I know Jews who escaped the bolsheviks, and had they been caught they would have been murdered for being Jews. And second they are the runnerups to the most murderous. The chinese, under mao, killed at least twice as many.

They were ethnic Jews. Whether they believed in God is immaterial. The ethnicity is all that matters. If you want to immigrate to Israel, the don't ask you whether you keep kosher. They ask you who your mother was.

Andropov was a Jew and was the chairman of the KGB until 1982, ant the party sec until 1984. So they had a good 67 year run. Hah, the total deaths from the entire Soviet period is 66 million. Almost a million per year. After that, there was, yes, some ill feelings toward the Jews because of the anti-Semitism in the water, but a Jewish Senator got a bill through Congress where the American taxpayer picked up the tab to move any Jew who wanted to from the Soviet Union to their pick of the US or Israel. How 'bout that. And only Jews and Pentecostals. (That was before the Establishment Clause that the kritarchy used to shoot down Trump's Muslim ban was in the Constitution). Once we got them out of there the law was used to import the Ethiopians the Jews didn't want in Israel. How's that for some off the charts justification for anti-Semitism? Wait, it gets worse. Now that some Pentacostal Christians are starting to use it, I'm starting to kvetching about the law in the Jewish owned media. Dazzling!

So, you're showing how not Antisemitic you are by long, windy, tirades about how much you hate Jews?

Hahaha, I never said I wasn't anti-Semitic. I don't even recognize the word as a legitimate word. It's a weapon.
I hate the bolsheviks with all my heart.

So do I. Believe me. As far from my political core as is possible. But there's reasons why "the Revolution" started in Czarist Russia.. LOTS of them.

How can anybody have killed in cold blood a family...

with innocent young teen girls and a sick son

what kind of monsters does it take

it's so will be forever be written in History as the worst event of the 20th century.

the very worst!:(

You ever study the French Revolution? THEY weren't Bolsheviks. It's an occupational hazard of being Monarchs.
It's everywhere in history where Monarchs stopped being cute and cuddly dearest..


French Revolution is one thing

The slaughter of the Tzar and his family is another.
Most revolutions end with blood on the carpet. If the Tzar had been allowed to live he may have come back to haunt them.
And since when did the Russian revolution become a bad thing ? Those people had just cause to overthrow a tyrannical government.
I hate the bolsheviks with all my heart.

So do I. Believe me. As far from my political core as is possible. But there's reasons why "the Revolution" started in Czarist Russia.. LOTS of them.

How can anybody have killed in cold blood a family...

with innocent young teen girls and a sick son

what kind of monsters does it take

it's so will be forever be written in History as the worst event of the 20th century.

the very worst!:(

You ever study the French Revolution? THEY weren't Bolsheviks. It's an occupational hazard of being Monarchs.
It's everywhere in history where Monarchs stopped being cute and cuddly dearest..


French Revolution is one thing

The slaughter of the Tzar and his family is another.
Most revolutions end with blood on the carpet. If the Tzar had been allowed to live he may have come back to haunt them.
Because the Bolsheviks lacked popular support. The same reason they didn't put on a show trial.

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