Bolton Thinks Book Tour is More Important than Making America Great Again

Financially it’s brilliant.
Teaming up with Democrats to ruin Trump and America is a bad thing no matter how much money you get from it.

Bolton is just cashing in, true. What’s strange is that you call your self a conservative, right? Yet you have Bolton who has been a conservative forever and the blob who has run up trillion dollar yearly deficits....and you support the blob.
Teaming up with Democrats to ruin Trump and America is a bad thing no matter how much money you get from it.
Bolton is just cashing in, true. What’s strange is that you call your self a conservative, right? Yet you have Bolton who has been a conservative forever and the blob who has run up trillion dollar yearly deficits....and you support the blob.
That "blob" gave me a tax cut, Bolton did not.
Teaming up with Democrats to ruin Trump and America is a bad thing no matter how much money you get from it.
Bolton is just cashing in, true. What’s strange is that you call your self a conservative, right? Yet you have Bolton who has been a conservative forever and the blob who has run up trillion dollar yearly deficits....and you support the blob.
That "blob" gave me a tax cut, Bolton did not.

Which has resulted in trillions more in debt.
I used to respect John Bolton. Now he's sunk lower than McCain.

< A copy of Bolton’s book was provided to White House officials to vet the manuscript for classified information in a standard process by former government officials who write books. ...Bolton’s team has denied being behind the leak, blaming the New York Times’ scoop on those working on the review process in the White House under the National Security Council’s Records Management Division.>

< Those publicists don't miss a trick >

Bolton Book Leak Happened The Same Day His Book Became Available For Pre-Order

America never stopped being great....why do you people hate our country so much?
He wrote the book to make money. Releasing excerpts during the blob’s impeachment trial was smart business by his publisher.

He’s still a neocon chicken hawk. Hard pass on the book.

Hell the manuscript went to WH first, who do you think leaked?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand still no answer.
Bolton might not have ever said "make America Great again", but definitely used to be a patriot. I guess potential book sales have caused him to start having crazy thoughts.

Have never cared for Bolton but have no doubt he is still a patriot. You don't have to follow a party or President to be a patriot. Guess John Kelly is not a patriot either in your eyes? He was all for Bolton testifying.
Have never cared for Bolton but have no doubt he is still a patriot. You don't have to follow a party or President to be a patriot. Guess John Kelly is not a patriot either in your eyes? He was all for Bolton testifying.
Bolton is attacking Trump and America. That's clearly not the behavior of a patriot.
New leftwing progressive non gendered tear wipers

Have never cared for Bolton but have no doubt he is still a patriot. You don't have to follow a party or President to be a patriot. Guess John Kelly is not a patriot either in your eyes? He was all for Bolton testifying.
Bolton is attacking Trump and America. That's clearly not the behavior of a patriot.

"Bolton is attacking America" how again?
Not being loyal to any party is patriotic. Go Bolten go. I hope the book sells like hotcakes just to shake things up.
So you admit you pulled it out of your ass. Just say it.
What's your opinion of Bolton? What's your opinion of the phony impeachment?

Ah, new topic now?

Bolton is a warmonger and never should be allowed near government. But he was, and he heard things while there, and we should be allowed to know what they are. He may be (is) a warmonger but I have no reason to believe he's dishonest, whereas I have approximately ten thousand reasons to believe Rump is.

The impeachment case I always thought was weak (in the sense of having to be explained, which is always dry), and not going to get traction. Especially with the sheep mentality of the Cult of Personality in place. The suppression of evidence amply demonstrates that. You don't suppress witnesses unless you're afraid of what they might say.

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