Bomb found in Soro's Mailbox

Soros has a mailbox? :10: Probably has a mail-checker and a food tester too like most tyrants. :19:
Right-wing alternate universe to the rescue. Who needs evidence or facts?
Only in super duper world...
For anyone who wasn’t aware of this, propaganda was basically legalized. So never automatically trust what you hear from the mainstream media.

I'm not buiyng it. Sounds like a setup to me.

Right before

Exactly correct. You can’t get get that close to Soros
Hell, I would have thrown him a few "Hail Marys" and a Virgin Mojito in celebration! Lol
Headline should read: “As democrats slip in the polls due to their repugnant violence & tantrums, one of them meets with Soros in late October just before a pivotal midterm election & they plan to put a bomb by his house & put in a call to MSNPC to cue the outrage that the GOP is responsible.”

How do you just pull shit like this out of your ass?

Unbelivable what you drooling retards can convince yourself of based on absolutely nothing.

You commies are known for false flag dirty tricks. A reputation that is well earned. Own it!


I'm sure you'll come up with a million and one excuses...but that will never change the reality that you are still JUST AN ASSHOLE PULLING SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Hey dip shit, my first comment was to wait and see where the evidence leads. Try it, maybe you won't keep embarrassing yourself.

Headline should read: “As democrats slip in the polls due to their repugnant violence & tantrums, one of them meets with Soros in late October just before a pivotal midterm election & they plan to put a bomb by his house & put in a call to MSNPC to cue the outrage that the GOP is responsible.”

How do you just pull shit like this out of your ass?

Unbelivable what you drooling retards can convince yourself of based on absolutely nothing.

You commies are known for false flag dirty tricks. A reputation that is well earned. Own it!


I'm sure you'll come up with a million and one excuses...but that will never change the reality that you are still JUST AN ASSHOLE PULLING SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Hey dip shit, my first comment was to wait and see where the evidence leads. Try it, maybe you won't keep embarrassing yourself.


My fist comment was bullshit. Soros is a very powerful that is hard to get close, and he finances propaganda. He’s earned my skepticism on this matter
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.

You are a dishonest, lying, hypocritical, sack of crap. There were riots in Portland, Oregon. BLM members shot police officers. Antifa have committed assault and have damaged property and you think you can still lie and get away with it.
Late October just as the dems sniff that their about to lose in the polling, right on the eve of a pivotal Congressional election and *magically* a CONSERVATIVE? risks galvanizing more votes to democrats by "placing a bomb in Soros' mailbox"?? Don't you think if a conservative wanted Soros dead by a bomb, s/he would've waited until after the election in two weeks?

I mean, c'mon. The BS-ometer is pegging in the blue right now.

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