Bomb found in Soro's Mailbox

If true, to bad it didn't blow that sick fuck back to Hungary.

He's one bad dude and anyone who thinks different ain't to smart.

Why is he bad, because he believes in democracy?? Please list.

On Please. Where the hell have you been?? Somewhere with your head in the sand??

Soros is a Globalist, a New World Order buffoon.

He believes in no borders, no countries and One World Order.

If that's your cup of tea you are as demented as he is.

Democracy my ass.

That is not what open society means, you have stuck your head into right wing propaganda.

This is what it means, democracy in a country:

The Open Society Foundations reported annual expenditures of $827 million in 2014.[19] Its $873 million budget in 2013, ranked as the second largest private philanthropy budget in the United States, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation budget of $3.9 billion.[20]

According to the foundations' website, 1993–2014 expenditures included:[19]

Expenditures in 2014 included:[19]

  • $277.3 million - Rights and Justice
  • $238.0 million - Governance and Accountability
  • $116.0 million - Administration
  • $91.7 million - Education and Youth
  • $60.0 million - Health
  • $43.8 million - Media and Information.
Open Society Foundations - Wikipedia
Oh so you are in favor of the New World Order?? No countries. No borders. Globalism??

Good to know. Another dipshit.
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Soros created a monster:

In 1989 the American-Hungarian financier George Soros paid for Viktor Orbán to study in Britain. Two decades later, he donated $1m to Orbán’s government to help the cleanup after the “red sludge” environmental disaster.

Over the years, the billionaire has spent hundreds of millions of dollars financing education and civil society projects in Hungary, the country of his birth, through his Open Society Foundations (OSF).

But now Soros has become the Hungarian prime minister’s No 1 political target.

'A useful punching bag': why Hungary's Viktor Orbán has turned on George Soros
Like I said & will continue to say, if a conservative wanted Soros’ dead, it sure doesn’t line up that he’d pick late October just before a pivotal Congressional election to risk galvanizing more votes to democrats.

Why not wait to put the bomb in the mailbox until Thanksgiving? We know the answer why, don’t we? It’s just juvenile at this point. It really is that pathetically obvious. :popcorn:
See what the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel created:

In most cases, weeks or months in a shipping container — 101 people live like this in Hungary now, according to the UNHCR — will be wasted. The rejection rate in Hungary last year was 70 percent for Afghans (they're told they can move to safer regions within their own country), 74 percent for Iraqis and 60 percent for Syrians.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
He deserves everything they can do to him.

Who is they? the alt right wing nuts?

Nope. Anyone who doesn't believe in his New World Order or Globalism. Which is way more than believe in it.

Only the rich believe in globalism, Trump comes to mind. He has never been a "nationalist". Most people love to live their own country, even Muslims which we destroyed. While Trump is a true globalist, Soros is a believer that people are able to live in their countries without prejudice.
He deserves everything they can do to him.

Who is they? the alt right wing nuts?

Nope. Anyone who doesn't believe in his New World Order or Globalism. Which is way more than believe in it.

Only the rich believe in globalism, Trump comes to mind. He has never been a "nationalist". Most people love to live their own country, even Muslims which we destroyed. While Trump is a true globalist, Soros is a believer that people are able to live in their countries without prejudice.

OMG Trump is a Nationalist just like me and so many others.

You my dear are a nut.

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.
Oh so you are in favor of the New World Order?? No countries. No borders. Globalism??

Good to know. Another dipshit.

No I believe in boarders like the maj of Democrats. We just want a decent immigration policy, its not for only those with money or who knows someone, like Melania's parents. Its ok for the Russians to come here and have their babies because they can afford to stay at a Trump branded apartment? The work visas is what needs to be stop and allow more immigrants. The rich will always be globalists, like Trump has branded hotels in lot of countries and he and Ivanka have used foreign workers to get stuff on the cheap. He and his family are not "nationalists". I am more a nationalist than he is.

He and his family has screwed the US out of millions and still doing it.
I dislike Soros intensely, I don't like who, or what he stands for, however the violence is wrong, he has supported discord and protesting, now it comes back to him, it is wrong we all need to wise up and quit with the threats and violence.
I dislike Soros intensely, I don't like who, or what he stands for, however the violence is wrong, he has supported discord and protesting, now it comes back to him, it is wrong we all need to wise up and quit with the threats and violence.
Yeah, right, "it comes back to him". Or he hired someone to put the bomb in the box so that it looked that way on the eve of a pivotal election.

If conservative enemies were to strike, they'd do it after the election. Thanks for playing though.
I dislike Soros intensely, I don't like who, or what he stands for, however the violence is wrong, he has supported discord and protesting, now it comes back to him, it is wrong we all need to wise up and quit with the threats and violence.
Yeah, right, "it comes back to him". Or he hired someone to put the bomb in the box so that it looked that way on the eve of a pivotal election.

If conservative enemies were to strike, they'd do it after the election. Thanks for playing though.

Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.
I dislike Soros intensely, I don't like who, or what he stands for, however the violence is wrong, he has supported discord and protesting, now it comes back to him, it is wrong we all need to wise up and quit with the threats and violence.
Yeah, right, "it comes back to him". Or he hired someone to put the bomb in the box so that it looked that way on the eve of a pivotal election.

If conservative enemies were to strike, they'd do it after the election. Thanks for playing though.

Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.

That’s why it’s fake. Doubtful any of the “targets” open their own mail. On the news a blerb can our that the investigators commented they they were designed NOT to fire. Whole lot of speculation off the unreliable cable news networks. They also speculate all the bombs are from the same bomber, and they have said they are all the same designs. That, and building a bomb is dangerous. Some sister humping white power dummy just isn’t going to make 5 bombs for the mail with plans from the internet and not have one go off accidentally or otherwise. If it were this easy, ANTIFA would not have failed so much with their bombs. It comes right when early voting begins in many places? To much weirdness. This is a stunt. A hoax, nothing more.
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Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

I understand that some of the bombs had a return address of Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz. The FBI needs to bring her in for an interrogation. Another possible suspect is bomber and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and his old lady Bernadette Doehrn. They've done this kind of shit before as well.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! Cut to a CNN reporter with their "on the spot" reporting interviewing a shaken and disheveled George Soros....

Soros: "So here I am in my jammies and robe, unshaven when I decide to mosey on over to my mailbox and my oh my to my great surprise there was a suspicious package that I opened post haste as it might have contained a request for humanitarian aid when I opened said package and it was an explosive device sent to me by a Trump supporter!!!!"

CNN: "No doubt, your Highness....without a doubt it had to of been a MAGA rightwinger" (Soros exits stage left no worse for the wear and snickering off camera)......

CNN shill: "As you can see, the exalted George Soros is shaken by this event and it simply drives home the point that leftards need to get out and vote......back to you, Wolf Blitzer".....

HOLY fuck but are you EVER stupid, lil Franco....not everyone is as fucked in the head as those of your ilk. Your kind has no "line in the sand" that can't be crossed if it serves the demcrat commie agenda. You can toss a stone in any direction and hit a commie agent provocateur that believes the ends justifies the means. Their history of doing this goes back a loooong ways. Only a blithering idiot would believe that a billionaire elitist checks his own fucking mailbox...oh wait, you are that blithering idiot. I also predict a false flag shortly before the election where some shooting is staged at a sparsely attended leftard event in order to demonize those that are not on board with the commie agenda.
It was his assistant who opened it and took it out in the woods. God knows where you're getting your b*******, super dupe.

LMAO!!!! Ya stupid fuck, your reading comprehension skills are as pathetic as your ability to read and wonder to me as to why and how you are a leftard.......

Nothing to see hear. You remain a mentally ill schizophrenic liar.

Your family must be proud of you.

Seek help for your mental illness. It's obvious you don't think you have a problem.
You commies are known for false flag dirty tricks. A reputation that is well earned. Own it!


I'm sure you'll come up with a million and one excuses...but that will never change the reality that you are still JUST AN ASSHOLE PULLING SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Hey dip shit, my first comment was to wait and see where the evidence leads. Try it, maybe you won't keep embarrassing yourself.


Hey dipshit I'm responding to your comment TO ME.

In that comment you were defending based-on-nothing assertions that the bomb was a red-flag operation by Soros.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you're senile, "red flag" is a natural commiecrat Freudian slip since you worship government, the term I used was "false flag". And there are dozens of cases where ignorant regressives have claimed racist symbols were placed in their living area, only to find out they had done it themselves, false rape claims and many others too numerous to mention.


Yes dumbass, I obviously meant false flag.

And here you are again, defending pulling shit out of your ass.

There is not the slightest indication Soros did this to himself, so please just stfu and quit defending spreading nonsense.

I wonder how it feels to live in your alternate reality? Funny how this inept bomb maker has yet to have a device properly function. Perhaps that's the way they are designed, just one grand commiecrat publicity stunt, trying to get the sympathy vote.


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