Bomb found in Soro's Mailbox

Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.

More to the point is the TIMING and how that TIMING might affect sympathies for Soros' pet political party...why not plant the bomb on say, November 19th? Because that would be too late to drum sympathy for the "poor poor democrats"..

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
I'm sure you'll come up with a million and one excuses...but that will never change the reality that you are still JUST AN ASSHOLE PULLING SHIT OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Hey dip shit, my first comment was to wait and see where the evidence leads. Try it, maybe you won't keep embarrassing yourself.


Hey dipshit I'm responding to your comment TO ME.

In that comment you were defending based-on-nothing assertions that the bomb was a red-flag operation by Soros.

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you're senile, "red flag" is a natural commiecrat Freudian slip since you worship government, the term I used was "false flag". And there are dozens of cases where ignorant regressives have claimed racist symbols were placed in their living area, only to find out they had done it themselves, false rape claims and many others too numerous to mention.


Yes dumbass, I obviously meant false flag.

And here you are again, defending pulling shit out of your ass.

There is not the slightest indication Soros did this to himself, so please just stfu and quit defending spreading nonsense.

I wonder how it feels to live in your alternate reality? Funny how this inept bomb maker has yet to have a device properly function. Perhaps that's the way they are designed, just one grand commiecrat publicity stunt, trying to get the sympathy vote.

You deplorables have serious mental issues. And, "commiecrat"? Whatever that is, it cannot be anywhere as vile as a Fascist Christian.
Brainwashed with hate and garbage propaganda, this is what you get crazy right-wingers...
Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.
More to the point is the TIMING and how that TIMING might affect sympathies for Soros' pet political party...why not plant the bomb on say, November 19th? Because that would be too late to drum sympathy for the "poor poor democrats"..
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
We've been waiting 25 years for any of your phony scandals about Democrats to actually reach the real world of Journalism and law enforcement, super duper. Wake up and smell the coffee
Half of you not jobs believe Hillary is a pedophile murder etc etc, absolute garbage and no wonder people react like this trying to bomb The Mastermind criminals LOL
Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
We've been waiting 25 years for any of your phony scandals about Democrats to actually reach the real world of Journalism and law enforcement, super duper. Wake up and smell the coffee
Half of you not jobs believe Hillary is a pedophile murder etc etc, absolute garbage and no wonder people react like this trying to bomb The Mastermind criminals LOL

Yeah whatever. It was a Bernie bro or some dumbshit volunteer at a DNC headquarters trying to be cute. This will blow up in you leftwards faces. (No pun intended).
Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
We've been waiting 25 years for any of your phony scandals about Democrats to actually reach the real world of Journalism and law enforcement, super duper. Wake up and smell the coffee
Half of you not jobs believe Hillary is a pedophile murder etc etc, absolute garbage and no wonder people react like this trying to bomb The Mastermind criminals LOL

Yeah whatever. It was a Bernie bro or some dumbshit volunteer at a DNC headquarters trying to be cute. This will blow up in you leftwards faces. (No pun intended).
Blah blah blah has never happened yet, brainwashed functional moron. Except on the doop propaganda machine, which has never retracted anything, sure sign of BS propaganda.
Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.
More to the point is the TIMING and how that TIMING might affect sympathies for Soros' pet political party...why not plant the bomb on say, November 19th? Because that would be too late to drum sympathy for the "poor poor democrats"..
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.

What proof do you have on the political leanings of the person who planted the bomb?

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.

If you want people bombed just because they happen to disagree with you politically then you are a fucking scumbag.

Thats not not at all dramatic, thats just what you are.
Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.
More to the point is the TIMING and how that TIMING might affect sympathies for Soros' pet political party...why not plant the bomb on say, November 19th? Because that would be too late to drum sympathy for the "poor poor democrats"..
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.

What proof do you have on the political leanings of the person who planted the bomb?
I am not a brainwashed functional idiot GOP conspiracy theorist... And I am pissed that your insane propaganda make such haters out of listeners... Lock Up Hilary the murdering Master criminal pedophile LOL aaarrrgghh h h h h h h h h h....

Could it have been a "Right Wing Extremist"? Yep.

Would I put it past a liberal to plant it to LOOK like a "Right wing extremist"? oh, not even close. Look how you folks lie. Look at the lies that were said about Brett Kavanaugh, for instance.

So no, totally in the realm of possibility, maybe even probability. Add to that: you're very desperate right now.
Do you really think a liberal would risk blowing up George Soros just to make the right wingers look bad?
You're farther gone than I thought.


Because I think many liberals are that far gone. Remember: these are people who endorse a woman walking into an abortion clinic when she is 8 months pregnant--able to birth a living, breathing baby--and killing her baby and calling that a "Woman's Right to Choose".

We're not talking about the most logical, rational thinkers here, are we?

Can't be any worse than republicans fighting against national health care like all other modern countries have. They know that more people, including children, will die as a result, but giving tax breaks to billionaires and major corporations is a bigger priority for them.
Anything is possible, did anyone think Soros would check his own mail? The plan and execution are pretty poor.
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.
More to the point is the TIMING and how that TIMING might affect sympathies for Soros' pet political party...why not plant the bomb on say, November 19th? Because that would be too late to drum sympathy for the "poor poor democrats"..
Brainwashed conspiracy Nut Job. None of your phony scandals have gone anywhere.

What proof do you have on the political leanings of the person who planted the bomb?
I am not a brainwashed functional idiot GOP conspiracy theorist... And I am pissed that your insane propaganda make such haters out of listeners... Lock Up Hilary the murdering Master criminal pedophile LOL aaarrrgghh h h h h h h h h h....

If you want to lock up Hillary, I don’t care. Where is your proof that the person that planted the bomb is a right winger. Go ahead.

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