Bomb found in Soro's Mailbox

Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.
Of course, and of course no problems. He is no longer fighting the Vietnam War LOL.

Could it have been a "Right Wing Extremist"? Yep.

Would I put it past a liberal to plant it to LOOK like a "Right wing extremist"? oh, not even close. Look how you folks lie. Look at the lies that were said about Brett Kavanaugh, for instance.

So no, totally in the realm of possibility, maybe even probability. Add to that: you're very desperate right now.
Do you really think a liberal would risk blowing up George Soros just to make the right wingers look bad?
You're farther gone than I thought.


Because I think many liberals are that far gone. Remember: these are people who endorse a woman walking into an abortion clinic when she is 8 months pregnant--able to birth a living, breathing baby--and killing her baby and calling that a "Woman's Right to Choose".

We're not talking about the most logical, rational thinkers here, are we?

You are a liar.

No one endorses a woman walking into a clinic for an abortion at 8 months with a viable healthy fetus.

In fact, it's illegal. Both Roe V. Wade and legislation signed by the bush boy in 2002 makes late term abortion illegal with the exception of saving the life of the woman or there's a very serious problem with the pregnancy.

Why do you lie?

Then there's the reality that the bomber was found and his van is covered by pro trump stickers, there's video and photos of the man on line at trump rallies cheering him on. No democrat was involved. It's all a trump supporter.

Now we find out that a republican has been trying to find women to bribe to lie and make false accusations against Mueller.

It's your party that does the dirty tricks and has no problem with it. Which is why you expect others to be the same way you and your party behave. It's classic projection.

It's all you people have left, lies, cheating and dirty tricks.

How sad.
If true, to bad it didn't blow that sick fuck back to Hungary.

He's one bad dude and anyone who thinks different ain't to smart.

Why is he bad, because he believes in democracy?? Please list.

He's bad to conservatives because Soros helped destroy communism in Hungary.

Contrary to the lies they've been telling all these decades, turns out, conservatives love communists. So anyone who helped destroy it in Hungary is bad.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.
Soros admitted during the war he actually turned in Jews that were in hiding to the Nazis.
His excuse? "If I didn't do it someone else would".
Someone that evil should have been executed long ago.
Link to that garbage propaganda?
Read Soros's own book.

His book certainly doesn't say that.

The problem with lying is that when it's exposed as a lie, intelligent people never believe one word from you again.

But then, if you people could't lie you would't have anything to say.

Here's the truth from the encyclopedia:

Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[39] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation. Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis: "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."[40][41]

Soros did not return to that job; his family survived the war by purchasing documents to say that they were Christians. Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while he inventoried a rich Jewish family's estate, though Soros did not take part. Tivadar saved not only his immediate family but also many other Hungarian Jews, and George would later write that 1944 had been "the happiest [year] of his life," for it had given him the opportunity to witness his father's heroism.[42][43] In 1945, Soros survived the Siege of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house-to-house through the city.
Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.

2008 happened because of government interference, forcing banks to give out loans they otherwise never would had. That was on Dems. Bush and even McStain tried to warn people and change it, but of course they were shouted down as racists and bigots for trying to take away home loans from poor people.
Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.

2008 happened because of government interference, forcing banks to give out loans they otherwise never would had. That was on Dems. Bush and even McStain tried to warn people and change it, but of course they were shouted down as racists and bigots for trying to take away home loans from poor people.
Read something you have no idea what you're talking about... GOP cronies Regulators let private lending institutions go crazy... Fannie and Freddie lost half the market in 2003 2004. You are a brainwashed functional moron. It was a world depression, cost us 8 trillion dollars to avert... Same with EU.
Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.

2008 happened because of government interference, forcing banks to give out loans they otherwise never would had. That was on Dems. Bush and even McStain tried to warn people and change it, but of course they were shouted down as racists and bigots for trying to take away home loans from poor people.
Read something you have no idea what you're talking about... GOP cronies Regulators let private lending institutions go crazy... Fannie and Freddie lost half the market in 2003 2004. You are a brainwashed functional moron. It was a world depression, cost us 8 trillion dollars to avert... Same with EU.

Your beloved Democrat queer stood in Congress and told us there was no problem:

Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.

LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.

2008 happened because of government interference, forcing banks to give out loans they otherwise never would had. That was on Dems. Bush and even McStain tried to warn people and change it, but of course they were shouted down as racists and bigots for trying to take away home loans from poor people.
Read something you have no idea what you're talking about... GOP cronies Regulators let private lending institutions go crazy... Fannie and Freddie lost half the market in 2003 2004. You are a brainwashed functional moron. It was a world depression, cost us 8 trillion dollars to avert... Same with EU.

Your beloved Democrat queer stood in Congress and told us there was no problem:

So did all the bushies d u h, super duper. It's what one does when the economy is about to implode. Fannie and Freddie lost half the markets 2 private lending institutions run by Pals of the GOP. Any argument, or just the usual GOP spam? Thanks for the brainwashed bigots View...
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.
Soros admitted during the war he actually turned in Jews that were in hiding to the Nazis.
His excuse? "If I didn't do it someone else would".
Someone that evil should have been executed long ago.
Link to that garbage propaganda?
Read Soros's own book.

His book certainly doesn't say that.

The problem with lying is that when it's exposed as a lie, intelligent people never believe one word from you again.

But then, if you people could't lie you would't have anything to say.

Here's the truth from the encyclopedia:

Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[39] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation. Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis: "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported."[40][41]

Soros did not return to that job; his family survived the war by purchasing documents to say that they were Christians. Later that year at age 14, Soros posed as the Christian godson of an official of the collaborationist Hungarian government's Ministry of Agriculture, who himself had a Jewish wife in hiding. On one occasion, rather than leave the 14-year-old alone, the official took Soros with him while he inventoried a rich Jewish family's estate, though Soros did not take part. Tivadar saved not only his immediate family but also many other Hungarian Jews, and George would later write that 1944 had been "the happiest [year] of his life," for it had given him the opportunity to witness his father's heroism.[42][43] In 1945, Soros survived the Siege of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house-to-house through the city.
What's wrong asshole?
Didn't you read his book?
Soros WROTE what was put in the Encyclopedia!
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.
LOL. “There’s a gereat depression headed our way. Surrender your financial sovereignty to my banker buddies to be saved.”
Republicans had one in 2008 with deregulation and crony regulators, they can do it again no problem. And you'll pay for it.

2008 happened because of government interference, forcing banks to give out loans they otherwise never would had. That was on Dems. Bush and even McStain tried to warn people and change it, but of course they were shouted down as racists and bigots for trying to take away home loans from poor people.
Read something you have no idea what you're talking about... GOP cronies Regulators let private lending institutions go crazy... Fannie and Freddie lost half the market in 2003 2004. You are a brainwashed functional moron. It was a world depression, cost us 8 trillion dollars to avert... Same with EU.

Your beloved Democrat queer stood in Congress and told us there was no problem:

So did all the bushies d u h, super duper. It's what one does when the economy is about to implode. Fannie and Freddie lost half the markets 2 private lending institutions run by Pals of the GOP. Any argument, or just the usual GOP spam? Thanks for the brainwashed bigots View...

all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.

:bang3: You don't even see him coming, do you? :bang3:
Only You dupes do...

Hardly. Hungary saw him coming. They banned him as a "threat to the security of Hungary". He tried to remove their border too...

During the April 2010 parliamentary elections Orbán's party won 52.73% of the popular vote, with a two-thirds majority of seats, which gave Orbán enough authority to change the Constitution.[54] As a result, Orbán's government added an article in support of traditional marriage in the constitution, and a controversial electoral reform which lowered the number of seats in the Parliament of Hungary from 386 to 199.
Viktor Orbán - Wikipedia


I'm sure he and Trump get along just fine. Your freedoms are slowly going to be taken away and Trump is going to make you wish you never voted for him.

Any day now for sure. Aaaaany day now....

Could it have been a "Right Wing Extremist"? Yep.

Would I put it past a liberal to plant it to LOOK like a "Right wing extremist"? oh, not even close. Look how you folks lie. Look at the lies that were said about Brett Kavanaugh, for instance.

So no, totally in the realm of possibility, maybe even probability. Add to that: you're very desperate right now.
Do you really think a liberal would risk blowing up George Soros just to make the right wingers look bad?
You're farther gone than I thought.


Because I think many liberals are that far gone. Remember: these are people who endorse a woman walking into an abortion clinic when she is 8 months pregnant--able to birth a living, breathing baby--and killing her baby and calling that a "Woman's Right to Choose".

We're not talking about the most logical, rational thinkers here, are we?
Only if the doctor thinks her life is in danger, super duper dupe...

Where is that encoded in legislation?

When the Ultraliberal Trotsky was whacked, it was another liberal who applied the ice pick to his head- not a conservative.

Libs like Soros have a lot more to fear from their fellow Leftards than they do from decent people.
Decent people don't believe ridiculous hate character assassination garbage propaganda without question...

Interesting how your posts become more repetitive and incoherent over time. Are you posting drunk?
That is why the only Spike in violence that has actually happened is against Jews black gays and Muslims...
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Of course, and of course no problems. He is no longer fighting the Vietnam War LOL.

Lol you are such a dumb shit……

obongo’s buddy bill ayres is still a terrorist………..

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