Bomb found in Soro's Mailbox

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
Another pathetic deplorable comment. Perhaps we will get lucky and a bomb will go off in the perp's hand, and it will turn out to be one of your pieces of crap.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.
Soros admitted during the war he actually turned in Jews that were in hiding to the Nazis.
His excuse? "If I didn't do it someone else would".
Someone that evil should have been executed long ago.
Link to that garbage propaganda?
Read Soros's own book.

Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
Yeah, they were fake. Trump is an asswipe. He's the fake.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.

He is a US citizen.

So? Lots of globalists have dual citizenship papers . All the paperwork declares is that they are a corporate entity of that particular USA.INC. Soros is pure elitist garbage so of course leftards adore the bastard.
Of course everything you know about him is wrong...

LMAO! Everything you THINK you know is wrong. You are the proverbial snot-nosed kid that blubbers up and defiantly declares that there IS a Santa Claus.

Seriously? If I were as stupid, clueless and as needy as you are? I would kill myself......
Please do us that favor. You are stupid, clueless and needy.
Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.

If you want people bombed just because they happen to disagree with you politically then you are a fucking scumbag.

Thats not not at all dramatic, thats just what you are.

I diddnt send fake bombs to people, that was your DNC. Was also your DNC who shot congressmen and so on.
Talk about conspiracy nut jobs. Another great job by the GOP propaganda machine. Sounds like you're ready to send some bombs out LOL

Nope. It would be a useless action and explosives give me the creeps.
So you thought about it? LOL
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.

He is a US citizen.

So? Lots of globalists have dual citizenship papers . All the paperwork declares is that they are a corporate entity of that particular USA.INC. Soros is pure elitist garbage so of course leftards adore the bastard.
Of course everything you know about him is wrong...

LMAO! Everything you THINK you know is wrong. You are the proverbial snot-nosed kid that blubbers up and defiantly declares that there IS a Santa Claus.

Seriously? If I were as stupid, clueless and as needy as you are? I would kill myself......
Please do us that favor. You are stupid, clueless and needy.
So Dale when is The hoax going to be reported LOL? Brainwashed functional Idiot none of your scandals ever actually happen.... Don't worry you're just a typical GOP voters no matter how crazy you try and act LOL
He is a US citizen.

So? Lots of globalists have dual citizenship papers . All the paperwork declares is that they are a corporate entity of that particular USA.INC. Soros is pure elitist garbage so of course leftards adore the bastard.
Of course everything you know about him is wrong...

LMAO! Everything you THINK you know is wrong. You are the proverbial snot-nosed kid that blubbers up and defiantly declares that there IS a Santa Claus.

Seriously? If I were as stupid, clueless and as needy as you are? I would kill myself......
Please do us that favor. You are stupid, clueless and needy.
So Dale when is The hoax going to be reported LOL? Brainwashed functional Idiot none of your scandals ever actually happen.... Don't worry you're just a typical GOP voters no matter how crazy you try and act LOL

Franco, you are one illiterate commie douche...........stupid and needy. Sucks to be you.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.
Soros admitted during the war he actually turned in Jews that were in hiding to the Nazis.
His excuse? "If I didn't do it someone else would".
Someone that evil should have been executed long ago.

Why the lies?

Soros, when he was 13 had a job in Nazi germany - went around with a guy to account confiscated Jewish property. He did not turn anyone in, in fact he himself was a jew someone did not turn in.

If Soros is really such a monster there should be a way to say why without lying.
Who cares. Could not think of better package bomb candidates then these guys. They faked it. Desperate grab for attention nothing more.

Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
Yeah, they were fake. Trump is an asswipe. He's the fake.

You are just mad people actually weren’t killed. Libs love them some dead bodies. Especially dead kids.
It appears that all GOP voters are now conspiracy nut jobs haters. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats are honest, GOP are scumbag give away to the rich brainwashers and their silly dupes d u h.

A lot of people hate this man of extreme evil. His own nation, the people who know him best, the Republican of Hungary, does not care for him.

But nothing happened here. The bomb was a dud and could not have been detonated, was no danger to Soros at all.

Personally, I'd like to see the man deported, although I don't know how our friends in Hungary would like that or if they might consider that a hostile move against their serene republic.

A lot of people hate this man of extreme evil. His own nation, the people who know him best, the Republican of Hungary, does not care for him.

But nothing happened here. The bomb was a dud and could not have been detonated, was no danger to Soros at all.

Personally, I'd like to see the man deported, although I don't know how our friends in Hungary would like that or if they might consider that a hostile move against their serene republic.
the right-wing racist semi fascist Hungarian government might not like him being for democracy and transparency as he is.

A lot of people hate this man of extreme evil. His own nation, the people who know him best, the Republican of Hungary, does not care for him.

But nothing happened here. The bomb was a dud and could not have been detonated, was no danger to Soros at all.

Personally, I'd like to see the man deported, although I don't know how our friends in Hungary would like that or if they might consider that a hostile move against their serene republic.
Please enjoy your education on what happens when the Republicans wreck the world economy and screw up the Middle East sending refugees all over the place, just like the 30s after that GOP World depression.
the right-wing racist semi fascist Hungarian government might not like him being for democracy and transparency as he is.[/QUOTE]
Soros is the role model for Bond villains. The only difference: he is much smarter, you collector of leftist buzz words.
Maybe you need an explanation for the term "smart".
Google it.
the right-wing racist semi fascist Hungarian government might not like him being for democracy and transparency as he is.
Soros is the role model for Bond villains. The only difference: he is much smarter, you collector of leftist buzz words.
Maybe you need an explanation for the term "smart".
Google it.[/QUOTE]

Soros is a convicted felon, I don't see why he hasn't had his US citizenship revoked.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.

Only in the eyes of an idiot who can't see past thier own noses.

Follow the money you can't because ti's to much effort

He has paper trails proving, he's contributed, you leftest really are stupid as fk it's like you have no knowledge what people can do when they have money and power.

Control the food you control the people

Control the money you control the people

Control the oil you control the people.........

Yes you leftist are dumb as fk.
Alex Howe

Oct. 4, 2011, 10:59 AM

Billion are financier George Soros believes we are headed for a second Great Depression.

He says in order to stop it, we need a 3-step program:

1. A common treasury for the eurozone

2. Putting major banks under European Central Bank direction

3. Cheap debt refinancing for countries like Italy and Spain.

Soros' 3-step program is focused specifically on the resolving the problems in Eurozone, but it's similar to Soros' vision of a "New World Order," which he has promoted for years.

He's made himself a magnet for controversy in the process. A lot of it is outrageously overblown, but his plans are radical with a capital R. So we decided to lay out his plan in his own words.

The reality of Soros' beliefs is complicated, but very much on the record. We took a closer look—could his "New World Order" prevent a second Great Depression?

Alliances made between government and business threaten democracy...
The Truth About George Soros' Radical Vision To Remake The Entire World

learn about him rather than leftist msm bs headlines, Notice the year and what has or hasn't happened.
Wow way to come out and just say it you fucking scumbag

Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
Yeah, they were fake. Trump is an asswipe. He's the fake.

You are just mad people actually weren’t killed. Libs love them some dead bodies. Especially dead kids.
Wow, way to come out and just say you are a drama queen. Go douche your pussy. It’s stinking the place up.
Brainwashed functional conspiracy Nut Job... Everything you know about Democrats and phony scandals is garbage propaganda. Read any newspaper in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and get the facts.

Fake bomb. Just in time for elections. You watch, by the end of the week it will be revealed as a hoax. Already the have gone from calling the devices “bombs” to “suspicious devices.” It’s fake.
Yeah, they were fake. Trump is an asswipe. He's the fake.

You are just mad people actually weren’t killed. Libs love them some dead bodies. Especially dead kids.
Well the bomber says he never wanted to hurt anybody just scare people and that looks like the truth. No for the billionth time in a row this Scandal is not a left-wing conspiracy. Only right Wingers do that crap.
Oh so it’s OK when the regressive left put out marching orders to attack conservatives, but if it’s done to them, they are appalled by the notion.

This is the social justice war you wanted.

The rest of us are for law and order. Soros should be put on a terrorist watch list for his interference in foreign elections, not to mention domestic.
The man has helped ruin so many lives it could be anyone with a grudge, but my bet is it’s one of his own operatives and this whole thing was staged.
all those mob stories on Fox are b*******. No bombing or anything like it. Soros has done nothing but get smeared by your ridiculous propaganda.

Only in the eyes of an idiot who can't see past thier own noses.

Follow the money you can't because ti's to much effort

He has paper trails proving, he's contributed, you leftest really are stupid as fk it's like you have no knowledge what people can do when they have money and power.

Control the food you control the people

Control the money you control the people

Control the oil you control the people.........

Yes you leftist are dumb as fk.
He's contributed a tiny amount in comparison to the Koch brothers and Murdock Adelson Mercer Etc, and he has contributed to democracy and transparency, rather than the opposite Like Your Heroes, super duper.

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