Bomb Maker Leaving Gitmo

Because he is an enemy combatant. Gitmo is hardly a torture camp. They just got a new soccer field. It should be a torture camp. Not a single inmate should have either finger or toe nails by now.

He was abducted in Thailand. You did read that didnt you ? He is in bad health and has never been accused,tried or convicted of a crime.
You cant seem to make a case that justifies this and I suspect that you are a bit ashamed that these things are being done,ostensibly, in your name. I know that I am ashamed of my governments role in all of this.
The only thing I'm ashamed of are people like yourself. Not only ashamed but a bit horrified as well.
Because I believe that people are entitled to a fair trial ?
Because you believe that enemy combatants are just criminals.
You havent proved that he was an enemy combatant.
He was captured on the battlefield.
He was abducted in Thailand. You did read that didnt you ? He is in bad health and has never been accused,tried or convicted of a crime.
You cant seem to make a case that justifies this and I suspect that you are a bit ashamed that these things are being done,ostensibly, in your name. I know that I am ashamed of my governments role in all of this.
The only thing I'm ashamed of are people like yourself. Not only ashamed but a bit horrified as well.
Because I believe that people are entitled to a fair trial ?
Because you believe that enemy combatants are just criminals.
You havent proved that he was an enemy combatant.
He was captured on the battlefield.
"He was abducted in Thailand while on a business trip and interrogated at Bagram Airbase for more than a year before being taken to Guantánamo Bay. "
This has been done to British citizens with the collusion of the British secret services. It isnt just America that has cause for shame.

"shame" for warehousing some of the most dangerous creatures on earth? :badgrin: I gotta progs are deluded borderline schizophrenics. We know you'll capitulate with any aggressor to save your sorry asses from's a pity we have to defend such trash from themselves.
This has been done to British citizens with the collusion of the British secret services. It isnt just America that has cause for shame.

"shame" for warehousing some of the most dangerous creatures on earth? :badgrin: I gotta progs are deluded borderline schizophrenics. We know you'll capitulate with any aggressor to save your sorry asses from's a pity we have to defend such trash from themselves.
Alleged "dangerous creatures".If you had the brains to look further than the end of your nose you would be able to see how this issue affects everybody and not just a few people.
They have been tried and convicted in secrecy by anonymous government agents.You must have immense faith in your government to be comfortable with that.
Shocking stuff.
It baffles me that Americans place such a great store on liberty and freedom, yet are prepared to put up with an obscenity like Guantanamo.

Unless or until the war in crapistan comes to an end, your government can in fact justify gitmo detainees.

If you don't like it, I recommend you call the whitehouse and tell em to end the war
This has been done to British citizens with the collusion of the British secret services. It isnt just America that has cause for shame.

"shame" for warehousing some of the most dangerous creatures on earth? :badgrin: I gotta progs are deluded borderline schizophrenics. We know you'll capitulate with any aggressor to save your sorry asses from's a pity we have to defend such trash from themselves.
Alleged "dangerous creatures".If you had the brains to look further than the end of your nose you would be able to see how this issue affects everybody and not just a few people.
They have been tried and convicted in secrecy by anonymous government agents.You must have immense faith in your government to be comfortable with that.
Shocking stuff.
The government is letting them go when they should have a firing squad.
This has been done to British citizens with the collusion of the British secret services. It isnt just America that has cause for shame.

"shame" for warehousing some of the most dangerous creatures on earth? :badgrin: I gotta progs are deluded borderline schizophrenics. We know you'll capitulate with any aggressor to save your sorry asses from's a pity we have to defend such trash from themselves.
Alleged "dangerous creatures".If you had the brains to look further than the end of your nose you would be able to see how this issue affects everybody and not just a few people.
They have been tried and convicted in secrecy by anonymous government agents.You must have immense faith in your government to be comfortable with that.
Shocking stuff.
The government is letting them go when they should have a firing squad.
But they havent even been charged with anything let alone convicted !! Even Capone got a trial.
Alleged "dangerous creatures".If you had the brains to look further than the end of your nose you would be able to see how this issue affects everybody and not just a few people.
They have been tried and convicted in secrecy by anonymous government agents.You must have immense faith in your government to be comfortable with that.
Shocking stuff.

No only affects those who captured these criminals and the Marines who have to feed and care for them. You have no idea what these releases do to Troop morale. From here on out these peasant terrorists should simply be shot on sight so nancy-boys like you don't return them to the battlefield.
But they havent even been charged with anything let alone convicted !! Even Capone got a trial.

They've been charged with being enemy combatants out of uniform and therefore are not entitled to any Geneva Conventions rights. They can't be tried because the muslim coward in our WH would furnish them lawyers and due-process. Without direct testimony from those who took them prisoner (some 10-12 years ago) because an affidavit can't be cross-examined, they'd be released and able to SUE the US government. This is what happens when you have a fairy clown who worships allah sitting in the Oval Office.
Alleged "dangerous creatures".If you had the brains to look further than the end of your nose you would be able to see how this issue affects everybody and not just a few people.
They have been tried and convicted in secrecy by anonymous government agents.You must have immense faith in your government to be comfortable with that.
Shocking stuff.

No only affects those who captured these criminals and the Marines who have to feed and care for them. You have no idea what these releases do to Troop morale. From here on out these peasant terrorists should simply be shot on sight so nancy-boys like you don't return them to the battlefield.
They arent criminals. They havent been convicted of anything. Maybe you could speak to somebody intelligent who could explain the link to you in simple terms. It is beyond me.
They arent criminals. They havent been convicted of anything. Maybe you could speak to somebody intelligent who could explain the link to you in simple terms. It is beyond me.

Ah, so you're not a criminal until you've been convicted of the crime? This whole subject is obviously beyond you...thanks for admitting the obvious. :lol:
They will both come to the US as refugees. It's all good.

Well the country does owe them something for being imprisoned without trial.

We owed him a bullet as an enemy combatant.
There is an irony that your username references "liberty".

You sir need to understand the difference between a criminal who is subject to Constitutional protections and an enemy who is captured, wounded or killed. Try to keep up.
They will both come to the US as refugees. It's all good.

Well the country does owe them something for being imprisoned without trial.

We owed him a bullet as an enemy combatant.
There is an irony that your username references "liberty".

You sir need to understand the difference between a criminal who is subject to Constitutional protections and an enemy who is captured, wounded or killed. Try to keep up.
"He was abducted in Thailand while on a business trip and interrogated at Bagram Airbase for more than a year before being taken to Guantánamo Bay."

Was this the Battle of Bangkok ? Just for your benefit Thailand is a country in itself not a part of that Middle East/Africastan. Show me the evidence that this poor soul has done anything wrng.

What do you say to the family of Mr Saifullah Paracha ?

[FONT=Source Sans Pro, arial, sans-serif]Reprieve - Saifullah Paracha[/FONT]
They arent criminals. They havent been convicted of anything. Maybe you could speak to somebody intelligent who could explain the link to you in simple terms. It is beyond me.

Ah, so you're not a criminal until you've been convicted of the crime? This whole subject is obviously beyond you...thanks for admitting the obvious. :lol:
Well Tom, if you were called a criminal without being convicted of a crime you may get a bit upset and maybe shoot up the saloon.
Well Tom, if you were called a criminal without being convicted of a crime you may get a bit upset and maybe shoot up the saloon.

It seems the difference between the words "criminal" and "convict" haven't registered with you yet. You might also want to look up the differences between UCMJ and civilian courts. In essence, you have no right to even hold an opinion on the matter if you haven't served in US Armed Forces.

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