Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

I feel sorry for the dad. He's living in Russia, probably had no idea what was going on.

Imagine being told two of your kids killed 4 people and blew the legs off over 100 others. That's a hell of a thing to wrap your head around. And the press is all up in the family's faces, papstalking them. The dad's having a very bad day. He's just saying the first thing that comes into his head.

Few predator drones might cure him!!

He he he he. I'd like to see obama send predator drones into Russian airspace. OHHHHH would I like to see that.
According to the aunt in Canada, the father sought asylum here about having been beat by the the Russian KGB within inches of his life. Was that a sign he was involved in the mopvement there? According to his brother in the US they have been estranged since 2009. Then we have the report that a foreign government had stated that the older son had become involved with radicals and asked the FBI to keep their eye on him and he was questioned in 2011. I am not certain of the time line as to when the parents returned to Dagestan with the sons and daugthers remaining here in the US (around a year ago). The older son was supposedly denied citizenship due to the domestic violence charge he had received here. He did have a green card. His brother did receive his citizenship in 2012. From reports from the older son's neighbor here, he stated that he had traveled to Russia, and when he came back he had started wearing full muslim garb with beard as well, but that just over a month or so ago he once again returned to clean shaven and regualr US wear.
One thing I find fascinating is that the parents would return to where they had sought asylum from.
Also, did it have anything to do with the Russian government having the FBI question their son, of which they truly felt was an enemy (Russia) I would think. Did they then become to see the US as the enemy as well? Did the entire family? The parents? The boys only? I noticed how immediately the aunt and the mother (whom I understand was a praticing muslim that had become even more radical in her thinking in the last couple of years according to a couple of her customers) jumped on the idea it had to be a setup of our government when told what had happened.

One other thought is regarding the way these guys continued on with life as though nothing had happened after they had bombed the marathon. Both these guys grew up in a country in which daily life consisted of fighting. Were they so accustomed to such that they psychologically had become numb to life itself?

This is all only my own thought about how events have played out, etc.
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