Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

BTW, turn on fux. Gretchen is about to come in her jeans. Nothing factual. Just lots of hyperbole and pregnant pauses.

She's a hoot.

But, gotta admit that flashing red light behind ALERT is adorable.

Gretchen isn't pregnant. Meagan is though. so you don't watch Fox news. Dead give away.

Are russian muslims going to declare jihad?

Can someone tell me how we know they're Muslim? Proof please

right here asshole, the uncle says "we''re muslims" so fuck you.

'Turn yourself in and ask forgiveness,' angry uncle of bombing suspect demands | Fox News

:Asked what he believed provoked his nephews, Tsarni replied: "Being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle themselves, these are the only reasons I can imagine. Anything else, anything else to do with religion is a fraud. It's a fake. We're Muslims. We're ethnic Chechyans."

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We have folks that say basically "we're Christian, so fuck you".

Of course we don't strap on bomb vests or blow up marathons.
why would you watch fox if you think its bullshit? say that all the time in these threads,yet you seem to be one of their biggest viewers.....:eusa_eh:

Nothing wrong with watching FoxNews. The problem only occurs when you start believing what they are saying. :D

as it is with any one of them so called "news" stations.....

Agreed. Don't believe everything you read or hear is sound advice for everyone to heed.
Heartfelt plea from the uncle of those two terrorists.

[ame=]Plea from uncle to bombing suspects Turn yourself in - YouTube[/ame]
"All hell will break loose if he dies"

The over-heated statement of a father dealing with something that is mindblowing.

No big deal.
I feel sorry for the dad. He's living in Russia, probably had no idea what was going on.

Imagine being told two of your kids killed 4 people and blew the legs off over 100 others. That's a hell of a thing to wrap your head around. And the press is all up in the family's faces, papstalking them. The dad's having a very bad day. He's just saying the first thing that comes into his head.
I feel sorry for the dad. He's living in Russia, probably had no idea what was going on.

Imagine being told two of your kids killed 4 people and blew the legs off over 100 others. That's a hell of a thing to wrap your head around. And the press is all up in the family's faces, papstalking them. The dad's having a very bad day. He's just saying the first thing that comes into his head.

Not to mention learning that one of them is dead and the other has been shot. That is about as bad as it could possibly get for a parent. From his perspective it must be bewildering. The only upside is that now we might get some answers from the surviving suspect. Everyone needs to know what was behind this tragedy so we can at least learn something from it.
I feel sorry for the dad. He's living in Russia, probably had no idea what was going on.

Imagine being told two of your kids killed 4 people and blew the legs off over 100 others. That's a hell of a thing to wrap your head around. And the press is all up in the family's faces, papstalking them. The dad's having a very bad day. He's just saying the first thing that comes into his head.

I think that all parents will defend their offspring until they see indisputable evidence or get an admission that the deed was done...and their child is no angel.

The FBI will likely show him ALL of it.
Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

oooooh really fucktard ? and whom is going to start it, you ?? you are just as bad as your slime produced offspring terrorist sons-of-a-bitch kids.., please, do us patriotic Americans a favor and go jump in a lake, like the one below :up:

I feel sorry for the dad. He's living in Russia, probably had no idea what was going on.

Imagine being told two of your kids killed 4 people and blew the legs off over 100 others. That's a hell of a thing to wrap your head around. And the press is all up in the family's faces, papstalking them. The dad's having a very bad day. He's just saying the first thing that comes into his head.

Not to mention learning that one of them is dead and the other has been shot. That is about as bad as it could possibly get for a parent. From his perspective it must be bewildering. The only upside is that now we might get some answers from the surviving suspect. Everyone needs to know what was behind this tragedy so we can at least learn something from it.
From what I have seen and heard so far, I suspect that the proximate cause was Mohammed commanding his followers to kill other people.
Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

oooooh really fucktard ? and whom is going to start it, you ?? you are just as bad as your slime produced offspring terrorist sons-of-a-bitch kids.., please, do us patriotic Americans a favor and go jump in a lake, like the one below :up:


Westboro Wildman speaketh.
The below quote says that the father talked to his son’s about the bombings earlier in the week. Why didn’t he turn them in then? He went on T.V. and professed that his sons were innocent and were set up by the mean police because police are like that.

The kids are probably an old chip off the bock, and the father was a Chechnya Rebel in his day giving them advice. He probably encouraged his boys and set them up with contacts. Daddy was probably very proud of his sons.

From the Article:

“The father said he had spoken to his sons by phone earlier this week.
"We talked about the bombing. I was worried about them," Anzor Tsarnaev said.
He said his sons reassured him, saying, "Everything is good, Daddy. Everything is very good."
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Don't think Dad doesn't know what's going on just because he lives in Russia. He might have already known there was an extensive cell network in the US. We are just finding that out.
wolfmoon's head does not work well, because, with all evidence to the contrary, s/he writes, "The kids are probably an old chip off the bock, and the father was a Chechnya Rebel in his day giving them advice. He probably encouraged his boys and set them up with contacts. Daddy was probably very proud of his sons."
wolfmoon's head does not work well, because, with all evidence to the contrary, s/he writes, "The kids are probably an old chip off the bock, and the father was a Chechnya Rebel in his day giving them advice. He probably encouraged his boys and set them up with contacts. Daddy was probably very proud of his sons."

Where's your evidence? The dad lived in Chechnya at the time of the war. Chechnya is part of Southern Russia. The father knew his sons were responsible for the Boston Marathon killings and maiming so why didn't he contact the authorities earlier in the week? He was probably gitty about their achievments.

wolfmoon's head does not work well, because, with all evidence to the contrary, s/he writes, "The kids are probably an old chip off the bock, and the father was a Chechnya Rebel in his day giving them advice. He probably encouraged his boys and set them up with contacts. Daddy was probably very proud of his sons."

Where's your evidence? The dad lived in Chechnya at the time of the war. Chechnya is part of Southern Russia. The father knew his sons were responsible for the Boston Marathon killings and maiming so why didn't he contact the authorities earlier in the week? He was probably gitty about their achievments.

You keep saying probably. You have no evidence that dad knew about his sons' involvement until informed of it. Probably does not count.
wolfmoon's head does not work well, because, with all evidence to the contrary, s/he writes, "The kids are probably an old chip off the bock, and the father was a Chechnya Rebel in his day giving them advice. He probably encouraged his boys and set them up with contacts. Daddy was probably very proud of his sons."

Where's your evidence? The dad lived in Chechnya at the time of the war. Chechnya is part of Southern Russia. The father knew his sons were responsible for the Boston Marathon killings and maiming so why didn't he contact the authorities earlier in the week? He was probably gitty about their achievments.

You keep saying probably. You have no evidence that dad knew about his sons' involvement until informed of it. Probably does not count.

It's called "Freedom of Speech" Muslim boy. Maybe they don't have that in your country, Uh? By the way where is your evidence you boast about?

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Where's your evidence? The dad lived in Chechnya at the time of the war. Chechnya is part of Southern Russia. The father knew his sons were responsible for the Boston Marathon killings and maiming so why didn't he contact the authorities earlier in the week? He was probably gitty about their achievments.

You keep saying probably. You have no evidence that dad knew about his sons' involvement until informed of it. Probably does not count.

It's called "Freedom of Speech" Muslim boy. Maybe they don't have that in your country, Uh? By the way where is your evidence you boast about?


:lol: Muslim boy :D You go for ad hom when you lose the argument. That is normal procedure for lefties and reactionaries.

Of course you have freedom of speech. You are also wrong in what you are saying.

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