Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

The rapes, murder of elderly being dragged out of homes, being set on fire on buses with dozens of witnesses, that kind of "stuff". Never reported here. We call it "blacking out the news". Their own news media wasn't reporting all of it either because the lives of Judges were threatened during these riots. They went to their homes. Not many journalists were willing to put their "necks out" there. Got it? Hope so! Yeesh!

If the "news media wasn't reporting all of it" then where did you get to hear about it? Which anti-Muslim websites were reporting these alleged atrocities? What level of credibility do they have?
Now Americans act like Americans in these situations: over react.

Let the LEO do it business, folks.
If possible, we need to take him alive. If they had help, we need to know who and how. And destroy those that made this possible.

I agree, but I think we're going to find that they acted alone. I have a hunch the older brother got a bug up his ass and convinced his younger brother to go along with it.
I think these two young guys simply resented the fact that they were never accepted by the mainstream culture here.

Dudes come over here thinking they'll land a perfect job, get an American girl and all that business, and they find that they're treated as "the other" the minute they open their mouths and have "funny accents".

Instead of melting in the melting pot, their self-loathing keeps them from fitting in and they project it onto the rest of us.

I love how our friends on the right get their panties in a knot over the idea of Muslims waging jihad over the potential death of this clown, like they hadn't been waging jihad before or something.

We're just lucky Dubya isn't in power, or else he'd probably get frustrated at not being able to find Chechnya on the map and would probably invade Canada instead.

The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy apple tree.

Sounds like the father was a bitter, angry, and probably abusive under-acheiver. (so a lot of the posters on this site can probably relate) -- A immigrant version of Randy Weaver, outsiders unable to fit in.

The uncle is on TV and seems to be estranged from their family.

I feel bad for the uncle. He has to be devastated.
Does anyone really think the bombers family isn't being very closely watched by all forms of law enforcement? Hell breaking loose is highly unlikely.

These two are now considered martyrs for allah - jihadists killing the infidels inside the great satan - so you can include the entire Islamic world as part of the fam now. That is how it works with Islam. - Jeri

That may be how it is for some of the radical Muslims, but the uncle of these two killers is much more representative of normal Muslims.
We are addressing your assumptions about what you imagine might occur.

I'm not imagining it, the father is. I'm merely stating I believe he is speaking about individuals within the society acting on behalf of their muslim brother whereas you are talking about another terror attack using a bomb. I believe he is thinking it would be the former not the latter. Of course I could be wrong. But being armed is better than not being armed in any event.

To reiterate, your gun won't stop a bomb going off.
True, but my gun can stop the bomber from droping the bomb off.
I'm not imagining it, the father is. I'm merely stating I believe he is speaking about individuals within the society acting on behalf of their muslim brother whereas you are talking about another terror attack using a bomb. I believe he is thinking it would be the former not the latter. Of course I could be wrong. But being armed is better than not being armed in any event.

To reiterate, your gun won't stop a bomb going off.
True, but my gun can stop the bomber from droping the bomb off.

I think these two young guys simply resented the fact that they were never accepted by the mainstream culture here.

Dudes come over here thinking they'll land a perfect job, get an American girl and all that business, and they find that they're treated as "the other" the minute they open their mouths and have "funny accents".

Instead of melting in the melting pot, their self-loathing keeps them from fitting in and they project it onto the rest of us.

I love how our friends on the right get their panties in a knot over the idea of Muslims waging jihad over the potential death of this clown, like they hadn't been waging jihad before or something.

We're just lucky Dubya isn't in power, or else he'd probably get frustrated at not being able to find Chechnya on the map and would probably invade Canada instead.

Unfortunately, that is the complete opposite of what is being reported, at least concerning the younger brother. Reports say that in high school, he was one of the top wrestlers on the wrestling team and that he was a good student and spoke English as if he were born and raised in the Boston area.

To me, the scariest thing about these two brothers is that it shows us just how easy it is for an individual's mind to suddenly become so twisted to the point that they can become capable of doing such horrible things. These two were regular young men who all of a sudden got this idea to kill as many people as they could. Based on the fact that they didn't take credit for it due to some grand cause, just shows that they did not plan this for a long time, and it seems to be a haphazard plan that was not well thought out. It's not as if they had been radicals their entire lives and finally put together some great plan. Everything points to this happening very recently. If we do find out how this all came about, I have a hunch we will find that the older brother just came up with this idea on his own and talked his brother into going along with it. I don't think we are going to find some grand plan with all kinds of ties to Al-Qaeda.
I seriously doubt that will happen. .:cool:

Me too. Thank God we're americans, eh? Hang onto those 2nd amendment rights!
It has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment. .:cool:

Jeri believes that guns are the answer to every problem. He doesn't understand that the majority of American are not like him. There is no reason to believe that Muslim-Americans are going to riot if this suspect is killed. Furthermore if they were to riot no amount of guns would stop them just like they never stopped the riots in LA. Jeri just doesn't understand what any of this is about.
Why do you want to descend to that abysmal level of barbarism?
When fighting forest fires, you back burn.

Descending to that level means the terrorists win.

oh fuck thatl liberal psychotic self destructive bullshit, they only thing these assholes understand is violence. I guarantee you if we find the asshole, drag him to the public square in Boston and chop off his legs, the rest of the cockroaches would call a meeting and re consider.
When fighting forest fires, you back burn.

Descending to that level means the terrorists win.

oh fuck thatl liberal psychotic self destructive bullshit, they only thing these assholes understand is violence. I guarantee you if we find the asshole, drag him to the public square in Boston and chop off his legs, the rest of the cockroaches would call a meeting and re consider.

You could not be more wrong if you tried.
To believe Info Wars, you would have to believe that city cops, state cops, the FBI, the ATF, the National Guard, and all the way up to the President are all putting on a show for us this week, all of them "acting" from a "script" and all of whom hiding a terrific secret, which is.........I don't even know anymore.
To believe Info Wars, you would have to believe that city cops, state cops, the FBI, the ATF, the National Guard, and all the way up to the President are all putting on a show for us this week, all of them "acting" from a "script" and all of whom hiding a terrific secret, which is.........I don't even know anymore.


They reported on what was said from the interviews with the father. I realize careful examination of the situation is difficult form someone who holds immediate bias froma source, but sometimes you actually have to read in order to know what you're talking about. I know, I know. it's truly groundbreaking in information gathering adn filtering.

BTW, turn on fux. Gretchen is about to come in her jeans. Nothing factual. Just lots of hyperbole and pregnant pauses.

She's a hoot.

But, gotta admit that flashing red light behind ALERT is adorable.

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