Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

No amount of guns are going to stop a bomb going off.

I never said it would. What we are talking about here is the backlash the father is threatening if his other son is killed. I'm saying that Americans are better prepared than the citizens of France were and the reason for it is we have firearms while they did not. Some were wondering if all of Paris would be burned to the ground - it became that out of control. That is what happens when the citizens are disarmed. Mayhem & violence goes unchecked. France was totally unprepared.

You are assuming that they will riot. What if they decide to just use bombs instead? Your guns won't help you then.

If Americans were not armed? They would. Because we are? They won't. We are addressing the comment of the father - not the Boston bombing.
Does anyone really think the bombers family isn't being very closely watched by all forms of law enforcement? Hell breaking loose is highly unlikely.

These two are now considered martyrs for allah - jihadists killing the infidels inside the great satan - so you can include the entire Islamic world as part of the fam now. That is how it works with Islam. - Jeri

The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy apple tree.

Sounds like the father was a bitter, angry, and probably abusive under-acheiver. (so a lot of the posters on this site can probably relate) -- A immigrant version of Randy Weaver, outsiders unable to fit in.

The uncle is on TV and seems to be estranged from their family.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy apple tree.

Sounds like the father was a bitter, angry, and probably abusive under-acheiver. (so a lot of the posters on this site can probably relate) -- A immigrant version of Randy Weaver, outsiders unable to fit in.

The uncle is on TV and seems to be estranged from their family.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

He was lying through his teeth. Did you see that? He claims he just watched the news and saw his nephew this morning? Really? I don't think so. I'd be watching that guy. When he said Chechynans were known for their peaceful ways I realised this guy is a pro. Very convincing performance unless you know the history of that region. The guy was definitely counting on the ignorance of americans to believe any of it. I'd definitely be investigating him and the father in Russia. These kids weren't acting on their own.
I never said it would. What we are talking about here is the backlash the father is threatening if his other son is killed. I'm saying that Americans are better prepared than the citizens of France were and the reason for it is we have firearms while they did not. Some were wondering if all of Paris would be burned to the ground - it became that out of control. That is what happens when the citizens are disarmed. Mayhem & violence goes unchecked. France was totally unprepared.

You are assuming that they will riot. What if they decide to just use bombs instead? Your guns won't help you then.

If Americans were not armed? They would. Because we are? They won't. We are addressing the comment of the father - not the Boston bombing.

We are addressing your assumptions about what you imagine might occur.
If possible, we need to take him alive. If they had help, we need to know who and how. And destroy those that made this possible.

The abusive father who raised sons unable to function in society.

Angry, hateful people will go on the internet and find hateful website to fuel their hate.

I don't think their lawyers will use that. Looks as if they were functioning quite well.
You are assuming that they will riot. What if they decide to just use bombs instead? Your guns won't help you then.

If Americans were not armed? They would. Because we are? They won't. We are addressing the comment of the father - not the Boston bombing.

We are addressing your assumptions about what you imagine might occur.

I'm not imagining it, the father is. I'm merely stating I believe he is speaking about individuals within the society acting on behalf of their muslim brother whereas you are talking about another terror attack using a bomb. I believe he is thinking it would be the former not the latter. Of course I could be wrong. But being armed is better than not being armed in any event.
The whole idea is to generate a public spectacle of dead Americans and radical Islam that fires up other alienated parasites.

My guess is they came to the right place. The media will overanalyze this to a fare-thee-well, blaming everything and everyone for "making" the perps do it, most likely by some kind of bullying. It's about time peaceful, pro America Muslims started to speak out against their nutty co-religionists.

But I digress...

Has any prominent nutball proposed invading Kazakistan yet? After all these guys are from a nearby country.
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If Americans were not armed? They would. Because we are? They won't. We are addressing the comment of the father - not the Boston bombing.

We are addressing your assumptions about what you imagine might occur.

I'm not imagining it, the father is. I'm merely stating I believe he is speaking about individuals within the society acting on behalf of their muslim brother whereas you are talking about another terror attack using a bomb. I believe he is thinking it would be the former not the latter. Of course I could be wrong. But being armed is better than not being armed in any event.

To reiterate, your gun won't stop a bomb going off.
So because the one muslim died while fleeing from police they basically waged jihad in the streets - setting cars on fire, homes on fire - it was quite a scene although our own media blacked out the news of it for weeks and later tried to downplay it.
This is interesting as I distinctly remember the riots in France being a front page news story every day while this was happening. "Downplaying" is certainly open to interpretation but our own media didn't black out the riots in France.
The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy apple tree.

Sounds like the father was a bitter, angry, and probably abusive under-acheiver. (so a lot of the posters on this site can probably relate) -- A immigrant version of Randy Weaver, outsiders unable to fit in.

The uncle is on TV and seems to be estranged from their family.

Sounds like a liberal to me.

He was lying through his teeth. Did you see that? He claims he just watched the news and saw his nephew this morning? Really? I don't think so. I'd be watching that guy. When he said Chechynans were known for their peaceful ways I realised this guy is a pro. Very convincing performance unless you know the history of that region. The guy was definitely counting on the ignorance of americans to believe any of it. I'd definitely be investigating him and the father in Russia. These kids weren't acting on their own.

Whatever happened to the assumption of innocence? There probably is at least one other co-conspirator but without any shred of evidence you are convicting someone who just publicly condemned the actions of his own nephews. Who else would you turn into the authorities based upon nothing but your suspicions?
The whole idea is to generate a public spectacle of dead Americans and radical Islam that fires up other alienated parasites.

My guess is they came to the right place. The media will overanalyze this to a fare-thee-well, blaming everything and everyone for "making" the perps do it, most likely by some kind of bullying. It's about time peaceful, pro America Muslims started to speak out against their nutty co-religionists.

But I digress...

Has any prominent nutball proposed invading Kazakistan yet? After all these guys are from a nearby country.

Same could be said for Christians.
The rapes, murder of elderly being dragged out of homes, being set on fire on buses with dozens of witnesses, that kind of "stuff". Never reported here. We call it "blacking out the news". Their own news media wasn't reporting all of it either because the lives of Judges were threatened during these riots. They went to their homes. Not many journalists were willing to put their "necks out" there. Got it? Hope so! Yeesh!

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