Bombshell claims in Jack Smith's new filing

Seems Donny is a tad upset at the timing of this, but why? surely telling the truth is never wrong?

Of course the loyal MAGA cultists will see nothing wrong in any of this, that's because they can't tell right from wrong, dangerous people:

View attachment 1021429
Jack Smith has no authority to do anything in America. If he sticks around, he might just end up in Guantanamo Bay. That's not really in America.
Uniformed officers opened the doors and escorted people in and through the building.
They escorted ALL the people that came in?
I didn't know that.

What about those that broke windows with police shields?
What about those that sprayed MACE in the face of uniformed police officers?
Or beat them with iron flagpoles?
Those people got one of 'Hawk's escort services too?

Who knew?


Quoted by good poster DNinja: Romans 1:28 God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive.....​

DeadNinja: "Its a crime against humanity vermin like you even live, certainly at the very least we should lobotomize every fascist cretin like you, just for offending us by your very existence! :fu:"

Whew! Those Christianists and their god sure have a curious way of expressing the goodness of their faith. What's up with that?

What “crimes”? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, I suppose, that those who are honestly and sincerely interested about these "crimes" and are not dyslexic .....they should maybe go read the filing by Jack Smith.

Please let the forum know what you have found out, poster Hawk.
Traitor Trump knew he lost. Read the filing.

You won't, of course. You are too chickenshit.

He treated our democracy like toilet paper.the

He should be tried and hung.
Trump shouldn't be hung, or correctly said, hanged. Democrats should be hanged. I suggest along the I 40. Like the Roman's did to the slaves in revolt. They put them along the Appian way. They weren't hanged. They were crucified! Even better.
They escorted ALL the people that came in?
I didn't know that.

What about those that broke windows with police shields?
What about those that sprayed MACE in the face of uniformed police officers?

Or beat them with iron flagpoles?
Those people got one of 'Hawk's escort services too?

Who knew?


Quoted by good poster DNinja: Romans 1:28 God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive.....​

DeadNinja: "Its a crime against humanity vermin like you even live, certainly at the very least we should lobotomize every fascist cretin like you, just for offending us by your very existence! :fu:"

Whew! Those Christianists and their god sure have a curious way of expressing the goodness of their faith. What's up with that?


Well, I suppose, that those who are honestly and sincerely interested about these "crimes" and are not dyslexic .....they should maybe go read the filing by Jack Smith.

Please let the forum know what you have found out, poster Hawk.

Some people got rowdy. Many were lead by Fed agents. It still doesn’t constitute an “insurrection”. It was a mostly peaceful protest. If it had been BLM assaulting the Capitol they would had burned it to the ground, just as we saw them do to police stations and Federal courthouses.

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