Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

Yeah, clearly. It clearly means what you want it to mean. I get that.

Again, comer has no proof Joe is implicated in any scheme.
So you believe that the FBI missed a deadline to turn in a document that doesnt exist, and the FBI stalled on giving them that document that doesnt exist just cuz? ? Is that SERIOUSLY your position? :laugh:
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

There is no evidence. The only bombshell is your stupidity.
Biden set up a bunch of LLC's and shell companies and moved money all over the place until it finally reached Hunters buddies business account in the US, who then transferred it to his personal account, and THEN sent the payments to Bidens family members. There is no explanation for what they were paid for. The Bidens arent offering an explanation, and the Democrat party isnt offering an explanation. There is no ex-planation for why they routed that money through a shitload of fake companies either.

...but Dems on these forums will tell you there is nothing there. You can show them a mountain of evidence and their only response will be 'nuh-uh".

More fantasies. there is not a anthill's worth of evidence.
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

The aticle you provide does not even come close to saying " Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high office".
There is an investigation going on. that at this point has not shown Biden has done anything wrong. There is no doubt that Hunter Biden is a shady character. He is Trump like. When and if any information t56hat results in an indictment and conviction of influence pedaling by Hunter Biden or anyone in his family thena legal proceeding should move forward.

The Trump lemmings cannot defend Trump's proven actions, so they have turned their entire attention to Biden.
They don't defend Trump, they say what about the things Biden has done as a diversion. There is nothing that Biden has been criminally charged or a civil proceeding.
That isnt a good defense for Biden. Of course there is no good defense for him, so i can hardly blame you. All you can do is post nonsense and hope that it distracts people, but it wont work. :dunno:

You are the one posting nonsense. Theree is no defense because there is no evidence of a crime. 1The fanatical wailings on the right will not change that.
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

Do you always accuse people of stealing with no evidence? That doesn't seem like a nice thing to do.

If you have proof; can you link it please?
I gave the proof back here 4 or 5 years ago when the viral video of Joe Biden bragging about stealing one billion dollars in a foreign aid package he used to launder his crime with, and the only person I know who may or may not have the proof is Sean Hannity who I'm pretty sure aired the video on his program I first saw on youtube. I'm not a detective, so I don't know how the Democrats managed to get Joe's bragathon off the youtube channel or why it is no longer there. He also bragged about making the foreign country's money people put the billion dollars in cash on Air Force Two so he could conceal his crime against the American people's Foreign Aid package funds, which actually gave the foreign country a 3 billion dollar package for them to protect their country from Russia. Joe Biden was first a Congressman, and then a Senator from Delaware for 44 years. I heard he was often "looking into foreign aid packages" from the American Taxpayers' funding that is taken out of their wages every month and placed in the keeping of the Treasury. Why he singled out only one to brag about that got recorded by someone's cellphone and sent directly to youtube is beyond me. As I said, I am not a detective, but I know what I saw, and I linked it here years ago, and have never forgotten about it. I got the impression that if he was bragging and detailing his modus operandi to his buds, that wasn't his first venture into stealing from every single American who pays to the IRS taxes. The people he threatened to withhold their total foreign aid package as vice president of the United States was a severe breach of Constitutional Laws. God bless our Congress for holding back until they had certain proofs of other blatant Constitutional offenses committed by this 44 years of helping himself to tax money bonanzas through the years may be why he has 5 multi-million dollar mansions in the best neighborhoods in America on a Congressional stipend from the state of Delaware. Delaware is famous for its banking integrity, and I wonder how they must have felt when they found out one of their state's representatives was extorting money from the United States Treasury by laundering his extortions through Congressionally-given Foreign Aid Packages and who knows what all. I'm sick of politicians that pick the pockets of hard working American workers, whether they work for a large corporation or own a small mom and pop business that barely makes ends meet. He stuck the American people in the backs, and I hate the thought of it.
I gave the proof back here 4 or 5 years ago when the viral video of Joe Biden bragging about stealing one billion dollars in a foreign aid package he used to launder his crime with, and the only person I know who may or may not have the proof is Sean Hannity who I'm pretty sure aired the video on his program I first saw on youtube. I'm not a detective, so I don't know how the Democrats managed to get Joe's bragathon off the youtube channel or why it is no longer there. He also bragged about making the foreign country's money people put the billion dollars in cash on Air Force Two so he could conceal his crime against the American people's Foreign Aid package funds, which actually gave the foreign country a 3 billion dollar package for them to protect their country from Russia. Joe Biden was first a Congressman, and then a Senator from Delaware for 44 years. I heard he was often "looking into foreign aid packages" from the American Taxpayers' funding that is taken out of their wages every month and placed in the keeping of the Treasury. Why he singled out only one to brag about that got recorded by someone's cellphone and sent directly to youtube is beyond me. As I said, I am not a detective, but I know what I saw, and I linked it here years ago, and have never forgotten about it. I got the impression that if he was bragging and detailing his modus operandi to his buds, that wasn't his first venture into stealing from every single American who pays to the IRS taxes. The people he threatened to withhold their total foreign aid package as vice president of the United States was a severe breach of Constitutional Laws. God bless our Congress for holding back until they had certain proofs of other blatant Constitutional offenses committed by this 44 years of helping himself to tax money bonanzas through the years may be why he has 5 multi-million dollar mansions in the best neighborhoods in America on a Congressional stipend from the state of Delaware. Delaware is famous for its banking integrity, and I wonder how they must have felt when they found out one of their state's representatives was extorting money from the United States Treasury by laundering his extortions through Congressionally-given Foreign Aid Packages and who knows what all. I'm sick of politicians that pick the pockets of hard working American workers, whether they work for a large corporation or own a small mom and pop business that barely makes ends meet. He stuck the American people in the backs, and I hate the thought of it.
I feel good in the behalf of the American people who are so broke they are currently deciding whether they will fill up the car tank or buy groceries thanks to Biden who has pushed the envelope on the American people for a life of luxury for himself and his relatives who have had to give him a standard fee of 10% back to himself. The MSM has had its final field day of lies, and there's gonna be a lot of undeserved chest thumping on their part after the fall. Mark my words.

That is nothing but a pile of manure. He has gotten 10% of nothing. Biden has released his tax returns so we know where his money comes from. None of it comes from business deals with his family. You are the ones having field days with lies.
Bribery, tax evasion, money laundering, not registering as a foreign agent, etc. There are a number of charges that can likely be filed once the investigation is over in a couple years.

A couple of years?
The Xiden Family Crime Syndicate is a wholly owned subsidiary of the CCP. One does not acquire SIX mansions, often described as "opulent", on a government wage. The math is not there... unless it's supplied by Dominion.

This shit makes the foreign-born muzzie faggot look legitimate.

Wake me up when someone is held accountable.

Meanwhile, President Trump might have fucked a rodent in a dept store almost 30 years ago.
Thats a silly description of what happened, but not accurate in the slightest. Try again. Lets get his exact words.

I happen to know for a fact that he is in the process of getting documents from the FBI, and he is also working on flipping Hunters buddy who took the fall. They will give him the sweetest immunity deal of all time. That guy knows the ins and out of the entire operation and he can tell them who they should be investigating and exactly what they should be looking for. The more strings they pull, the more people they find who can flip. :laugh:

Convicted felons will be your source? Don't hold your breath.

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