Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

I hate to say it but about all that will happen is (at best) DOJ will punt it to a special council so they can slow walk it till Tater leaves office.

I guess if they want to go there they can impeach but how many more of those clown shows do you want to see?
/This was quite the bombshell....the might be the largest political scandal in American history. This is the sort of thing you would of expected from a regime like Saddam's...not here in America

How interesting you'd pick a dyed-in-the-wool liar of the leftist lockstep press. I'm not the least impressed by lies backing up lies. Biden's still trying to get out of his laughter at a woman who lost 2 sons to fentanyl deaths by reaching out to the past and pulling out a teensey weensey plum that has nothing to do with his obnoxious response to a lady in a world of hurt over losing the lives of her two sons. What a deep state creep President Biden has proved himself to be. He doesn't deserve that poor woman's time of day, much less to smear her again over what HE LAUGHED AT. The death of one's children is nothing to laugh about. Remind your creepy Democrat "leader" who hides in his basement and answers no questions he should apologize, not continue on with heaping sorrow on a woman who lost children from HIS OPEN TO CARTELS TO BRING MORE DRUGS ONTO THIS SOIL WITH NO PROBLEMS FROM THE BORDER PATROLERS BY EDICT AND FORCING THEM TO IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION TOO. :cranky:
why are you addressing posters as female. do you think that is some sort of insult? hahaha
I thought you were a woman. I'm sorry you think being a woman is an insult. What am I supposed to do next? Call you a mysogynist? :rolleyes-41:
When did he testify? Do you have the video?
Its a secret testimony. Its not allowed to be public right now due to weird whistleblower laws. There is a process that they have to follow. They also dont want to spill the beans before they get their hands on that document.

Here is Director Wray talking about that document and hour ago.

I thought you were a woman. I'm sorry you think being a woman is an insult. What am I supposed to do next? Call you a mysogynist? :rolleyes-41:
sure. you always make up shit in your demented head, and then blame others. why stop now. BOMBSHELL
It also did not show any way in which Biden’s decisions were influenced by those agreements or that he had direct knowledge of them.

And while Republicans have criticized the payments as questionable, they stopped short of calling any of the activity potentially illegal.

Republicans need to Google the term “Bombshell”
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

So no testimony, no cash flows to Biden. Bombshell?
They are waiting on that evidence from the FBI, and they are still in the process of following other leads. They have several new banks that they are going to subpoena now though, and some new Biden associates to subpoena as well.
Will Hunter, Uncle Xiden, or Hallie accept the invitation to come to the Committee or will they have to be forced?

The declared purpose of the Comer investigation is to probe “the President’s role in his family members’ and business associates foreign and domestic business practices.” To date, Comer has uncovered none.

Another swing and a miss

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