BOMBSHELL: Crooked Ivanka Trump used personal email to conduct government work

Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.
There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

No, Comey concluded that no reasonable prosecutor would take the case, and that it wasn't to say that somebody who did the same thing wouldn't be prosecuted. Lack of indictment is not lack of guilt, the case clearly shows that there was all kinds of wrongdoing, and as pointed out during the hearing, the purpose of lying to to cover up guilt. She was guilty as hell.

There were criminal offenses among the things she did, including one that would prevent her from ever holding office again, paying a fine, and serving jail time(Nine years, I think).

She claimed that they were personal emails, and the FBI concluded they were work related, and considered Federal Records. We have access to a lot of the emails through Wikileaks.
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?

"That's not to say someone who did the same thing wouldn't be charged."
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?

Sorry, but Comey wrote his predetermined exoneration of Hillary before it was even halfway done.
The fix was in.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for running her government emails through a private email server before completing the investigation, according to two Republican senators.
Comey prepared the draft exoneration for Clinton before conducting interviews with top Clinton aides who were offered immunity for their cooperation, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a joint statement, citing transcripts of interviews with former Comey aides obtained by the Senate judiciary committee.​
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?

When you destroy all of the evidence, what do you think?
Actually, according to rightwing logic - no law needs be broken for that chant to occur. What's more - that chant is doubled down on if the person is investigated and no clear evidence of intent to violate the law is found, no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges - lock her up!

Rightwing Logic in memes...





How does it feel to go where no one has gone before?

How does the world look from the far edge of stupid?
Everyone in the world has gone there outside of Dupe world, dupe.
Whatever jackass. I bet you believe that Crooked Hillary landed under sniper fire in Bosnia too.
Security for that flight told everyone they were Landing under sniper fire. The pilots landed like they were under sniper fire... Facts can't stand up against 25 years of Fox b*******.
She didn't delete them. It was some fool who forgot to and had an oh s*** moment. The fact remains they were personal emails of the Secretary of State. Only the dupes who believe she's a criminal to start with...
Nothing indicates that they were all personal e-mails. The timeline indicates that some of them regarded Haitigate. And it was illegal to destroy them.

Why do you defend that scumbag?
The secretary of state is allowed to delete their personal emails. Life sure is exciting for conspiracy nut jobs and fox dupes isn't it?
All of the e-mails were not personal, jackass.

Are you stupid or just trolling?

Also, why the hell are you LWNJs always going to bat for the party of slavery? What is your moral justification for doing that?
All her personal emails were personal. WTF is wrong with you? LOL hint: brainwashed...
You really are a brainwashed idiot.
There is Fox News and Rush Limbaugh Etc and then there's the rest the whole rest of the world all the respected media, dupes. Breaking: the rich don't pay enough the middle class pays too much Hillary is not corrupt read something.
I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine
Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.
She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.
I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?

When you destroy all of the evidence, what do you think?

Dodge! :lol:
They were under subpoena, jackass.

She was destroying evidence of her crimes. That is illegal.

Considering the timeframe she was obviously covering up Haitigate.
She didn't delete them. It was some fool who forgot to and had an oh s*** moment. The fact remains they were personal emails of the Secretary of State. Only the dupes who believe she's a criminal to start with...
Nothing indicates that they were all personal e-mails. The timeline indicates that some of them regarded Haitigate. And it was illegal to destroy them.

Why do you defend that scumbag?
The secretary of state is allowed to delete their personal emails. Life sure is exciting for conspiracy nut jobs and fox dupes isn't it?
All of the e-mails were not personal, jackass.

Are you stupid or just trolling?

Also, why the hell are you LWNJs always going to bat for the party of slavery? What is your moral justification for doing that?
They have not been giving their government official email address until they were officially in. And so it was their personal email address. They are playing mind games on Hillary's peoples. They know that some of them are starting to come to the truth about Hillary. And so the MSM put out gossip that makes them look as if they were telling the truth. They knows that Hillary's peoples doesn't do any fact checking at all. And so they doesn't have to worry about the truth coming out later on.
All investigated by the US justice system and the FBI etc etc nothing give it up dupes...
I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine
Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.
She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.
I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?
Sorry, but Comey wrote his predetermined exoneration of Hillary before it was even halfway done.
The fix was in.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for running her government emails through a private email server before completing the investigation, according to two Republican senators.
Comey prepared the draft exoneration for Clinton before conducting interviews with top Clinton aides who were offered immunity for their cooperation, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a joint statement, citing transcripts of interviews with former Comey aides obtained by the Senate judiciary committee.​
My goodness the infotainment bulshit hate GOP propaganda machine is so interesting and exciting...
There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.

I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.
She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.
I guess destroying evidence during an investigation isn't a crime either.

What did the lengthy and quite costly investigation determine?

When you destroy all of the evidence, what do you think?

Dodge! :lol:

Nope! I drive a Ford. They are good for crossing rivers.
I wonder if the usual suspects have any idea that all they're doing with this thread is reminding us how glad we are that Hillary was defeated?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let us know when you can get those 30,000+ emails that Crooked Hillary stole from the USA and destroyed via a FOIA request, jackass.
They are personal emails she is allowed to delete, dupe
Google Hillary was allowed to delete those 30000 emails obviously and you'll see
They were under subpoena, jackass.

She was destroying evidence of her crimes. That is illegal.

Considering the timeframe she was obviously covering up Haitigate.
She didn't delete them. It was some fool who forgot to and had an oh s*** moment. The fact remains they were personal emails of the Secretary of State. Only the dupes who believe she's a criminal to start with...

At least, that's what she claims. And, of course, the gullible believe her with no reservations at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
BOMBSHELL: Crooked Ivanka Trump used personal email to conduct government work

Lock her up!
Lakhota, you are going to prison. You're totally fucked.

You have violated federal law and I'm going to narc on you.

Just kidding. :)
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