BOMBSHELL: Crooked Ivanka Trump used personal email to conduct government work

You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal

:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?
The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).

OK, how do you know this to be true when the FBI never examined her server?

Liar, liar, pants on fire!
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal
Didn't you chant LOCK HER UP, when Hillary used a private email account?
Now that we've found out 6 members of this failing administration did the same thing I don't hear you chanting to LOCK THEM UP.
Why is that?
Your hypocrisy speaks for itself.
She's asking for a contact. Clearly a lot of classified Intel on that.
Perhaps you could tell us what sort of government work Ivanka is qualified to do?
All of it if people like Maxine Watters and other equally stupid people set the bar for acceptable education. Levels
How many votes did Ivanka get?
How many votes did Maxine Watters get?
Moron doesn't know that Maxine Waters is an elected official and Ivanka isn't.
Deplorable indeed!
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal

:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?

Same place yours was.

I'm going to have to see if classified material is involved...or even if this isn't some more fake news.

I see now one of you loons claim Trump is a KKK member. Just throw some shit out sheep will graze on it

I don't think any of it is a HUGE deal - and I suspect it happens a lot more then we realize. The only thing that made it HUGE was that it was Hillary Clinton.

That is why you will only hear excuses for rather than "lock her up" when it comes to Ivanka ;)

Again...Clinton was sloppy. See Wasserman's current woes
Is it sloppy when Trump tweeted that Iran shot off a ballistic missile when it didn't happen?
I don't expect an answer from a partisan asshole like you.
View attachment 151453
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal
Didn't you chant LOCK HER UP, when Hillary used a private email account?
Now that we've found out 6 members of this failing administration did the same thing I don't hear you chanting to LOCK THEM UP.
Why is that?
Your hypocrisy speaks for itself.

Again you befuddled loon, is classified intel involved? Now shush you ignorant moon bat and get past you're taken serious
View attachment 151453
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal
Didn't you chant LOCK HER UP, when Hillary used a private email account?
Now that we've found out 6 members of this failing administration did the same thing I don't hear you chanting to LOCK THEM UP.
Why is that?
Your hypocrisy speaks for itself.
There's no problem of having an private email address. It is the purposed that it was used for. And if it were classified or unclassified information.

Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.

“He was not aware of any restrictions nor does he recall being made aware of any over the four years he served at State,” the statement says. “He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses. These emails should be on the State Department computers. He might have occasionally used personal email addresses, as he did when emailing to family and friends.

The statement continues: “He did not take any hard copies of emails with him when he left office and has no record of the emails. They were all unclassified and mostly of a housekeeping nature. He came into office encouraging the use of emails as a way of getting the staff to embrace the new 21st information world.””Colin Powell relied on personal emails while secretary of state



Former Secretary of State Colin Powell issued an unmistakable warning last year to senior Hillary Clinton aides not to drag him into the burgeoning scandal involving her use of a private email server, according to an email released Friday by WikiLeaks. Colin Powell warned Clinton aide 'not to get me' into email scandal


How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

Clinton Accused Again of Handling Top Secret Info Via Private Email
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal

:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?
The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

EDIT: Also upon further investigation, I can't find any information supporting your statement that she followed proper procedure when destroying her private server.
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:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?
The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine
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The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.
Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

And what difference were there with Bush's email scandal? [Besides the fact he was sitting president]
Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

She was careless and mishandled information. Agreed. But that is not necessarily a criminal offense as Comey's investigation concluded. What she destroyed were what she said were personal emails. Now there is no way to verify that but i tend to believe it. I can only imagine the field day the media would have if it got leaked.


Now, somebody explain how she could possibly be conducting government business if she wasn't a member of the government yet. Looks to me like a anyone who tries to contact their Senator or Representative in Washington is guilty of the same imaginary crime.
Even if that's true, as I can't find anything confirming or denying that they have access to classified information. That said, it's only a crime if they fail to turn the emails, considered Federal Records, over the the proper personnel. There's nothing saying Ivanka hasn't, and we got confirmation Hillary never did, and in fact, destroyed Federal Records, followed by the server, then tried to hide it.

The fact that I explained the difference to you and you ignored it only shows you're blind to your own bias.

There is a proper procedure for getting rid of old computer material that contains government information. The email account was no longer in use and the server destroyed per accepted procedure. The fact that you ignore this in Clinton's case (insert your last clause).
Last I checked, bleaching and destroying the server, then lying about it, was not the proper procedure. Are you telling me Clinton is too much of an incompetent buffoon to follow the rules? Well, I'd say she too much of one to understand lying is wrong, considering she also said she only used one device, and Comey told us she used multiple. Also lied about sending classified material.

There we go.

He even said it wasn't to say someone who conducted themselves the same way would face no charges. I'm not sure how much clearer it could be.

I think you need to recheck the "bleaching" maybe from a less biased source. Bleachbit is a low level freeware program commonly used to remove old outdated stuff like caches, unused files etc. If you wantedto permanently remove material withoutrace you need a much more expense speciLized service. Using programs like bleachbit are neither improper nor illegal nor is destroying a server in that manner. In fact its one of the approved means because it insures information can't be retrieved and the server had and email had been disused for a while by then (I think, need to double check the facts).

The fact that she lied, delayed or was less then forthcoming about what would have normally been a relatively minor issue just made it worse. She should have just said yes, she did it, it was an error in judgement that wont happen again. Even Comey said no reasonsble prosecuter would file charges indicating a lack of substance to build a case on. And this was they same Comey who essentially topedoed her election chances so i doubt there was love lost there.

And yes i do think she is tech challenged, i reaf about that somewhere. That is why she has staff assisting her in those areas. Trump is similar and same generation. Politico sums it up well Politico Magazine

Even if what you say is true, she still was supposed to forward her emails to records, and she didn't, she still destroyed Federal records, and I highly doubt destroying the Federal Records was approved when she had yet to turn them over. She also mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence during an investigation.

And what difference were there with Bush's email scandal? [Besides the fact he was sitting president]

I'm not sure, they're both shills, so probably nothing. Why?

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