BOMBSHELL: Crooked Ivanka Trump used personal email to conduct government work

The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.

Clearance does not mean access. Keep in your own tiny little world and no harm will become you.

You don't get a clearance if you aren't going to potentially have access.

Not true.

Why don't you leave this to the professionals who have actually dealt with this topic and stop spit- balling answers and making irrelevant comments?

I've had a security clearance.

Then you are dumber than a post if you do not know the differences we are discussing.

BTW, Unclassified is a classification, so you didn't know much.
Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.

Clearance does not mean access. Keep in your own tiny little world and no harm will become you.

You don't get a clearance if you aren't going to potentially have access.

Not true.

Why don't you leave this to the professionals who have actually dealt with this topic and stop spit- balling answers and making irrelevant comments?

I've had a security clearance.

Then you are dumber than a post if you do not know the differences we are discussing.

BTW, Unclassified is a classification, so you didn't know much.

Yes it is. What's your point? I mean besides just slinging out insults?
A bunch of two faced assholes.
Says a bunch of dress wearing assholes.

So Trump and his base attacks cllinton for years on end about her use of private emails, but somehow it is our fault when we point out the double standard? Ever been honest with your self in your entire life? Damn.
There is no double standard ya freak.
Smashed electronics?
Bleach bit?
Private servers hidden away?
Emails deleted?
Emails shared with a maid?
Classified material exposed?

I think your dress is tied to tight ya fruitloop
you've been reading too much planted Russian and right wing propaganda... :p

Are you trying to say none of that happened? Really?

That's pathetic
her emails were not SHARED with the maid
only her private emails were bleach bitted
classified emails were not shared to those without clearance
no servers were hidden away
smashing out dated electronics that were upgraded was protocol so gvt info was not left on them to be retrieved by bad actors, it was precautionary
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal

:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?

Same place yours was.

I'm going to have to see if classified material is involved...or even if this isn't some more fake news.

I see now one of you loons claim Trump is a KKK member. Just throw some shit out sheep will graze on it

I don't think any of it is a HUGE deal - and I suspect it happens a lot more then we realize. The only thing that made it HUGE was that it was Hillary Clinton.

That is why you will only hear excuses for rather than "lock her up" when it comes to Ivanka ;)

What law has she broken? Be specific.

I didn't say she's broken any law.

Yes, you did. You want to know why you don't hear "lock her up"? To lock her up, she must have broken a law! Right?

I realize this is probably well over your liberal-addled brain's capacity for thought, but do try harder!
Clearance does not mean access. Keep in your own tiny little world and no harm will become you.

You don't get a clearance if you aren't going to potentially have access.

Not true.

Why don't you leave this to the professionals who have actually dealt with this topic and stop spit- balling answers and making irrelevant comments?

I've had a security clearance.

Then you are dumber than a post if you do not know the differences we are discussing.

BTW, Unclassified is a classification, so you didn't know much.

Yes it is. What's your point? I mean besides just slinging out insults?

You stop lying and I'l stop insulting your limited intellect.
Says a bunch of dress wearing assholes.

So Trump and his base attacks cllinton for years on end about her use of private emails, but somehow it is our fault when we point out the double standard? Ever been honest with your self in your entire life? Damn.
There is no double standard ya freak.
Smashed electronics?
Bleach bit?
Private servers hidden away?
Emails deleted?
Emails shared with a maid?
Classified material exposed?

I think your dress is tied to tight ya fruitloop
you've been reading too much planted Russian and right wing propaganda... :p

Are you trying to say none of that happened? Really?

That's pathetic
her emails were not SHARED with the maid
only her private emails were bleach bitted
classified emails were not shared to those without clearance
no servers were hidden away
smashing out dated electronics that were upgraded was protocol so gvt info was not left on them to be retrieved by bad actors, it was precautionary

Every word you just posted is a bald-faced lie.

You are pathetic.
Is Ivanka a government employee?

She has a top level security clearance.



You don't know. That is the point!

Don't know what?

I'm not saying she did anything criminal but - like Clinton - she, and various other members of Trump's administration used private email for official business. And that is what started the ball rolling on Clinton.

There is nothing illegal about using a private e-mail server as long as the rules are followed to maintain documentation and a historical record. But you didn't know that or conveniently neglected to mention it.
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal
Now it is illegal, duh...

It was illegal before too. Hillary broke the law. Anyone else would have received a multi-year sentence. Hillary skated and was the Democratic nominee for potus.
Only in dupe world, dupe.

Hillary didn't break the law? You're in full k*nt mode...again. Fucking liar.
Broke the rules... zzzzz
:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?

Same place yours was.

I'm going to have to see if classified material is involved...or even if this isn't some more fake news.

I see now one of you loons claim Trump is a KKK member. Just throw some shit out sheep will graze on it

I don't think any of it is a HUGE deal - and I suspect it happens a lot more then we realize. The only thing that made it HUGE was that it was Hillary Clinton.

That is why you will only hear excuses for rather than "lock her up" when it comes to Ivanka ;)

What law has she broken? Be specific.

I didn't say she's broken any law.

Yes, you did. You want to know why you don't hear "lock her up"? To lock her up, she must have broken a law! Right?

I realize this is probably well over your liberal-addled brain's capacity for thought, but do try harder!

Actually, according to rightwing logic - no law needs be broken for that chant to occur. What's more - that chant is doubled down on if the person is investigated and no clear evidence of intent to violate the law is found, no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges - lock her up!

Rightwing Logic in memes...




Same place yours was.

I'm going to have to see if classified material is involved...or even if this isn't some more fake news.

I see now one of you loons claim Trump is a KKK member. Just throw some shit out sheep will graze on it

I don't think any of it is a HUGE deal - and I suspect it happens a lot more then we realize. The only thing that made it HUGE was that it was Hillary Clinton.

That is why you will only hear excuses for rather than "lock her up" when it comes to Ivanka ;)

What law has she broken? Be specific.

I didn't say she's broken any law.

Yes, you did. You want to know why you don't hear "lock her up"? To lock her up, she must have broken a law! Right?

I realize this is probably well over your liberal-addled brain's capacity for thought, but do try harder!

Actually, according to rightwing logic - no law needs be broken for that chant to occur. What's more - that chant is doubled down on if the person is investigated and no clear evidence of intent to violate the law is found, no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges - lock her up!

Rightwing Logic in memes...





How does it feel to go where no one has gone before?

How does the world look from the far edge of stupid?
I don't think any of it is a HUGE deal - and I suspect it happens a lot more then we realize. The only thing that made it HUGE was that it was Hillary Clinton.

That is why you will only hear excuses for rather than "lock her up" when it comes to Ivanka ;)

What law has she broken? Be specific.

I didn't say she's broken any law.

Yes, you did. You want to know why you don't hear "lock her up"? To lock her up, she must have broken a law! Right?

I realize this is probably well over your liberal-addled brain's capacity for thought, but do try harder!

Actually, according to rightwing logic - no law needs be broken for that chant to occur. What's more - that chant is doubled down on if the person is investigated and no clear evidence of intent to violate the law is found, no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges - lock her up!

Rightwing Logic in memes...





How does it feel to go where no one has gone before?

How does the world look from the far edge of stupid?

What part of "no charges" equals "lock her up"?
You loons sort of screwed the pooch on that one....NOW you want it to be criminal

:lmao: talk about a rapid "about face".

Where's your chant of "lock her up"?
The information was not classified.

Hillary was supposed to forward all of the emails she sent and received to the proper personnel, which she didn't, she instead destroyed all of the Federal Records on that server when she came under investigation, some of which were classified.

Hillary was Secretary of State, a position with actual political power. Ivanka is in a worthless position with no political power.

There was no wrongdoing, and the fact that the leftists are attempting to draw false parallels shows how desperate they are to justify a criminal.

Ivanka, and Kushner (who also used his private email) both have top level security clearances. That means they have access to and receive classified material. For a "worthless position" that is pretty significant.

How do we know she did not use her private email for classified material?

The rightists have a double standard when it comes to Clinton vs Trump.

That's the way the game of politics is played. All the way around.
Vague Email Rules Let Federal Agencies Decide When to Hit Save or Delete


Whitehouse employees are required to save every email, personal and govt related...the admin agencies are required to only save govt related emails and delete the personal emails before sending to the archives to be saved.

Members of President Obama’s cabinet have a wide variety of strategies, shortcuts and tricks for handling their email, and until three months ago there was no law setting out precisely what they had to do with it, and when. And while the majority of Obama administration officials use government email to conduct their business, there has never been any legal prohibition against using a personal account.

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s disclosure that she exclusively used a private email address while she was secretary of state and later deleted thousands of messages she deemed “personal” opens a big picture window into how vague federal email guidelines have been for the most senior government leaders.

Although the White House has strict requirements dating back two decades that every email must be saved,
there is no such requirement for federal agencies. Instead they are in charge of setting their own policies for determining which emails constitute government records worthy of preservation and which ones may be discarded.
She's asking for a contact. Clearly a lot of classified Intel on that.
Perhaps you could tell us what sort of government work Ivanka is qualified to do?

She's very qualified. She graduated from Georgetown University Cum Laude with a degree in economics. She speaks English and French fluently as well as an elementary understanding of Czech. She is also a successful businesswoman running a successful business.

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