BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

The Trump campaign ordered the GOP to rewrite its position on Russia's invasion of the Ukraine: The Trump campaign denies its own Ukraine policy

Trump says he won't spring to the defense of NATO in the case of Russian aggression:

And we all know about Trump inviting Putin to hack Clinton's emails.


And we all know about Trump inviting Putin to hack Clinton's emails.

You have the exact quote where he did that?
Why yes. It was in all the papers, kid.

Donald Trump invites Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails

Video at the link.

TRUMP: I will tell you this. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be next.


I hope you're able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing.

He said that after her server had already been disassembled.
How is that an invitation to hack anything?
How much is the OP being paid by crooked Liberals to post this garbage?
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

I've had it with you. You should be banned from this website.

All yu do is lie. Lie continually.
There is not one shred of proof in anything you posted. Your laughable source combined with your avatar tell the real story.

Since when have you guys ever needed "proof" for your claims?
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

I've had it with you. You should be banned from this website.

All yu do is lie. Lie continually.
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.
Matthew, it appears that this money was in the form of busainess deals, like the Miss America pagaent in Moscow. Can you say hoow you know this was for TREASON?
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

“The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate—[and] be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Russians were happy to invest with Donald. Just like business men in the states and around the world.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers –

Isn't that is what "capitalism" is all about? Where's the problem?

The oligarchs of Russia made their fortunes by making deals to acquire huge numbers of shares in the state-owned companies of the former Soviet Union as the country shifted to a free-market economy, turning them into billionaires overnight.

He has probably made people all over the world millionaires and billionaires. That is what a successful business man does!

They are self-entitled narcissistic materialists who care for nothing but increasing their own personal wealth.

Well, you just described every American in our country. Their highest priority is increasing their own wealth.

LMAO! Someone let ABC know we live in a capitalistic society here in the states!
BOMBSHELL/OCTOBER SURPRISE: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump

By Colin Taylor
October 31, 2016
Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.

Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time.

An ABC News investigation has found that Donald Trump has “numerous ties” to Russian interests both here in the United States and in Russia. “The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate— (and) be associated with Donald Trump” says Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group.

Trump has reaped huge profits off his business deals with Russian oligarchs that stretch from hosting the 2013 Miss Universe contest in Moscow and selling Trump-branded real estate to “large numbers” of Russian buyers – so many that the Sunny and Hollywood Islands in Florida became known as “Little Moscow.”

read more: October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump

Now this is a bombshell...No wonder Putin and russia are helping him. Donald Trump is committing Treason against the united states.

So some Russians purchased some shares in Trump properties? That's your "bombshell?" Really?
The credibility of this story is that of used toiletry paper..

Needs a flushing..

OKAY, so searching around I find this...lots and lots of other Russian connections to Trump

Trump Campaign Aides’ Ties To Russia

    • Recently departed adviser Michael Caputo – Was sent to Moscow while working for the State Department, but became “friendly with senior Kremlin officials” and State broke ties with him. He went on to earn a contract with the “Russian conglomerate Gazprom Media to improve Putin’s image in the United States.”

    • Trump adviser & surrogate Boris Epshteyn – Moscow-born investment banker who served as the moderator for a 2013 at the “Invest In Moscow!” Conference in New York. Has echoed Kremlin talking points as a Trump surrogate on TV, claiming that Russia did not seize Crimea.
Trump Adviser Rick Gates – Longtime partner of Manafort’s who has been involved with the same Pro-Putin Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs as Manafort.

Donald Trump August 15, 2016 Speech at the Youngstown State University - Understanding The Threat: Radical Islam And The Age Of Terror
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Dueling nutso conspiracy theories. This really is delightful, very impressive.
So you don't believe ABC news? You're the nutso and need to pull your head out of your ass.
In one sentence, the "news" item it quotes Trump as tweeting “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July...". Then it says "The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars — what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen. They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump."

I know you're young, I know you're trying real hard here, but there is a difference between having investments in a country and doing business with companies in that country.

And by the way - was it he personally who received the money, or one of his companies? It's a global economy.

You're the same as the wingers on the other side you hate so much. Amazing how similar you people are.

So Mac, have the incisions from the lobotomy healed yet?
Hillary and her shills are so desperate they're making shit up. Read this, because this was the outcome of that.


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