Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

Message to tree huggers, sort out the co2 problem that's in your head without taxing anyone.
Yes, of course. I think that we should go back to the good old days, and re-instate the tax code we had under that Republican President, Eisenhower. Under that tax code we built the Interstate System and many other huge infrastructure projects that enriched our nation.
Spending $20 or $30 trillion on less reliable, more expensive energy is easy?

One thing to keep in mind is that the world is moving toward renewable energy.

When it makes economic sense, we will too.

The Chinese invested in solar power and now we buy our solar cells from them.

No kidding, it's a dirty manufacturing process. It's a lot cheaper if
you don't care about pollution.

If we continue on our own path the rest of the world will just pass us by.

Pass us by? By harming their economy with expensive, unreliable energy?
If they insist, we should let them pass us by with that.

We could and we should but we need to find a repository first.

What's wrong with Yucca Mountain?
So how many new nuke plants should we build, using Yucca Mountain?
Spending $20 or $30 billion on less reliable, more expensive energy is easy? Well said. Since fossil fuel energy is now more expensive now than either wind or solar, and nuclear is far more expensive, it makes no sense at all to invest any more in that type of energy. In fact, it makes sense to divest in it, shutting down those sources as soon as they can be replaced with wind or solar. And use their grid connections for massive grid scale batteries that will make the grid far more dependable and stable than existing power plants. We have seen that in South Australia with the first of Tesla's megawatt batteries.

Since fossil fuel energy is now more expensive now than either wind or solar

That's funny! And wrong.

it makes no sense at all to invest any more in that type of energy. In fact, it makes sense to divest in it, shutting down those sources as soon as they can be replaced with wind or solar.

Germans pay triple what Americans do for electricity.
Is that just more evidence that wind and solar is cheaper than fossil fuel and nuclear?

And use their grid connections for massive grid scale batteries that will make the grid far more dependable

How massive do the batteries need to be to power Chicago for a week in a snowy January?
That's funny! And wrong.

it makes no sense at all to invest any more in that type of energy. In fact, it makes sense to divest in it, shutting down those sources as soon as they can be replaced with wind or solar.

Germans pay triple what Americans do for electricity.
Is that just more evidence that wind and solar is cheaper than fossil fuel and nuclear?

And use their grid connections for massive grid scale batteries that will make the grid far more dependable

How massive do the batteries need to be to power Chicago for a week in a snowy January?
Tell me, oh stupid one, will the peaker plants you have for Chicago supply the city with power for a week? And are you going to tell me that there is not wind in Chicago in January? You do realize that the electricity that Chicago uses comes from many different states, right? The new Iron-air batteries will store enough energy for a long enough time to give some hours of repair time for major outages, when used in tandem with lithium ion, for quick response and grid stabilization, will eliminate the need for peaker plants.
Tell me, oh stupid one, will the peaker plants you have for Chicago supply the city with power for a week? And are you going to tell me that there is not wind in Chicago in January? You do realize that the electricity that Chicago uses comes from many different states, right? The new Iron-air batteries will store enough energy for a long enough time to give some hours of repair time for major outages, when used in tandem with lithium ion, for quick response and grid stabilization, will eliminate the need for peaker plants.

Tell me, oh stupid one, will the peaker plants you have for Chicago supply the city with power for a week?

Why? Are the nuclear, nat gas and coal plants going away?

And are you going to tell me that there is not wind in Chicago in January?

You want to install wind turbines in Chicago?
Spending $20 or $30 trillion on less reliable, more expensive energy is easy?

One thing to keep in mind is that the world is moving toward renewable energy.

When it makes economic sense, we will too.
So much for America being a world leader.

We could and we should but we need to find a repository first.

What's wrong with Yucca Mountain?
So how many new nuke plants should we build, using Yucca Mountain?
NIMBY. Yucca was the perfect place.
So much for America being a world leader.

Is Germany a world-leader in green energy?

Is that why they pay triple what we do for electricity?
They a lot more for gas too, I guess that is why they are more energy efficient than we are. I don't think their standard of living has suffered.
It also means being able to afford to heat, cool and light your home.

Anyway, I'd rather be happy than rich.

Ask some Germans if they're happy with their electricity costs.
The Germans I met were quite comfortable and, as I said, are generally happier than Americans. Of course it could just be they have the best beer in the world.
Tell me, oh stupid one, will the peaker plants you have for Chicago supply the city with power for a week?

Why? Are the nuclear, nat gas and coal plants going away?

And are you going to tell me that there is not wind in Chicago in January?

You want to install wind turbines in Chicago?
How many natural gas peaker plants, nuclear plants, and coal fired plants do you have within the Chicago city limits?
Yes, of course. I think that we should go back to the good old days, and re-instate the tax code we had under that Republican President, Eisenhower. Under that tax code we built the Interstate System and many other huge infrastructure projects that enriched our nation.
Funny how tree huggers like yourself have also used fossil fuels over the years, and still do, but somehow feel you're in some kind of position to preach to others. Jordan Peterson called it Pseudo Moralistic Stances.

"People have things more on their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and generally that the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues that it makes them look good to your friends and neighbours."

So you're struggling with general personal issues and so in order to look fantastic to your friends and neighbors, you've jumped on the climate bandwagon. He was spot on.

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