BOMBSHELL!! Trump REVEALS On What Obama Was Spending Americans’ Money – ENDS IT IMMEDIATELY!!


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016

Doubling the dept in 8 years took a lot of work. Imagine if that muslim faggot had put that energy into working for us,not the islam inbreds.

He belongs in prison.

what he is, a Muslim... Everything I said was truth, and has proven itself out numerous times.... And in several cases out of his own mouth... Like when he stated on 60 minutes "my Muslim faith".... "Period"...
Due to circumstances beyond control I find myself unable to watch a 13 minute video. Otherwise... I sure would. I always come to message boards just to watch long assed videos.
Why don't you be a sport and clue us unfortunates in?

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How did RWNJ Pootarian traitors get so damn gullible and stupid?

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So it was the RW Pootarians traitors? Cause all I see is:


and $$$$$ flowing into the Clinton go fund me Foundation and American soil being sold to Pooot along with the valuable resources underneath..... Unless those morons are RW, I think you have your facts backward.
Trum/Putin collusion. No.
Obama/Putin collusion. A lot. Speak of that LWNJ... cause it isn't going to go away by you trying to target the President.
Every time you say Trump and Pootian, we are going to correct you with Obama and Poooty.

More like lots and lots of [emoji90]

How did RWNJ Pootarian traitors get so damn gullible and stupid?

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A hot microphone picked up President Obama telling Russian President Dmitri Medvedev he would have more flexibility to negotiate on issues like missile defense after the 2012 election.

FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

Maxin Waters must be outraged at this Obama and Pooty collusion.

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LOLOLO...Donald Dumb, the Liar in Chief, has about as much creds as a rotten doughnut lying in the middle of the street on a 100 degree hot day in NY. The fact that he again, can't get over his obsession with Obama proves my point.

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