Bonesgate: A Freudian Trophy(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a cheeky college psychology vignette inspired by my dioramic memories of my time at a destined college fraternity at an Ivy League school. Merry Christmas!


This is Bonesgate, a very unusual fraternity house on the campus of a very prestigious Ivy League school in America. Bonesgate is named after a haunted inn in England. Bonesgate is cared for by an eccentric gatekeeper named Alas who happens to be a knight of the Old Order, defending the values of democratic intellectualism and intellectual freedom. Alas makes sure things like censorship are never a challenge to the Bonesgate mission. Alas also converses with the mystical spirit said to be wandering around the Bonesgate residence, a lively ghost named Dino. Bonesgate is itself a very unusual structure, as one can see!


ALAS: "We play various drinking and non-drinking games in the basement of our Bonesgate house, designed to create cheer."


The inn in England named Bonesgate is said to be haunted, and it's the inn that Bonesgate fraternity house is named after in America. The Bonesgate inn in England is said to be haunted by the specter of a woman of incredible strength and flowing black hair, a woman reported to be linked to the mystical force of pure insanity.


ALAS: "I sometimes circulate photos of myself as the Bonesgate fraternity house gatekeeper, so people know we're all about cool."


Alas is a terrific pool/billiards player and challenged and defeated his dad at the game and is also an excellent epee/fencer and challenged and defeated his childhood friend. Alas likes playing Monopoly at Bonesgate, a symbol of real-estate magic and sorcery. It reminds him that capitalism and property in America is all about the imagination behind individual daydreams. Alas is all about daydreams.


FREUD: "I challenge Alas of Bonesgate to take in three non-male members, female students, as psychiatric patients in America!"


Alas accepts the challenge and takes in four female students at his college to become donned as Bonesgate 'homecoming queens' who'll serve as Devil's Advocates for his special Freudian game involving the rooting out of social networking coupled with traditional hierarchical totems/diadems regarding psychiatric theory. These four female students each represent some niche in college student psycho-sociology, so Alas is able to interrogate each about their peculiar and specific perspective on the aura and mystique of the Bonesgate house at their prestigious Ivy League school!


QUEEN 1: Bonesgate is all about male melodrama.
QUEEN 2: Bonesgate is about the psyche of male student liberality.
QUEEN 3: Bonesgate is a place of great rhetoric but little republicanism.
QUEEN 4: Bonesgate feels like an institution of symbolic diarism.
ALAS: You all comment that Bonesgate is a totem for social displacement!


Alas the Bonesgate gate-keeper creates a series of simple silhouette doodles representing the Bonesgate philosophy of self-determined liberal social spacing and real-estate imagination on a college campus for his 4 elected homecoming queens! Each of these doodles, ranging from bitter to bold, reflect the Bonesgate offering of pure social daydreams. Everyone likes playful diarism, after all.


ALAS: "The 4 elected homecoming queens are meant to serve as messengers of the notion that this isn't Freudian diction!"


COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE CRITIC: "Bonesgate is a typical fraternity house, and Alas is naive to think he'll use art to cast doubt!"


Sure, fraternity houses are typically or can be typically immature or brazen or self-indulgent, but the challenge of Alas, the atypical Bonesgate house gate-keeper is to cast his fraternity as anything but a 'Freudian trophy' and rather as a social monument to the possibility that 'conceived real estate' in America can indeed be all about...decimals.

"This gate hangs high, and hinders none, so refresh, enjoy, and travel on!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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