Bongino: The US unintentionally paid China millions of taxpayer dollars for a biological weapon that killed millions of people around the world

You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.
They do what they do best, sow seeds of discord and ingrain their lies to push their take over for their type of order and discipline on their grand autocracy with a dictator named Trump.
You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.
You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.
The politicians treated it like it was. They caused a panic with help from the media. It was definitely used like a weapon on the public. Fear mongering lies most of it.
You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.

You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.
I guess that would depend on what your actual plan for the biologic weapon is. I don't think the Chinese intended this to get loose yet, however isn't it quite interesting that this virus targets the very people that become the greatest financial burden on most societies?
Interesting timing:

"With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and in some cases downright lying, surrounding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and when we overlay the political motives in the background of mass narrative deflection from media and other institutions; and when we consider the known lengths that people inside the U.S. government were willing to go in their efforts to eliminate President Trump; discovering that President Obama’s administration technically authorized the restart of “gain of function” research (biological weaponization of SARS virus) just days before President Trump took office… is way more than alarming. My hunch is this link might even disappear [SEE HERE]

January 9, 2017 – “lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).” (link)

An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false."

Bullcrap unintentionally. Dr. Li-Meng Yan says the research they did was like giving a loaded gun to a child.
You guys need to get your talking points in line...first you say Covid is no worse than the flu while in the next breath you're screaming it's a biological weapon. (both statements however, are false).

Seems to me if you were creating a biological weapon you'd aim for something a tad more lethal in the younger age group.


"In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was a footnote that everyone seems to have missed [LINK]:

Source: Interesting Timing - Obama Administration Lifted Block on "Gain of Function Research" Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017 - The Last Refuge

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