Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West
Throughout history, there have been oppressive, tyrannical movements that have sought to suppress dissenting views by destroying expressions of those views, and punishing those who dared to express them.

Book burning - Wikipedia

In the past, it has looked something like this:


These days, it usually looks more like this:


…or even this…


In both of the latter two cases, no indication has ever been given as to which post of mine was allegedly in violation, or which rule I supposedly violated.

And I do not think that it is any coincidence that the latter case occurred shortly after USMB appointed a few extreme LIbtARdS as moderators. This is what LIbtARdS do when you give them any power, they abuse it. You can always count on that, above anything else.

USMB used to be much better than this.

I'd say that whatever lying, cowardly fragment of solid digestive waste is responsible for this abuse ought to be deeply ashamed, but if whoever did this had a sufficient grasp of right and wrong to experience such shame, he wouldn't have committed this abuse in the first place.
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Throughout history, there have been oppressive, tyrannical movements that have sought to suppress dissenting views by destroying expressions of those views, and punishing those who dared to express them.

Book burning - Wikipedia

In the past, it has looked something like this:

View attachment 406081View attachment 406082View attachment 406083

These days, it usually looks more like this:

View attachment 406084
…or even this…

View attachment 406086

In both of the latter two cases, no indication has ever been given as to which post of mine was allegedly in violation, or which rule I supposedly violated.

And I do not think that it is any coincidence that the latter case occurred shortly after USMB appointed a few extreme LIbtARdS as moderators. This is what LIbtARdS do when you give them any power, they abuse it. You can always count on that, above anything else.

USMB used to be much better than this.

I'd say that whatever lying, cowardly fragment of solid digestive waste is responsible for this abuse ought to be deeply ashamed, but if whoever did this had a sufficient grasp of right and wrong to experience such shame, he wouldn't have committed this abuse in the first place.
Facebook like other boards and forums also has a slow ban. I think they are sucking up to the CCP trying to get into CCP ruled territories. Apparently some think it is okay to restrict your liberties if it furthers their cause.
Throughout history, there have been oppressive, tyrannical movements that have sought to suppress dissenting views by destroying expressions of those views, and punishing those who dared to express them.

Book burning - Wikipedia

In the past, it has looked something like this:

View attachment 406081View attachment 406082View attachment 406083

These days, it usually looks more like this:

View attachment 406084
…or even this…

View attachment 406086

In both of the latter two cases, no indication has ever been given as to which post of mine was allegedly in violation, or which rule I supposedly violated.

And I do not think that it is any coincidence that the latter case occurred shortly after USMB appointed a few extreme LIbtARdS as moderators. This is what LIbtARdS do when you give them any power, they abuse it. You can always count on that, above anything else.

USMB used to be much better than this.

I'd say that whatever lying, cowardly fragment of solid digestive waste is responsible for this abuse ought to be deeply ashamed, but if whoever did this had a sufficient grasp of right and wrong to experience such shame, he wouldn't have committed this abuse in the first place.
I agree,, the least they can do is tell you why so you dont make the same mistake again,,,
yeah. not really comparable, you twat.
It absolutely is comparable.

The synthesis and curation of knowledge between people, among those who are like minded, and among critics, is absolutely an essential preliminary stage of writing and editing before publishing.

Even if ideas are not to be published, they still work themselves out among people by being discussed.

If book burning is murder, censoring folks discussions in their posting is abortion.
The law seems very clear: Internet platforms have complete control over what they allow to be posted.

It is similar to the days when print newspapers were the king. The editor had 100% control over what readers' letters would be printed.

The Internet gives nobodies like me a chance to blow off steam. That is an improvement over the limited amount of free speech available to ordinary people before the Internet.

So I guess that we posters should be grateful when we are allowed to get something off our chest, and if our comments are deleted by an editor or moderator, we have to suck it up, as we have to do in so many other aspects of daily living.

I guess that the difference between the Nazis' book burning & deletion of opinions on the Internet is that in the former, it was government-sanctioned. In the latter, it is the decision of private companies. And, furthermore, I believe that one is still able to start his/her own website.
The law seems very clear: Internet platforms have complete control over what they allow to be posted.

It is similar to the days when print newspapers were the king. The editor had 100% control over what readers' letters would be printed.

The Internet gives nobodies like me a chance to blow off steam. That is an improvement over the limited amount of free speech available to ordinary people before the Internet.

So I guess that we posters should be grateful when we are allowed to get something off our chest, and if our comments are deleted by an editor or moderator, we have to suck it up, as we have to do in so many other aspects of daily living.

I guess that the difference between the Nazis' book burning & deletion of opinions on the Internet is that in the former, it was government-sanctioned. In the latter, it is the decision of private companies. And, furthermore, I believe that one is still able to start his/her own website.
that is not what the law says,,,

they have rules and need to apply them equally and consistently across the board and they are not doing that,,,
And just barely back from one, completely unexplained ban here on USMB, I was banned again, this time, from shortly before the election until some time after it. And I found myself under similarly-timed bans on a few other social media platforms as well.

Facebook, you expect this sort of bullshit. So many similar instances, elsewhere, all specifically timed to shut me up right around the election, is very suspicious, at the very least. USMB, especially, as this was the one platform that, for a very long time, had had the reputation as one that didn't play this kind of bullshit. I do not suppose that it is any coincidence that this started happening here on USMB about the same time we took on a few new moderators, all of the extreme left wrong variety.

At least this time, there was a reason given for my ban, but it's bullshit; the sort of thing that has always been normal and accepted here on this forum, except when it served as an excuse this time.

When you find conservatives being this broadly censored, right around a critical election, on so many different forums, you have to know that something very rotten is going on.
There were others, but one other instance that I documented was the Disqus threads on ABC News. A few days before the election, without any explanation, they removed every single post of mine on every single Disqus discussion under every one of their articles, and banned me from posting until after the election.¢ They even removed posts that had nothing whatsoever to do with politics, or with anything that was in any way controversial.

So, today, I woke up, power was off, so only my phone and not my real computer usable. Logged into Facebook, to be greeted with this…

z2021-01-25 05_30.27-45.jpg

A news story, from a mainsleaze news source, was deemed to be a violation of their Communityist Standards. It was a link to a story on ABC News. Not openly advocating anything, just reporting on a lawsuit being filed by small businesses against the Governor of California over the shutdowns. Facebook deems merely reporting these facts as a violation of their rules.

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