Book Ushers In The Obama Impeachment Movement


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
time to wake up and open your eyes people...Obama should be impeached


Impeachment book sales are booming, says Klein. It’s not just overpasses anymore. posted on August 20, 2013 at 9:23am EDT

Ben Smith BuzzFeed Staff

A new book making the case for the impeachment of President Barack Obama is flying off the shelves, its author said, as the president’s reelection fails to entirely damp down the deep loathing of him on parts of the right.

Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office cites everything from the attack on the American consulate and CIA outpost in Benghazi — which it compares to the Iran Contra scandal in the Reagan years — to the way Obamacare was passed, which the authors say constitutes “taxation without representation.” The book, by WABC radio host Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott, an anti-Obama blogger, also includes American military action in Libya and the Transportation Security Administration’s passenger screenings as impeachable offenses.

The book, set to be published by WND Books on Aug. 27, has pre-sold nearly 100,000 copies already and just went to its third printing, Klein said, “due to unexpected demand from bookstores.” WND is also among the conservative websites that operate a booming online and direct mail book sales business, the backbone of the conservative book market. (The presale figures couldn’t be independently verified.)

“We knew this was going to be a popular book. What we didn’t realize is that retailers would recognize it in advance and place large orders before the public weighed in,” said WND Books CEO Joseph Farah (best known as a leading figure in the “birther” movement) in a statement through Klein.

“Clearly a large segment of the population is concerned Obama has overstepped his executive authority and has used his office to circumvent Congress to change, ignore, or at times perhaps invent de facto law,” said Klein.

all of it here
Book Ushers In The Obama Impeachment Movement
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The Impeachment thing started shortly after the first election and continues to today..

Hasn't gained any traction, by the way.

And since Reagan wasn't impeached for Iran/Contra, it's all good, ain't it?
This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.
This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:




This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

I'll bet there's a whole chapter devoted to Obama's birth certificate. That certainly has to be the biggie, well maybe that and that the taxation without representation thing. I thought we were represented, but maybe the author is talking about the House of Representatives not doing anything but passing bills killing Obama-care. Calling our health care Obama-care may have been a mistake, for the next hundred years Obama's name will live as America's health care lives.
Obama's name will live as America's healthcare lives?

It was designed that way so everytime someone goes to a doctor they can bend down on one knee and thank the picture of Obama they have etched in the doorway...

oh yeah!!
This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:





I would have thought you guys would have a substantial list of charges up by now.
I have no love for Barry and his cronies. I firmly believe that Barrack Hussein Obama, by the time his second term is over, will have come as close as anyone, including Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, to destroying this nation. Abandoning four Americans in Benghazi, the IRS affair, NSA, Obamacare, the decline in race relations, the economy, 8 TRILLION dollars added to the national debt just during his term, my God in heaven the list goes on and on. And I haven't even begun to speak of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder and the list of abuses by that agency.

However, I DO NOT want Obama impeached for any of that. Until the time that someone can definatively say that Barrack Hussein Obama committed a crime and has the proof, proof that will stand up in a court of law, the American people have spoken and we must try to endure. I believe that it is ludicrous and wrong to try and impeach a sitting American President for anything short of verifiable, criminal activity. Richard Nixon actively covered up the Watergate burglaries. He didn't order them, but he used government agencies to pursue those looking to the burglaries and he tried to use the FBI, the IRS, and the CIA to persecute those looking into the burglaries. That was a criminal act. He was caught on tape giving the orders to Halderman.

Now if someone comes up with the proof that Barry personally ordered the IRS to single out conservative groups, then I am all for it. That is a criminal act and is an impeachable offense. But lets face it, Barry never ran anything and is a dyed-in-the-wool amateur. The fact that he has no clue what is really happening in any of these situations should not surprise anyone. As a matter of fact, at this very moment he is doing the only thing he knows how to do, and that is campaign. He's not a leader and he has no clue how to lead a nation. He makes campaign speeches and leaves the details to a group that borders on the criminally ignorant, like Valerie Jarrett.

You can oppose the President's policies and his agendas, but you cannot rightly overturn the results of an election, simply because you disagree with the results.
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This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:




Why do you think we need 4 charges?

Benghazi cover up will do.

IRS debacle will do.

Libya will do.

Here...shortly you will be able to buy a book on the subject of impeaching the asshole Obama.

Obama is a despicable person...and a goddamned Marxist asshole.
This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:

1.ACLU Drones Lawsuit Slams Obama For Asserting Right To Kill Americans Without Oversight




Do we need 4 or is just one really bad one suffice? ACLU Drones Lawsuit Slams Obama For Asserting Right To Kill Americans Without Oversight
I have no love for Barry and his cronies. I firmly believe that Barrack Hussein Obama, by the time his second term is over, will have come as close as anyone, including Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, to destroying this nation. Abandoning four Americans in Benghazi, the IRS affair, NSA, Obamacare, the decline in race relations, the economy, 8 TRILLION dollars added to the national debt just during his term, my God in heaven the list goes on and on. And I haven't even begun to speak of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder and the list of abuses by that agency.

However, I DO NOT want Obama impeached for any of that. Until the time that someone can definatively say that Barrack Hussein Obama committed a crime and has the proof, proof that will stand up in a court of law, the American people have spoken and we must try to endure. I believe that it is ludicrous and wrong to try and impeach a sitting American President for anything short of verifiable, criminal activity. Richard Nixon actively covered up the Watergate burglaries. He didn't order them, but he used government agencies to pursue those looking to the burglaries and he tried to use the FBI, the IRS, and the CIA to persecute those looking into the burglaries. That was a criminal act. He was caught on tape giving the orders to Halderman.

Now if someone comes up with the proof that Barry personally ordered the IRS to single out conservative groups, then I am all for it. That is a criminal act and is an impeachable offense. But lets face it, Barry never ran anything and is a dyed-in-the-wool amateur. The fact that he has no clue what is really happening in any of these situations should not surprise anyone. As a matter of fact, at this very moment he is doing the only thing he knows how to do, and that is campaign. He's not a leader and he has no clue how to lead a nation. He makes campaign speeches and leaves the details to a group that borders on the criminally ignorant, like Valerie Jarrett.

You can oppose the President's policies and his agendas, but you cannot rightly overturn the results of an election, simply because you disagree with the results.

every word is true.

'try to endure'--that's all I've come up with.

puzzled that CNN has been showing a documentary on Richard Nixon--they showed Kennedy, Bush repeatedly during the winter--so probably just providing a 'review' of how we got to where we are.
I'd have to really think--I think I could have voted for Nixon--but did not. It was bad.
I really thought that Bill Clinton would never be heard from again--which shows how little I know.

With certainty, I believe, that those who advise the POTUS understand 'The Law'-- so no need to think of impeachment.

The thing that really bothers me--is that this 'way' will become permanent.

Then I try as hard as I can to 'set it aside'.
What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:




Why do you think we need 4 charges?

Benghazi cover up will do.

IRS debacle will do.

Libya will do.

Here...shortly you will be able to buy a book on the subject of impeaching the asshole Obama.

EXCLUSIVE: Explosive new book sets out case for impeaching Barack Obama over Benghazi, health care reform, immigration and spying scandals | Mail Online

Obama is a despicable person...and a goddamned Marxist asshole.

Sorry but I disagree, Benghazi was a clusterf..k for sure. But the deaths of the diplomats was not cause for impeachment, the gun running they were doing may well be.

the IRS, you would need to prove what high crime was committed by Obama.

But the targeting of Americans and the killing of innocents, that was calculated that is impeachable, in my opinion. It is being ignored because most on the left and right don't really care about brown people being blown away in the ME, American or not.
Tom Coburn just brought up impeachment at a townhall in Oklahoma.

Taken individually obama may not have committed an impeachable offense, but his course of conduct in illegal activity has resulted in a designed malfeasance that collectively would rise to the level of the high crimes and midemeanors required by the Constitution.
Tom Coburn just brought up impeachment at a townhall in Oklahoma.

Taken individually obama may not have committed an impeachable offense, but his course of conduct in illegal activity has resulted in a designed malfeasance that collectively would rise to the level of the high crimes and midemeanors required by the Constitution.

:eusa_hand: he didn't "bring it up". One of his Rightie constituents "brought it up" in the form of a zany rw question during his town hall. You got a source to prove otherwise. :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

Why Rightists don't like to abide by election resultys is the larger question. :dunno: You people need to man-up/stop whining.
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This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

Liberalism is far more what this country is about.

Conservatism is like a cancer.

It has nothing to do with's's principles.

Here is an interesting twist on impeachment.

Black American Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama


In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, personally and through his subordinates and agents, in violation or disregard of the constitutional rights of citizens and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:


He has covered up, delayed, impeded and obstructed the investigation of the Benghazi Battle.

Specific conduct includes: (1) failing to adequately secure the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi; (2) failing to send a response team to rescue embattled US citizens in Benghazi; (3) lying to the American people about why the US Consulate and the CIA annex were attacked in Benghazi; and (4) hiding from the media and congressional investigators the Central Intelligence Agency personnel and other wounded US citizens who were on the ground in Benghazi by scattering them throughout the United States, forcing them to adopt new identities and subjecting them to monthly polygraph tests.

Benghazi Battle elements that are under investigation:

On September 11, 2012, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya was targeted in a premeditated, preplanned attack launched without warning by Islamist militants.

Footage of the attack broadcast in real time showed armed men attacking the consulate with rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, assault rifles, 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, truck mounted artillery, diesel canisters, and mortars. It was not an act of savage mob violence, nor a spontaneous protest in response to an anti-Islamic video on YouTube.

In that attack, four American citizens were killed: US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens; Information Officer Sean Smith; and two embassy security personnel, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Ambassador Stevens is the first U.S. Ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.


He has disclosed secret grand jury material by exposing the existence of a sealed indictment of one of the Benghazi attackers in violation of Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that clearly states: “… no person may disclose the indictment’s existence except as necessary to issue or execute a warrant or summons.’’


He has authorized and permitted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a division of the Justice Department, to conduct Operation Fast and Furious, wherein guns were sold to Mexican drug trafficking organizations that were used to kill innocent Mexican civilians and two rifles sold to a smuggler in January 2010 ended up at the scene of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.


He has authorized and permitted confidential income tax returns information from the Internal Revenue Service to be provided to unauthorized individuals, organizations and agencies.


He has caused investigations and audits to be initiated or conducted by the Internal Revenue Service in a discriminatory manner, including harassment and intimidation of conservative, evangelical and Tea Party groups applying for non-profit status between 2010 and 2012.

Elements of this illegal conduct include the facts that: (1) the head of the Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt organization division, Lois Lerner, admitted during a telephonic press event that illegal targeting occurred, then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer questions before Congress about the targeting out of fear of self-incrimination; (2) two other career Internal Revenue Service employees stated that they acted at the behest of superiors in Washington -- Carter Hull, a retired Internal Revenue Service Attorney and Elizabeth Hofacre, an employee of the Cincinnati IRS office which oversaw tax-exempt applications; and (3) Carter Hull stated that he was directed to forward the targeted applications to, among others, one of only two political appointees in the Internal Revenue Service Chief Counsel William Wilkins.


He has (1) authorized and permitted the National Security Agency to conduct or continue electronic surveillance of over 300 million average Americans; (2) given access to National Security Agency surveillance data to other intelligence units within the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Secret Service, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security in violation of the law; and (3) conducted the surveillance of average Americans unconstrained by Congress, the United States Supreme Court or the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court which has, to this date, functioned as a rubber stamp, having approved every request made of it in 2012 and rejecting only two of the 8,591 requests submitted between 2008 and 2012.


He has authorized and permitted the Department of Justice to wiretap and secretly obtain two months of telephone and e-mail records of Fox News Reporter James Rosen and over one hundred Associated Press journalists.


He has thwarted Congress by (1) failing to enforce all or parts of laws duly enacted by Congress, including the Defense of Marriage Act, the No Child Left Behind Act, and the Affordable Care Act; and (2) after Congress refused to pass his Dream Act, unilaterally issuing an executive order directing immigration officers to no longer deport an entire class of illegal immigrants who came here as children, regardless of individual circumstances, and to give them work-authorization permits.


He has violated the Constitution when, on January 4, 2012, (1) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, actions that were ruled unconstitutional by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit which affirmed previous decisions by the Court of Appeal for the D.C. Circuit and the Third Circuit; and (2) he bypassed the U. S. Senate to appoint Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


He has intimidated whistleblowers and brought twice as many prosecutions against whistleblowers as all prior presidents combined. Egregiously, while refusing to prosecute anyone for actual torture, he prosecuted former Central Intelligence Agency employee John Kiriakou for disclosing the torture program.
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[ame=]Republican Party Civil Rights Legacy.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
This "Impeachment" craze is SO precious. :lol:

What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

Liberalism is far more what this country is about.

Conservatism is like a cancer.

It has nothing to do with's's principles.


That is such a crock of BS.

The country is moving towards liberal ideals not away. Therefore even the most logically challenged has to realize we are moving AWAY from conservative ideals that made this country great to liberalism which by all measures is tearing the country apart. Unless of course you think that it is well worth being able to marry your same sex partner over a country divided.

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