Book Ushers In The Obama Impeachment Movement

I have no love for Barry and his cronies. I firmly believe that Barrack Hussein Obama, by the time his second term is over, will have come as close as anyone, including Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, to destroying this nation. Abandoning four Americans in Benghazi, the IRS affair, NSA, Obamacare, the decline in race relations, the economy, 8 TRILLION dollars added to the national debt just during his term, my God in heaven the list goes on and on. And I haven't even begun to speak of the Department of Justice, Eric Holder and the list of abuses by that agency.

However, I DO NOT want Obama impeached for any of that. Until the time that someone can definatively say that Barrack Hussein Obama committed a crime and has the proof, proof that will stand up in a court of law, the American people have spoken and we must try to endure. I believe that it is ludicrous and wrong to try and impeach a sitting American President for anything short of verifiable, criminal activity. Richard Nixon actively covered up the Watergate burglaries. He didn't order them, but he used government agencies to pursue those looking to the burglaries and he tried to use the FBI, the IRS, and the CIA to persecute those looking into the burglaries. That was a criminal act. He was caught on tape giving the orders to Halderman.

Now if someone comes up with the proof that Barry personally ordered the IRS to single out conservative groups, then I am all for it. That is a criminal act and is an impeachable offense. But lets face it, Barry never ran anything and is a dyed-in-the-wool amateur. The fact that he has no clue what is really happening in any of these situations should not surprise anyone. As a matter of fact, at this very moment he is doing the only thing he knows how to do, and that is campaign. He's not a leader and he has no clue how to lead a nation. He makes campaign speeches and leaves the details to a group that borders on the criminally ignorant, like Valerie Jarrett.

You can oppose the President's policies and his agendas, but you cannot rightly overturn the results of an election, simply because you disagree with the results.

There is no court of law, there is no need for a crime, high crimes is an undefined term meaning whatever the Senate and House want it to mean. The House has the votes to impeach tomorrow, but the Senate belongs to the Democrats. So it's all talk. Impeachment talk is done with many presidents, and its purpose may be to excite.
What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

Liberalism is far more what this country is about.

Conservatism is like a cancer.

It has nothing to do with's's principles.


That is such a crock of BS.

The country is moving towards liberal ideals not away. Therefore even the most logically challenged has to realize we are moving AWAY from conservative ideals that made this country great to liberalism which by all measures is tearing the country apart. Unless of course you think that it is well worth being able to marry your same sex partner over a country divided.

Well's not.

And unwittingly, your post confirmed it.

Although you would never have a clue as to why..

Tom Coburn just brought up impeachment at a townhall in Oklahoma.

Taken individually obama may not have committed an impeachable offense, but his course of conduct in illegal activity has resulted in a designed malfeasance that collectively would rise to the level of the high crimes and midemeanors required by the Constitution.

:eusa_hand: he didn't "bring it up". One of his Rightie constituents "brought it up" in the form of a zany rw question during his town hall. You got a source to prove otherwise. :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

Why Rightists don't like to abide by election resultys is the larger question. :dunno: You people need to man-up/stop whining.

Bob Filner was democratically elected and didn't break any laws.
Well, here we go again. The fruitloops are displeased with what the majority of Americans decided in the last election, so, since they have failed to foment a revolution, they are trying a legal recourse. However, doomed to fail there also, since there are certain legal requirements for that course.

And, should they lose the majority in the House in 2014, you will see a return to the 'revolution' BS. Cry, whine, bitch, moan, mewl, and puke, that is what our 'Conservatives' show themselves to be best able to do.
Please, all you teahadist wingnuts, get this impeachment thing going right now.

Shit or get off the pot already.
What a bootlicker you are! Obama is the most reprehensible, inadequate excuse for a President that we have EVER had is the White House. He should have been impeached long ago...immediately following his first attempt to ignore the Constitution that he swore to protect and defend.

The "progressive" movement is anything but...

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Obama has done nothing but divide this country along several lines...most despicably, black against white. He is a goddamned racist asshole...just like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Malcolm X and others that preach racial hatred.

List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:




Why do you think we need 4 charges?

Benghazi cover up will do.

IRS debacle will do.

Libya will do.

Here...shortly you will be able to buy a book on the subject of impeaching the asshole Obama.

EXCLUSIVE: Explosive new book sets out case for impeaching Barack Obama over Benghazi, health care reform, immigration and spying scandals | Mail Online

Obama is a despicable person...and a goddamned Marxist asshole.

Nope. No high crimes or misdemeanors there. Sorry, but faux scandals, personal feelings or complete ignorance about his political ideology don't count either. Back to the drawing board.
List the charges, the real charges, to impeach President Obama over:




Why do you think we need 4 charges?

Benghazi cover up will do.

IRS debacle will do.

Libya will do.

Here...shortly you will be able to buy a book on the subject of impeaching the asshole Obama.

EXCLUSIVE: Explosive new book sets out case for impeaching Barack Obama over Benghazi, health care reform, immigration and spying scandals | Mail Online

Obama is a despicable person...and a goddamned Marxist asshole.

Nope. No high crimes or misdemeanors there. Sorry, but faux scandals, personal feelings or complete ignorance about his political ideology don't count either. Back to the drawing board.

You maybe right. The list of 10 grievencse that are sited in the NBRA impeachement law suit could all be pushed aside as just being something that should not have been done. I mean is abuse of power a high crime?

The one that is totally a high crime is the what Obama has used the Drone program. To me that is what everyone is missing or else people just don't care about brown skinned people. Innocent brown skinned people being killed by someone hiding in a bunker in Nevada.

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