Booker Violates Senate Rules to Attack Kavanaugh!

Booker played you people like a cheap fiddle! He got exactly what he wanted!
What exactly did Booker want?

To expose himself as willing to intentionally violate US senate Rules for partisan benefit?
-- Accomplished.

To further expose how unethical, immoral, and voluntarily criminal the Democrats are in their desperation?
-- Accomplished

To reveal that Kavanaugh is a stand-up, good guy who is more than worthy of being on the USSC?
-- Accomplished

He made the morning about him and not Kavanaugh.
That was his goal.

The bonus was getting all the racist to make this whole thing about his skin color.

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this is why a lot of blacks are walking away from the democrat plantation
Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.

Really? The country benefits from undermining one of its legislative bodies rules to release documents that reinforce the fact they Kavanaugh belonged on the court?

How exactly?

If the documents showed the judge murdered someone or took bribes or should some aspect of his character is tainted, he might have some sort of moral reason for doing it.

But they don’t. They reinforce that he is highly qualified to be in the court. Which means Senator Booker is doing this just to grandstand.

So a senator undermines fundamental structures of our Republic to grandstand and you think that helps our country? Then your country is either one other then our or you are a traitor
The documents show he doesn’t consider Roe V. Wade as settled law. Something he and the GOP have been desperate to hide from the American people.
The GOP has spent 2 years trying to silence dissent and punish the opposition like the fascists they are. But I don’t think they’ll give Booker the boot now that their movement is on life support.

Pointing out your stupidity isn’t an attempt to silence you.
Threats to shut down news organizations, punish whistleblowers, swear staff to secrecy, discredit journalists, etc.
The GOP has spent 2 years trying to silence dissent and punish the opposition like the fascists they are. But I don’t think they’ll give Booker the boot now that their movement is on life support.

Pointing out your stupidity isn’t an attempt to silence you.
Threats to shut down news organizations, punish whistleblowers, swear staff to secrecy, discredit journalists, etc.
this about trump or obama? this sentence fits both very well.
He made the morning about him and not Kavanaugh.
That was his goal.

The Democrats always make everything about them. Ok, so Booker made the morning about HIM, coming across as a combination douche and voluntary rule / law-breaker who should be Censured by the Senate.

Way to go, Cory! Bwuhahahaha!

I am pretty sure Booker does not care what the Trump sheep think of him. He did not do this to win you over.

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He made the morning about him and not Kavanaugh.
That was his goal.

The Democrats always make everything about them. Ok, so Booker made the morning about HIM, coming across as a combination douche and voluntary rule / law-breaker who should be Censured by the Senate.

Way to go, Cory! Bwuhahahaha!

I am pretty sure Booker does not care what the Trump sheep think of him. He did not do this to win you over.

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no. he did it to cater to the whiney left engaged in any stall tactic they can think of.
I am pretty sure Booker does not care what the Trump sheep think of him. He did not do this to win you over.
Perhaps he will care about being Censured or being completely ousted from the Senate for admittedly intentionally violating Senate Rules....
The GOP has spent 2 years trying to silence dissent and punish the opposition like the fascists they are. But I don’t think they’ll give Booker the boot now that their movement is on life support.

Pointing out your stupidity isn’t an attempt to silence you.
Threats to shut down news organizations, punish whistleblowers, swear staff to secrecy, discredit journalists, etc.
this about trump or obama? this sentence fits both very well.
Obama did not force staff to sign NDA’s before hiring, he did not threaten to shut down news organizations, and the whistleblowers he hunted divulged information that cost people their lives, not leaked his temper tantrums.
From your post: "I want the law and rules to be followed / obeyed and those laws" rules to be enforced equally.

So, I am waiting for your thread/post regarding Trump blasting Sessions.

...and I am waiting for you to get back on topic and stop trying to distract / change the thread focus...

Who am I kidding? I am not waiting on that - I don't give a crap what you do, snowflake. :p

So in other words,,,as any intelligent person knows, your full of shit and have absolutely no conviction.
Why not delete your proven bullshit post. Come on, be a man, instead of a girly-boy punk.

YOU tried to hijack the thread, and YOU are attacking ME?


No. I proved you to be a blatant liar.
You have ZERO credibility and I proved it using your own words.
Don't blame me that you make an ass out of yourself. :2up:
i blame you too
I am pretty sure Booker does not care what the Trump sheep think of him. He did not do this to win you over.
Perhaps he will care about being Censured or being completely ousted from the Senate for admittedly intentionally violating Senate Rules....

Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.

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I am pretty sure Booker does not care what the Trump sheep think of him. He did not do this to win you over.
Perhaps he will care about being Censured or being completely ousted from the Senate for admittedly intentionally violating Senate Rules....

Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.

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if he violated senate rules, respond in kind and per violation. that's all. if not, get over it and move on.
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.
Sen. Booker’s Kavanaugh email stunt is a total dud

well that didn't go as planned and only got booker in a shitload of trouble.

Exactly what trouble is he in and what is going to happen to him?

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dunno. hard to keep up but if the expulsion was a real effect of his action, i don't see how that can be good for him.

He becomes a martyr to jump start is campaign and the Dem Gov of NJ puts a Dem in to replace him.

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Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.
I would have just told him to shut the fk up, done the auctioneer guy thing and had a laugh at him at his expense. that's all. garbage deserves it notoriety
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views onto the nation as a whole.

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Sen. Booker’s Kavanaugh email stunt is a total dud

well that didn't go as planned and only got booker in a shitload of trouble.

Exactly what trouble is he in and what is going to happen to him?

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dunno. hard to keep up but if the expulsion was a real effect of his action, i don't see how that can be good for him.

He becomes a martyr to jump start is campaign and the Dem Gov of NJ puts a Dem in to replace him.

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he's not well known enough to become a martyr.
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

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which is done every time someone says TRUMP SUCKS.

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