Booker Violates Senate Rules to Attack Kavanaugh!

Sen. Booker’s Kavanaugh email stunt is a total dud

well that didn't go as planned and only got booker in a shitload of trouble.

Exactly what trouble is he in and what is going to happen to him?

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dunno. hard to keep up but if the expulsion was a real effect of his action, i don't see how that can be good for him.

He becomes a martyr to jump start is campaign and the Dem Gov of NJ puts a Dem in to replace him.

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he's not well known enough to become a martyr.
he's just a asshole fk who is black.
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

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which is done every time someone says TRUMP SUCKS.

Only if they say the whole country thinks Trump sucks.

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Sen. Booker’s Kavanaugh email stunt is a total dud

well that didn't go as planned and only got booker in a shitload of trouble.

Exactly what trouble is he in and what is going to happen to him?

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dunno. hard to keep up but if the expulsion was a real effect of his action, i don't see how that can be good for him.

He becomes a martyr to jump start is campaign and the Dem Gov of NJ puts a Dem in to replace him.

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he's not well known enough to become a martyr.

Not sure I agree with that, but either is just an opinion

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Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

Booker declared to the Hearing that he was going to release confidential (classified) documents and was willing to risk his Senate position to do so in order to release damning e-mails about Kavanaugh.

1. He exposed himself as intentionally willing to violate rules, regs, laws for partisanship / partisan gain....

2. He was either engaged in 'political theatrics' by claiming he could be ousted for releasing the e-mails, knowing full well that they had already been cleared for release, OR he exposed himself as an idiot by declaring he was going to 'illegally' release the e-mails while fellow Senators were laughing at his dumb ass because THEY knew the e-mails had already been cleared for release.

3. Booker believed he had damning information on Kavanaugh yet was too damn lazy / ignorant to even read them. If he had he would have learned all the e-mails showed was that Kavanaugh was / is NOT for racial profiling and is a good pick for the USSC....which also makes Booker look like an idiot based on his earlier grand-standing attempt of declaring himself to be 'willing to sacrifice his own job for the good of the country'.....


The douche completely embarrassed himself.
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

Booker declared to the Hearing that he was going to release confidential (classified) documents and was willing to risk his Senate position to do so in order to release damning e-mails about Kavanaugh.

1. He exposed himself as intentionally willing to violate rules, regs, laws for partisanship / partisan gain....

2. He was either engaged in 'political theatrics' by claiming he could be ousted for releasing the e-mails, knowing full well that they had already been cleared for release, OR he exposed himself as an idiot by declaring he was going to 'illegally' release the e-mails while fellow Senators were laughing at his dumb ass because THEY knew the e-mails had already been cleared for release.

3. Booker believed he had damning information on Kavanaugh yet was too damn lazy / ignorant to even read them. If he had he would have learned all the e-mails showed was that Kavanaugh was / is NOT for racial profiling and is a good pick for the USSC....which also makes Booker look like an idiot based on his earlier grand-standing attempt of declaring himself to be 'willing to sacrifice his own job for the good of the country'.....


The douche completely embarrassed himself.

How many Dems do you think you will get to agree with your assessment?

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How many Dems do you think you will get to agree with your assessment?

That's like asking how many Democrats will admit that all the criminal evidence against Democrats plus Oher's testimony about how he, jis wife, Steele, and Mueller were working together in early 2016 just completely exposed their Conspiracy.

The answer, of course, is NONE....which is no shocker to anyone. For 2 years snowflakes have been declaring Trump to be guilty of illegal collusion when the only existing evidence points to Democrats committing crimes.

'Denial of reality' has become their 'thing'.

Here, let me allow you the opportunity to prove me right:

'Booker dramatically said he would “knowingly” violate Senate rules to release emails marked "committee confidential" that showed Kavanaugh discussing racial profiling in 2002.'

Yes or no - Booker just admitted that he is willing to intentionally violate Senate Rules, which he admitted is punishable by up to being ousted from the Senate...

It's not calculus or rocket science. Booker himself gave you the answer.

...and you want to give him a pass on his lack on integrity, respect for laws / rules, and Marc wants to call him a 'hero'.

Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

Booker declared to the Hearing that he was going to release confidential (classified) documents and was willing to risk his Senate position to do so in order to release damning e-mails about Kavanaugh.

1. He exposed himself as intentionally willing to violate rules, regs, laws for partisanship / partisan gain....

2. He was either engaged in 'political theatrics' by claiming he could be ousted for releasing the e-mails, knowing full well that they had already been cleared for release, OR he exposed himself as an idiot by declaring he was going to 'illegally' release the e-mails while fellow Senators were laughing at his dumb ass because THEY knew the e-mails had already been cleared for release.

3. Booker believed he had damning information on Kavanaugh yet was too damn lazy / ignorant to even read them. If he had he would have learned all the e-mails showed was that Kavanaugh was / is NOT for racial profiling and is a good pick for the USSC....which also makes Booker look like an idiot based on his earlier grand-standing attempt of declaring himself to be 'willing to sacrifice his own job for the good of the country'.....


The douche completely embarrassed himself.

I'm pretty sure that these are confidential, not classified. There's a BIG difference.

He violated a Senate rule, he did not break the law.
Good plan, make a martyr out of him. Perhaps that is what he is going for.
Stupid people / Idiots don't become martyrs....because everyone just shakes their heads and say, "What an IDIOT!" for admittedly attempting to violate Senate rules which he admittedly knows could get him ousted from the Senate.

Once again you are projecting your narrow views into the nation as a whole.

Booker declared to the Hearing that he was going to release confidential (classified) documents and was willing to risk his Senate position to do so in order to release damning e-mails about Kavanaugh.

1. He exposed himself as intentionally willing to violate rules, regs, laws for partisanship / partisan gain....

2. He was either engaged in 'political theatrics' by claiming he could be ousted for releasing the e-mails, knowing full well that they had already been cleared for release, OR he exposed himself as an idiot by declaring he was going to 'illegally' release the e-mails while fellow Senators were laughing at his dumb ass because THEY knew the e-mails had already been cleared for release.

3. Booker believed he had damning information on Kavanaugh yet was too damn lazy / ignorant to even read them. If he had he would have learned all the e-mails showed was that Kavanaugh was / is NOT for racial profiling and is a good pick for the USSC....which also makes Booker look like an idiot based on his earlier grand-standing attempt of declaring himself to be 'willing to sacrifice his own job for the good of the country'.....


The douche completely embarrassed himself.

I'm pretty sure that these are confidential, not classified. There's a BIG difference.

He violated a Senate rule, he did not break the law.
He was already given permission.
How many Dems do you think you will get to agree with your assessment?

That's like asking how many Democrats will admit that all the criminal evidence against Democrats plus Oher's testimony about how he, jis wife, Steele, and Mueller were working together in early 2016 just completely exposed their Conspiracy.

The answer, of course, is NONE....which is no shocker to anyone. For 2 years snowflakes have been declaring Trump to be guilty of illegal collusion when the only existing evidence points to Democrats committing crimes.

'Denial of reality' has become their 'thing'.

Here, let me allow you the opportunity to prove me right:

'Booker dramatically said he would “knowingly” violate Senate rules to release emails marked "committee confidential" that showed Kavanaugh discussing racial profiling in 2002.'

Yes or no - Booker just admitted that he is willing to intentionally violate Senate Rules, which he admitted is punishable by up to being ousted from the Senate...

It's not calculus or rocket science. Booker himself gave you the answer.

...and you want to give him a pass on his lack on integrity, respect for laws / rules, and Marc wants to call him a 'hero'.


I think the whole thing is funny as hell, it is all theater, just like the hearing themselves. Waste of time and money and in the end serve no purpose.

Fuck dude, the POTUS just told the DOJ they should base when people are charged on their party affiliation and the date of the next election. Not a one of you sheep had an issue with that, but you are losing your fucking minds over some Senate emails!

If this shit was a movie nobody would watch it as they would say it was too unrealistic.

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How many Dems do you think you will get to agree with your assessment?

That's like asking how many Democrats will admit that all the criminal evidence against Democrats plus Oher's testimony about how he, jis wife, Steele, and Mueller were working together in early 2016 just completely exposed their Conspiracy.

The answer, of course, is NONE....which is no shocker to anyone. For 2 years snowflakes have been declaring Trump to be guilty of illegal collusion when the only existing evidence points to Democrats committing crimes.

'Denial of reality' has become their 'thing'.

Here, let me allow you the opportunity to prove me right:

'Booker dramatically said he would “knowingly” violate Senate rules to release emails marked "committee confidential" that showed Kavanaugh discussing racial profiling in 2002.'

Yes or no - Booker just admitted that he is willing to intentionally violate Senate Rules, which he admitted is punishable by up to being ousted from the Senate...

It's not calculus or rocket science. Booker himself gave you the answer.

...and you want to give him a pass on his lack on integrity, respect for laws / rules, and Marc wants to call him a 'hero'.

I would say I would knowingly do something I knowingly knew I wouldn't get in trouble for too. That wasn't much of a stand at all. He had to know that would come out. what a punk. he lost all credibility, the repubs should just talk over him the rest of the hearing when he talks and call it a day. A waste of everyone's time.
Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.

Really? The country benefits from undermining one of its legislative bodies rules to release documents that reinforce the fact they Kavanaugh belonged on the court?

How exactly?

If the documents showed the judge murdered someone or took bribes or should some aspect of his character is tainted, he might have some sort of moral reason for doing it.

But they don’t. They reinforce that he is highly qualified to be in the court. Which means Senator Booker is doing this just to grandstand.

So a senator undermines fundamental structures of our Republic to grandstand and you think that helps our country? Then your country is either one other then our or you are a traitor
The documents show he doesn’t consider Roe V. Wade as settled law. Something he and the GOP have been desperate to hide from the American people.

It’s not settled law. Not even the constitution is settled law because that can be amended.

The only settled law in the world is the Ten Commandments.

You guys know it’s not settled or you wouldn’t be freaking out
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
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The GOP has spent 2 years trying to silence dissent and punish the opposition like the fascists they are. But I don’t think they’ll give Booker the boot now that their movement is on life support.

Pointing out your stupidity isn’t an attempt to silence you.
Threats to shut down news organizations, punish whistleblowers, swear staff to secrecy, discredit journalists, etc.

Obama isn’t president any more. No need to worry anymore
After seeing Booker and Harris today, the Dems are probably on the phone right now telling Hillary she needs to try one more time.
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
it backfired, now he looks weak. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It is soo fun in here everyday. I love this stuff easy, the truth always wins and garbage pickers will always be garbage pickers.
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
it backfired, now he looks weak. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It is soo fun in here everyday. I love this stuff easy, the truth always wins and garbage pickers will always be garbage pickers.

To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

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“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation

He’s just like all the other democrats! Complete assclown assholes!
It is now plainly obvious that Booker knew the e-mails had already been approved for release, that Booker - who has expressed interest in potentially running in 2020 - deceitfully engaged in political theatrics / grand-standing, claiming he was bravely willing to become a 'martyr' in order to 'fight the suppression of information' and 'get the truth out about Kavanaugh'. He attempted to make the hearing about himself and make himself look good, intentionally and deceitfully attempting to 'hijack' the Committee hearing for personal gain.

Doing so makes him look like a complete self-promoting deceitful douche.

The fact that the information he made sound as if it would be do damaging to Kavanaugh instead turned out to only prove what a great candidate he is and what a great USSC Judge he will be makes him look even more like an ignorant douche.

To teach him a lesson, though, I think the Senate / McConnell should stil admonish him for declaring he was willing to break Senate Rules - make the douche admit that he didn't mean it, that he knew the documents had been approved for release. Make him 'come clean', further embarrassing himself.

Remember how Brennan was caught committing perjury about lying about 'not' spying on the Senate? To avoid indictment he was forced to stand before Congress, admit he had committed perjury ... and had illegally spied on US senators. Make the douche do the same thing before the Senate. :p Now THAT would be entertaining....
it backfired, now he looks weak. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It is soo fun in here everyday. I love this stuff easy, the truth always wins and garbage pickers will always be garbage pickers.

To the people that already did not like him. Do you really think Booker gives a rats ass what a Trump ass kisser like you thinks about him?

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We don’t give a shit what Booker thinks! He is history!

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