Booker Violates Senate Rules to Attack Kavanaugh!

Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.
If you think Booker released those e-mails for 'Country' you are truly an idiot...or a liar. Remember, Schumer said that he and all of his Democrat buddies are 100% committed to undermining Trump. Only YOU would think that sounds like Democrats like Booker give a damn about the country ahead of partisan politics.
Hiding information from the American people to advance your politics is putting politics before country. Booker gives the GOP seditionists the middle finger with this move, and dares them to choose politics over country again with the American people watching.

Glad you feel that way...FISA documents next, then perhaps Clinton emails.

Let's add Obabble's college transcripts and financial sources that paid for his education as well.
Trump’s too? I bet not. Trash.

Jeebus, you are dumb.
Most intelligent people will see this for what it is... a political stunt.
And that is pretty much all we get out of Washington today. Both sides.
If this was under Obama, then a Republican would do it.

In the end. This will backfire. At least there is hope that the American people are seeing the shit for what it is. Shit.
You’re the one who voted for America to stop fighting ISIL, snowflake. Go fuck yourself.
You are truly a f*ed up mental snowflake who has no clue WTF is going on....

During his time in office Obama supplied, financed, armed, and trained ISIS...

He told the military to stand down instead of completely destroying mile-long ISIS convoys as they rolled through open desert in Iraq on their way to take over land already liberated by the US military at great cost....

Obama was the one who wrote the 'Rules of Engagement' preventing the coalition from striking ISIS Black Market Oil Facilities that funded half of its terrorist-related the Paris attack. AFTER the Paris attack the coalition declared it would no longer follow Obama's terrorist-protecting 'ROE', and France and Russia launched an attack against the Black Market Oil facilities. Barry would not let US aircraft participate in the retaliatory strike....You know what TRAITOR BARRY had the US Air Force / Military doing instead? He had them drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them that the attack was coming!

Barry aided and abetted Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia....

Educate yourself or STFU.
Kavanugh said that it wasn’t settled law at that time.

Not that it wasn’t settled TO HIM, but that it wasn’t settled law in 2003.

Dems will use this to say that Kavanaugh will overturn Roe V Wade, although anyone who knows dick about jurisprudence knows he can’t unilaterally do anything.

Allow the insanity to proceed!!!

It only takes one vote in a 5-4 decision to repeal Roe. We know the four remaining conservatives will support its repeal.
What was so classified in that email that the public should not know ?
What was so classified from the Eric holder shenanigans that caused him to be held in contempt of Congress, that Obama just decided to retroactively give Holder cover? Shouldn’t the people know?

The whole “release these documents” is a BS theater play by the dems. They know it can’t be released, but they can still look like the good guys to their base after shooting themselves in the foot back in 2013. There are scores and scores of Kavanaughs record as a judge. All public. Those are what actually matters. This would be like the GOP demanding that they release all of sotamayor’s sealed deposistions she participated in.

Kavanaugh is the absolute best the left could hope for with trump as president, and a GOP controlled congress and senate. There are prominent leftist echoeing this same sentiment. Kavanaugh is a slightly less wishy washy Roberts (who was a terrible nomination by bush). The GOP could’ve really twisted the knife if they wanted too. They didn’t. That’s something I highly doubt the left would do if the shoe was on the other foot. In fact, it’s something they definitely didn’t do when Reid went with the nuclear option. McConnel warmed him.
Booker just admittedly chose to violate Senate Rules, acknowledging that for doing so he could be removed from the Senate.

Admission of guilt!

He needs to be punished for his acknowledged violation.

End of Story!
Yeah like how Hillary needs to be prosecuted:rolleyes:

Do you ever tire of your bullshit?
Nice to see an ISIS supporter likes the new white privileged Nike guy.
You’re the one who voted for America to stop fighting ISIL, snowflake. Go fuck yourself.
Your the Black Flag Guy. ISIS flag is black too. Your a Democrat and Kapernick I assume you support terrorist too.
Black Flag is a band I like. I won’t let you give that to the terrorists, as you’ve surrendered so many other things to them. PUSSY.

Black Flag is also an insect poison used to kill cockroaches like you....
“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation


How does one spell Courage? B O O K E R

BTW, Grassley is a dirt bag and dumb as a box of rocks; McConnell won't do anything which might expose his wife as anonymous.
the left will call him a hero
Because he is.

What is the "attack" exactly?

What was so classified in that email that the public should not know ?
What was so classified from the Eric holder shenanigans that caused him to be held in contempt of Congress, that Obama just decided to retroactively give Holder cover? Shouldn’t the people know?

The whole “release these documents” is a BS theater play by the dems. They know it can’t be released, but they can still look like the good guys to their base after shooting themselves in the foot back in 2013. There are scores and scores of Kavanaughs record as a judge. All public. Those are what actually matters. This would be like the GOP demanding that they release all of sotamayor’s sealed deposistions she participated in.

Kavanaugh is the absolute best the left could hope for with trump as president, and a GOP controlled congress and senate. There are prominent leftist echoeing this same sentiment. Kavanaugh is a slightly less wishy washy Roberts (who was a terrible nomination by bush). The GOP could’ve really twisted the knife if they wanted too. They didn’t. That’s something I highly doubt the left would do if the shoe was on the other foot. In fact, it’s something they definitely didn’t do when Reid went with the nuclear option. McConnel warmed him.

Snowflakes like flag cry out 'release these documents - isn't the truth important' when Democrats like Booker have broken laws / rules / etc....but they are also the same cockroaches who defend Rosenstein and Mueller for Obstructing Justice by criminally refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena ordering them to release documents.
“I am going to release the e-mail about racial profiling and I understand that the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate,” Booker said at the beginning of the third day of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.'

McConnell is a worthless, weak, gutless bag of Washington Establishment shit - he doesn't have the balls to act to remove Booker from the Senate, which Booker even acknowledged could be done as a result of his actions....but Booker knows McConnell doesn't have the balls or spine to do it.

Booker should be off this committee before Lunch (1200 EST) and action should be taken to have him removed by the Senate by the end of the day!

Enough of letting Democrats continue to get away with violating laws, rules, regulations, and protocol!

He chose to violate Senate Rules publicly - McConnell should kick him off the Committee right now, right on national TV!

Unfortunately, again, McConnell is a gutless wonder who will just take this like a good little Cuck....

Booker releases secret Kavanaugh emails in defiance of Senate rules, drawing GOP condemnation


How does one spell Courage? BTW, Grassley is a dirt bag and dumb as a box of rocks; McConnell won't do anything which might expose his wife as anonymous.
It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.
it's not right in your post either.

We good now?

My handset autocorrected with the C.


The content of my post remains unchanged.
still shows

Dems will use this to say that Cavanaugh will overturn Roe V Wade, although anyone who knows dick about jurisprudence knows he can’t unilaterally do anything.

Your post did have proper grammar.

“still shows” is a phrase. Please use proper Capitalization, an object, and a period.

Thanks. :10:
the left will call him a hero
Because he is.

What is the "attack" exactly?

Booker admitted that he chose to violate Senate Rules.

Snowflakes declare breaking laws / rules - when they do it - makes them a hero.

The information Booker released shows Kavanaugh to be a stand-up guy with integrity, ethics, and honesty....not what Booker thought he had when he released them, but he would have known that if he had bothered to READ them before releasing them.
--- You would think Liberals would have learned their lesson after passing the ACA without ever reading a single page....

Still think, after what he released proves Kavanaugh to be a great pick for the USSC, makes Booker a hero?

IMO, it makes him a rule violator deserving to be ousted from the Senate and dumbass for not bothering to read what he was willing to risk his Senate seat over.

Last edited:
It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.
it's not right in your post either.

judge kavanaugh - Google Search
I was merely pointing out since he was correcting it that there was one in his post. I wasn't trying to be an asshole. he had time to correct it since he corrected the title, Just saying not sure why you posted this to me?
Anything goes now. There are no rules, there are no standards, there is no respect, there is no decorum, there is no dignity. Trump's fans celebrate it when he does it. This is what the wingers want, this is what they get. Anarchy. Enjoy.
he's not done anything off base. name where he has overstepped his responsibility or rules?
You're right.

Trump has been a perfect gentleman, a model of dignity, respect and decorum, since the day he came down the escalator.

That was not the question asked of you.
Anything goes now. There are no rules, there are no standards, there is no respect, there is no decorum, there is no dignity. Trump's fans celebrate it when he does it. This is what the wingers want, this is what they get. Anarchy. Enjoy.
he's not done anything off base. name where he has overstepped his responsibility or rules?
You're right.

Trump has been a perfect gentleman, a model of dignity, respect and decorum, since the day he came down the escalator.

That was not the question asked of you.
details. he's a person with no agenda accept to be obnoxious in here. He is a tool. he would never answer direct to a question posed. evah!!!

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