Booker Violates Senate Rules to Attack Kavanaugh!

It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.

He is qualified and will be confirmed.

Suck it Dems and blame Harry Reid.

Elections have consequences, and you lost....just like Obama said.


Reid said Supreme Court justices were not involved in nominations. Anyone who is anyone should understand the importance of a 3/5ths vote for Supreme Court Justices. That is why they had to use the nuclear option for Gorsuch.

Too fucking bad.

More Dem lunatics screaming from the gallery.

What fucking psychos.
It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.
it's not right in your post either.

We good now?

My handset autocorrected with the C.


The content of my post remains unchanged.
still shows

Dems will use this to say that Cavanaugh will overturn Roe V Wade, although anyone who knows dick about jurisprudence knows he can’t unilaterally do anything.

You saying being a lifetime appointment tonthe Sup Ct means nothing ?

You righties are so disingenuous and intellectually dishonest .
So just imagine what kind of a coward does not even have balls on an anonymous website!
Not stooping to your anonymous level of a lack of civility does not take 'courage'....the fact that you think it does proves how much of a true coward ... and an idiot ... you are.
It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.
it's not right in your post either.

We good now?

My handset autocorrected with the C.


The content of my post remains unchanged.
still shows

Dems will use this to say that Cavanaugh will overturn Roe V Wade, although anyone who knows dick about jurisprudence knows he can’t unilaterally do anything.

Your post did have proper grammar.

“still shows” is a phrase. Please use proper Capitalization, an object, and a period.

Thanks. :10:
It's "Kavanaugh"

Cheerfully edited.

Didn’t mean to confuse anyone.
it's not right in your post either.

We good now?

My handset autocorrected with the C.


The content of my post remains unchanged.
still shows

Dems will use this to say that Cavanaugh will overturn Roe V Wade, although anyone who knows dick about jurisprudence knows he can’t unilaterally do anything.

You saying being a lifetime appointment tonthe Sup Ct means nothing ?

You righties are so disingenuous and intellectually dishonest .

Kavanaugh is qualified to serve. This is all bullshit.


Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2014. (Reuters photo: Joshua Roberts)

God bless Harry Reid. It’s because of him that Gorsuch is guaranteed elevation to the Court. In 2013, as then–Senate majority leader, Reid blew up the joint. He abolished the filibuster for federal appointments both executive (such as cabinet) and judicial, for all district- and circuit-court judgeships (excluding only the Supreme Court). Thus unencumbered, the Democratic-controlled Senate packed the lower courts with Obama nominees.

Why because republicans would filibuster all night long.
The Republicans have been intentionally withholding documents that appear contradict what he has stated or he didn't remember during his testimony in the during the confirmation hearings. The "committee confidential" classification" was imposed by a Kavanaugh allied friend.
There are still ten's of thousands records that the Republicans and Trump have failed to release.
It seems the Little Trumpsters and Trump's puppets want to withhold critical records, which is uncalled for considering the importance of the Supreme Court lifetime position and the effect of that position on the the American people.
But then that's no surprise, considering these same people think that Republicans are above the law and everyone else is subject to the rule of law.
The dumbfuck racist thinks that white people never break the rules.

He is your standard Trump ass kisser...dumber than a box of rocks and racist to the core.

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Watching you racists bash it out is comic

Ahh, how cute you came out of hiding just to Kaz for me! What fun.

How is my favorite little coward doing today?

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...says the snowflake emboldened by typing anonymously on a keyboard....

Gator's a racist and a liar. He knows my issue with him is his endless bickering. EVERYONE knows what he does
why I ignore him. he never has any new material. round and round the mulberry bush with him.

Once again it is a shame your ignore denies you the opportunity to see the irony in your post

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What was so classified in that email that the public should not know ?
Roe V Wade isn’t a fucking law, anyways.

Why don’t Dems get an actual law passed in Congress that makes It illegal for any state to outlaw abortion?

Doesn’t that seem like the solution?
Don't need a law for a negative.....that the Supreme Court has settled.
Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.
If you think Booker released those e-mails for 'Country' you are truly an idiot...or a liar. Remember, Schumer said that he and all of his Democrat buddies are 100% committed to undermining Trump. Only YOU would think that sounds like Democrats like Booker give a damn about the country ahead of partisan politics.
Hiding information from the American people to advance your politics is putting politics before country. Booker gives the GOP seditionists the middle finger with this move, and dares them to choose politics over country again with the American people watching.

Glad you feel that way...FISA documents next, then perhaps Clinton emails.
Russia already gave them to you, you dumb fucking retard
Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.
If you think Booker released those e-mails for 'Country' you are truly an idiot...or a liar. Remember, Schumer said that he and all of his Democrat buddies are 100% committed to undermining Trump. Only YOU would think that sounds like Democrats like Booker give a damn about the country ahead of partisan politics.
Hiding information from the American people to advance your politics is putting politics before country. Booker gives the GOP seditionists the middle finger with this move, and dares them to choose politics over country again with the American people watching.

Glad you feel that way...FISA documents next, then perhaps Clinton emails.

Let's add Obabble's college transcripts and financial sources that paid for his education as well.
Trump’s too? I bet not. Trash.
Booker should be removed and the governor appoint a new senator to serve out Booker's term. He will not be allowed to run for any other office either.
Mr. Booker puts country before politics. Good for him.
If you think Booker released those e-mails for 'Country' you are truly an idiot...or a liar. Remember, Schumer said that he and all of his Democrat buddies are 100% committed to undermining Trump. Only YOU would think that sounds like Democrats like Booker give a damn about the country ahead of partisan politics.
Hiding information from the American people to advance your politics is putting politics before country. Booker gives the GOP seditionists the middle finger with this move, and dares them to choose politics over country again with the American people watching.

I'd be with you if you werent lying and you meant that both ways. Tell me about snowden, liar
What about him? The GOP just renewed the program he opposed. Want to tell me about that?

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