Booming Israel Economy

The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I kow what monetizing debt means. Do you?
The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I know what monetizing debt means. Do you?

Would you like to tell me how the USA is falling apart because it loans money not only to Israel but to many other countries in the world, countries which give back to the US tax payers as much as Israel does?

If you, as a US taxpayer, want the US government to stop loaning money to Israel, should it also stop loaning or giving money to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UN, Gaza, the PA and many others?

What is the US getting back for loaning or giving as much as it does to any of these countries, and others?

Or is it only Israel you want the US to stop loaning money to?
The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I kow what monetizing debt means. Do you?

Birdbrain: American technology executives acknowledge US technology is based on Israeli advancements


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The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I kow what monetizing debt means. Do you?

Birdbrain: Which country, again, saved Intel?

How Israel Saved Intel How Israel saved Intel
The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I know what monetizing debt means. Do you?

Would you like to tell me how the USA is falling apart because it loans money not only to Israel but to many other countries in the world, countries which give back to the US tax payers as much as Israel does?

If you, as a US taxpayer, want the US government to stop loaning money to Israel, should it also stop loaning or giving money to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UN, Gaza, the PA and many others?

What is the US getting back for loaning or giving as much as it does to any of these countries, and others?

Or is it only Israel you want the US to stop loaning money to?

Birdbrain: Which major US technology company is almost Israeli?

Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American
The USA is the richest country in the world.

From your formula, it needs to stop loaning money from other countries.

And it is 38 Billion in the course of 10 years, and not per year, in aid to Israel.

Why Does the United States Give So Much Money to Israel?

Anything else you could be misinformed about ?

Yeah, I now. I forgot my decimal.

Israel needs to deal with its own problems. They're a burden America is almost 21 trillin dollars in debt.
You are therefore suggesting to the government of the United States that it deal with its own problems. That they do not seek help from any of its allies, not import anything so as to diminish the debt.

How well informed are you about the difference between a country's debt and deficit?

Odd that the American government, and many others as well, do not find Israel to be a burden on their countries as you do.

Now, if you wish to investigate theft from America and many other countries, check what happens to all the money which goes into Gaza and the PA.

Not only American but European money.

Is any of that money bringing in any dividends to the US tax payers and the European ones?

I kow what monetizing debt means. Do you?

Too bad you can’t monetize stupidity You could make a fortune! LOL!
The resolution notes a number of successes in the U.S.-Israel alliance:

The U.S.-Israel free trade agreement (FTA) was America’s first FTA when it was signed on April 22, 1985.
Over the following 30 years, trade has multiplied tenfold to over $40 billion annually.
Through government-funded U.S.-Israel collaborative research and development programs in science, energy, agriculture, security, technology, and numerous other areas, America has become a more environmentally friendly, healthier, better fed, more advanced, and financially stronger nation. The lives of people in America and Israel have been tangibly improved because of the two countries’ alliance.

The reason Congress spent time on HRes 551 was simple: America derives critical and unique benefits from its economic relationship with Israel. The findings of the resolution lead to two important conclusions: First, the U.S.-Israel economic relationship matters. Second, targeting the Israeli economy also targets the American economy, with potentially devastating results that reach beyond economics and into basic quality of life. Understanding how this negatively impacts America’s economy becomes easy once the full extent of the economic connections between Israel and the US, and the benefits from them, are made clear. And once that understanding is reached, it becomes painfully obvious why every American should oppose boycotting Israel.

The U.S.-Israel alliance’s backbone is the two countries’ macroeconomic ties. America has FTAs with twenty countries. Through our exports to those countries, 17,638,294 American jobs were directly supported between 2009 and 2014, according to the Department of Commerce. Of that total, trade with Israel contributed 254,562, the eighth-largest contribution among the 20 trade partners. When the data is further examined, however, it turns out that exports to Israel generate the highest amount of export dollars per job.

While Israel’s economy does not offer the sheer volume of market opportunities for American products and services that FTA partner economies like Canada, Mexico, and Australia do, the quantity of export dollars generated by each American job supported by trade with Israel is far more significant than those larger economies on a per job basis. As demonstrated in the graphic below, US jobs supported by exports to Israel represent the highest value per job of any of the 20 free trade partner countries. This number is found by taking the dollar amount of trade between the U.S. and a given country, then dividing it by the number of jobs supported by that country.

(full article online)

Israel Gives Much More to the U.S. Economy Than You Imagined
Taxes to Israel result in endless worldly achievements for better lives. What do taxes to Palestinians result in?
OMG! A Chilean official blasts Israelite tourists. That does it. Israel is doomed.
One can only hope. Chile is a far superior culture to IsNtReal.
You Duhmericants wouldn't understand. Most have only been out of the shithole they grew up(older) in but a few times.

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