US Economy adds 272,000 jobs

I would think that anything social services and government hiring would be in salaries and benefits more than hospitality. And we have the taxpayer footing the bill on a lot of it.
Well, that's good news. In Joe Bidens inflationary economy, people need more than one job to pay the bills.

But yet, still have record debt:

Now a record number of mortgages and car loans are falling delinquent. I thought all these people had such wonderful jobs:

If they've all got such wonderful jobs, why can't they pay off their debts? And wouldn't all these wonderful jobs mean Biden can stop using taxpayer dollars for "student debt forgiveness"?

Credit card debt is 13.1% higher than a year ago. Where are all these wonderful jobs?

And if all these wonderful jobs are being created, why is the unemployment rate STILL higher than it was under Trump? 4%? And going UP?
When did you start working at McDonald's?
Great news for all Americans

Today's jobs report: US economy added booming 272,000 jobs in May, unemployment at 4%

Unless you look a bit closer.




I'll explain if you need.
Show me otherwise

$34 an hour is $68,000 a year

In 2023, the median annual wage for all U.S. workers was $48,060, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which means Americans in around half the states earned less than that benchmark, while workers in the other half earned more.

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