US Economy adds 272,000 jobs

So….Average wages have increased significantly, Median wages have increased significantly
Inflation remains at around 4 percent
Rightwinger: posts a good economic metric, showing people are doing much better.
Trumpers: NUH-UH!! That's bogus! Use this economic metric that still shows people are doing much better!
It’s probably propaganda or lots of low paying jobs.

Show us where it is inaccurate other than you don’t like good economic reports

Last month, health care and social assistance again led the job gains with 83,000. Leisure and hospitality, which includes restaurants and bars, added 42,000; and professional and business services, 33,000.
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Well, that's good news. In Joe Bidens inflationary economy, people need more than one job to pay the bills.

But yet, still have record debt:

Now a record number of mortgages and car loans are falling delinquent. I thought all these people had such wonderful jobs:

If they've all got such wonderful jobs, why can't they pay off their debts? And wouldn't all these wonderful jobs mean Biden can stop using taxpayer dollars for "student debt forgiveness"?

Credit card debt is 13.1% higher than a year ago. Where are all these wonderful jobs?

And if all these wonderful jobs are being created, why is the unemployment rate STILL higher than it was under Trump? 4%? And going UP?
Is this thread about JOBS?

or is this thread about you attempts at deflection?
Take your Bull Shit somewhere else.
The few people I know making $34+ an hour are Union workers, like at the Post Office or UPS
The vast majority of working people are making way less than your bogus Biden hourly pay claim.
The PUD guy came over and shut off power so the Service people could install a new electrical panel. The PUD guy was telling the electricians that he makes $91 an hour, and overtime is DOUBLE PAY. And he gets lots overtime he says.

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