Borderline Diabetic


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Which means..I can do something about it before actually getting full blown diabetes.

I hate studying new I thought I would ask here, a few questions. I googled, of course. Main thing they say to do is lose weight. I already have, but I guess I need to lose some more. So, that's a given. Next thing I want to know is...who here is diabetic or has been diagnosed as borderline diabetic and what do you eat when you want something sweet??? Is splenda as bad as sugar? I like sweet tea and sweet coffee. At night, I nibble on a tootsie roll pop. Which is sugar. I have brownies in the cupboard I have not made yet...guess I better NOT make them? In short...cut out the fat from foods, and sugar as well? Do I just gnaw on an apple or some kind of fresh fruit and go cold turkey on SWEET stuff? Oy. That's gonna be hard to do.

So...can y'all give me some pointers on putting a whoa on the borderline thing?
Basics -- Lose weight. Very little sugar. None is better. Green vegetables; brown rice and sweet potatoes, etc; fruit (remember they can be loaded with their own sugar); protein; low-fat milk or the soy substitutes.

Research online.
We try to get into the gym five days a week: bike, tread mill, glider, step machine, weights, the pool.

The weight will come very slowly off: the more you exercise, the more you eat right, the better you will feel. Promise.
I don't drink, so no booze is no problem. But I'm gonna miss my nightly hot sweet green tea. :(

I eat two meals a day:

1 egg
1/2 cup hash browns (frozen Ore Ida)
1 slice turkey bacon
1 cup decaf coffee
1 Ensure

No lunch. Might snack on about 8 cool ranch chips (gluten free) along with a half glass of Kefir.

Dinner is a can of tuna and an avacado.
Or a chicken thigh baked in the oven.
Iceberg lettuce with french dressing.
1 Ensure

Snacks are doritos ranch chips, couple of Chips Ahoy, tootsie pop lollypop, gluten free pretzels (handful).

Guess I will replace the tootsie pops with an apple and no more cookies. And no sweet tea. Coffee will hafta have Truvia instead of sugar. And..ride my stationary bike 3 times a day for 15 minutes each.
Splenda is fine for diabetics, but it's artificial. I like Stevia which is plant based & a natural sweetner & is ok for diabetics to use albeit a bit more expensive. Cinnamon is a natural way to help bring down glucose numbers. Only about 1/8- 1/4 teaspoon daily is recommended. There's only so much you can sprinkle it on, so I buy the capsules.
Splenda is fine for diabetics, but it's artificial. I like Stevia which is plant based & a natural sweetner & is ok for diabetics to use albeit a bit more expensive. Cinnamon is a natural way to help bring down glucose numbers. Only about 1/8- 1/4 teaspoon daily is recommended. There's only so much you can sprinkle it on, so I buy the capsules.
I have no clue what to do with cinnamon without sugar. There are capsules for cinnamon??? I wil lhave to check in to that.

Doc gave me horse pills for potassium, which I refused to take. I said I would do it myself. So..I have been eating shitloads of avocados. My potassium levels are normal now.

So I am trying to think of how to ingest cinnamon without sugar. And I almost bought the Stevia, but went with Truvia instead...aren't they the same thing?
Which means..I can do something about it before actually getting full blown diabetes.

I hate studying new I thought I would ask here, a few questions. I googled, of course. Main thing they say to do is lose weight. I already have, but I guess I need to lose some more. So, that's a given. Next thing I want to know is...who here is diabetic or has been diagnosed as borderline diabetic and what do you eat when you want something sweet??? Is splenda as bad as sugar? I like sweet tea and sweet coffee. At night, I nibble on a tootsie roll pop. Which is sugar. I have brownies in the cupboard I have not made yet...guess I better NOT make them? In short...cut out the fat from foods, and sugar as well? Do I just gnaw on an apple or some kind of fresh fruit and go cold turkey on SWEET stuff? Oy. That's gonna be hard to do.

So...can y'all give me some pointers on putting a whoa on the borderline thing?

Lose weight. Drink lots of water. EXERCISE.
Wait a sec. Truvia in my coffee or hot green tea...AND a sprinkle of cinnoman? Will that work?
Which means..I can do something about it before actually getting full blown diabetes.

I hate studying new I thought I would ask here, a few questions. I googled, of course. Main thing they say to do is lose weight. I already have, but I guess I need to lose some more. So, that's a given. Next thing I want to know is...who here is diabetic or has been diagnosed as borderline diabetic and what do you eat when you want something sweet??? Is splenda as bad as sugar? I like sweet tea and sweet coffee. At night, I nibble on a tootsie roll pop. Which is sugar. I have brownies in the cupboard I have not made yet...guess I better NOT make them? In short...cut out the fat from foods, and sugar as well? Do I just gnaw on an apple or some kind of fresh fruit and go cold turkey on SWEET stuff? Oy. That's gonna be hard to do.

So...can y'all give me some pointers on putting a whoa on the borderline thing?

Lose weight. Drink lots of water. EXERCISE.
I have 10 more lbs to go. Originally I wanted 6 but doc said 10. I drink a lot of water already, so thats a check! And exercise..I walk the dogs in the morning, ride my stationary bike 2 times a day but now I am doing it 3 times a day. Plus add in the I think I am getting enough of that although I would KILL for a swimming pool!
Which means..I can do something about it before actually getting full blown diabetes.

I hate studying new I thought I would ask here, a few questions. I googled, of course. Main thing they say to do is lose weight. I already have, but I guess I need to lose some more. So, that's a given. Next thing I want to know is...who here is diabetic or has been diagnosed as borderline diabetic and what do you eat when you want something sweet??? Is splenda as bad as sugar? I like sweet tea and sweet coffee. At night, I nibble on a tootsie roll pop. Which is sugar. I have brownies in the cupboard I have not made yet...guess I better NOT make them? In short...cut out the fat from foods, and sugar as well? Do I just gnaw on an apple or some kind of fresh fruit and go cold turkey on SWEET stuff? Oy. That's gonna be hard to do.

So...can y'all give me some pointers on putting a whoa on the borderline thing?

Lose weight. Drink lots of water. EXERCISE.
I have 10 more lbs to go. Originally I wanted 6 but doc said 10. I drink a lot of water already, so thats a check! And exercise..I walk the dogs in the morning, ride my stationary bike 2 times a day but now I am doing it 3 times a day. Plus add in the I think I am getting enough of that although I would KILL for a swimming pool!

That's a great start. Just keep upping the exertion level on your bike and you should be good to go.
Splenda is fine for diabetics, but it's artificial. I like Stevia which is plant based & a natural sweetner & is ok for diabetics to use albeit a bit more expensive. Cinnamon is a natural way to help bring down glucose numbers. Only about 1/8- 1/4 teaspoon daily is recommended. There's only so much you can sprinkle it on, so I buy the capsules.
I have no clue what to do with cinnamon without sugar. There are capsules for cinnamon??? I wil lhave to check in to that.

Doc gave me horse pills for potassium, which I refused to take. I said I would do it myself. So..I have been eating shitloads of avocados. My potassium levels are normal now.

So I am trying to think of how to ingest cinnamon without sugar. And I almost bought the Stevia, but went with Truvia instead...aren't they the same thing?

Yep, they are the same. Stevia is the common name for the plant. You can get cinnamon capsules at any health food store. the 'Sundown' & 'Nature's Bounty' brands sell them.

My sugar was at 104 & went down to 95 after starting to use cinnamon.
I will check out the cinnamon capsules. They don't give you heartburn, do they? I get acid reflux sometimes. I use tumeric too, in my hashbrowns. But maybe I should go slow on taters, since they are starchy which converts to sugar. I think.

I flunked homemaking in school and never did "get" the nutrition stuff right.

Oy. I hate having to do research but I will. Still...y'alls info is a big help!
Try the brown ricein the boil in a bag as well as sweet potatoes.

Boil and mash a sweet potato and sprinkle a little stevia and cinnamon, very nice.
I will check out the cinnamon capsules. They don't give you heartburn, do they? I get acid reflux sometimes. I use tumeric too, in my hashbrowns. But maybe I should go slow on taters, since they are starchy which converts to sugar. I think.

I flunked homemaking in school and never did "get" the nutrition stuff right.

Oy. I hate having to do research but I will. Still...y'alls info is a big help!

I don't get any burps or reflux from them. White carbs (sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice, white potatoes) are no good, they are simple carbs that spike & are a pancreas enemy. Whole grains (oats, wheat) are better & keep your blood sugar at an even pace.

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