Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
He died like a man. And the sniveling, chinless, moist little rat judge who sentenced him simultaneously wet his pants and created a martyr.

Killing oneself is not dying like a man you stupid fuck. It is the cowards way out, just like your idol Adolph Hitler. You are a pathetic little pussy, I wish we could meet, I would knock your head off!

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What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
You mean stand up to Muslim aggre
20 year for war crimes...I wonder what Bush and Obama would get.
Not to mention AIPAC, Feith, Wolfowitz, Cohen, and Perle.
Always blaming things on the Irish. TSK, TSK,
I think the preferred nomenclature is (((Irish))).
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]

If only the UN would hold Muslims accountable for war crimes.
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.

We keep waiting for you to back up your claims about GWB. Why can't I recall you ever saying why he is a war criminal?
What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague
Too much of a coward to face up to and face the punishment for the horrific things he did.
Agreed but there is little difference between him and Big Ears and Dumbass W.
That is a completely asinine statement. His crimes:
  • nine counts of grave breaches of the Geneva conventions (wilful killing; inhuman treatment (sexual assault); unlawful deportation of a civilian; unlawful transfer of a civilian; unlawful confinement of a civilian; inhuman treatment (conditions of confinement); inhuman treatment; extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly).
  • nine counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (cruel treatment (conditions of confinement); cruel treatment; unlawful labour; wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or destruction not justified by military necessity; destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion or education; plunder of public or private property; unlawful attack on civilians; unlawful infliction of terror on civilians; cruel treatment), and
  • eight counts of crimes against humanity (persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds; murder; rape; deportation; inhumane acts (forcible transfer); imprisonment; inhumane acts (conditions of confinement); inhumane acts).[20]
...and how is W's illegal Iraq War based on a purposeful lie, any different? By some estimates his war caused the deaths of 150k Iraqis, including many women and children. That is far more than this scumbag Praljak killed.

I get so tired of assholes like you claiming that the war was based on GWB's lies, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Iraq claimed to have WMDs and had documented massive stockpiles of these weapons, but it was all a ruse to keep Iran at bay. Should we have taken the chance that Saddam and his henchmen were lying and continue to build these stockpiles after he used them on his own people? Of course not.

I guess you think the world would have been a better place if Saddam had stayed in power.

What away to go.

Bosnian Croat war criminal dies after taking poison in UN courtroom

Former commander Slobodan Praljak drank from bottle moments after judges upheld 20-year sentence in The Hague

The guy was a war hero. He was fighting the invading Muslim hordes.

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He was ethnic cleansing the area of mooslims, BIG difference.

Pushing back the Islamic invaders and fighting the war. This war is already being waged in Western Europe and is on America’s front door.

Fuck the PC bullshit the world is at war with Islam from China, to Russia, to the Christians in Africa, to India and yes to Europe. It is about time we start fighting it!

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