Boston black cops can't pass written test ... so they get "interviews" instead.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.
If 2 criminals are working together selling crack and you catch one criminal with 5 pieces of crack and your partner catches the other criminal with 3 pieces of crack. How many pieces of crack does the group of criminals have?

A - 1
B - 4
C - 8
D - 10
More affirmative action. Blacks are always at the bottom of every test whether it's an IQ test or the SAT or ACT or LSAT or police test or firefighter test. They can't make it on ability .

Boston Police Department planning new promotion system to spur diversity - The Boston Globe

Police to overhaul ranking system
Globe Correspondent / August 9, 2012

Hoping to end decades of tension over the advancement of minority officers, the Boston Police Department plans to overhaul a promotion system that has been criticized for contributing to a lack of diversity in the department’s upper ranks.

Commissioner Edward F. Davis is expected to send an e-mail to officers and command staff Thursday announcing a $2.2 million initiative to *replace a written promotion *exam used statewide with a testing system that could *include interviews and other components designed to provide a broader measure of leadership and potential.

Among the department’s approx*imately two dozen captains — the highest rank determined by the promotion exam — there is one Asian and no blacks, Hispanics, or women.

the asians never count man, poor left out people.
Why is this in politics and not race relations? Also, your title is misleading.
Because everyone knows only white men are smart enough to pass a written exam.
Life in a nation supposedly where all men were created equal is great, aint it?

Obama wants equality in school disciplinary actions, too. So the white kid who gets caught chewing gum in class gets a two week suspension, but the black kid who knifes another kid in the locker room will get a single after school detention. Its all in the numbers. Fewer whites commit serious schoolhouse infractions so the punishments meted out have to be graver for whatever infractions they commit.
Life in a nation supposedly where all men were created equal is great, aint it?

Obama wants equality in school disciplinary actions, too. So the white kid who gets caught chewing gum in class gets a two week suspension, but the black kid who knifes another kid in the locker room will get a single after school detention. Its all in the numbers. Fewer whites commit serious schoolhouse infractions so the punishments meted out have to be graver for whatever infractions they commit.

Is there anyone who DOESN'T think a police force works most effectively if it includes a range of different races and ethnicities?

Because if we all agree that we need Asian, Black, Hispanic police as well as whites, then all we need to discuss is how best to achieve that goal.
Written tests are no mesasure of what a good cop is.
This nation is full of "leaders" and others that are far, far educated past their intelligence.
Presence in the community and the respect that comes with that as a good, honest, hard working cop is more valuable to fight crime than a test.
We are an over tested society.
Look how it is working for us.
If we relied only on written tests...all our firefighters, cops, etc. would be Asian...not white either.
Out of 2 dozen captains there is only one Asian, no blacks, hispanics or women? Whats wrong with that test if only one Asian has been able to pass, no blacks, hispanics or women?
Why is this in politics and not race relations? Also, your title is misleading.

It's both politics and race though i'm sure the censors here will move it to the race dungeon so people don't find out about yet another example of special treatment for blacks.
the asians never count man, poor left out people.

I noticed that too. The article doesn't mention asians no doubt because they do very well on these tests and that disproves the liberal contention that the tests are culturally biased.

Out of 2 dozen there is only one Asian, no blacks hispanics or women. Are you saying Asians do so good on tests and that means there is only one Asian in the police department?
Why is this in politics and not race relations? Also, your title is misleading.

It's both politics and race though i'm sure the censors here will move it to the race dungeon so people don't find out about yet another example of special treatment for blacks.

Did you even read the article?

It says out of over 2 dozen captains they are all white males, except for 1 Asian male.

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