boston bomber demands new trial


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
New York (AFP) - Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev filed a motion Monday demanding a new trial, less than two weeks after he was sentenced to death for attacking the city's marathon in 2013.

The preliminary motion did not stipulate grounds for a new trial, other than to say it was "required in the interests of justice."

His lawyers said it was a "placeholder" motion that would be expanded upon by August 17.

Tsarnaev, 21, apologized to his victims for the first time during a highly emotional court hearing in Boston on June 24 when he was sentenced to death on six counts for the April 15, 2013 bombings.

Boston bomber demands new trial - Yahoo News

i rarely advocate the death of another human.....this man should have been killed on that damn boat....he simply deserved to die
o the caring there liberty...they should have taken him out in the boat saved everyone a lot of heartache in reliving that day....what rips at you more.....people with limbs missing or a parent having to select between the dying child and the one he thinks he can save.......
I say if they can find 12 people who tell a judge, we think he may be not guilty (all 12 of them) then fine, let him have another trial. If not, fry him.
I'd prefer to see him locked in a cell for the rest of his life without any human contact. Occasionally we could drop some dog food into his cell through a hole in the roof. Let him go mad in solitary confinement.
Well, according to OBama and his party of snakes. ALL terrorist should be allowed to have YOU TAXPAYERS pay for them and their little show trials. you voted for it so get your wallets out
Well, according to OBama and his party of snakes. ALL terrorist should be allowed to have YOU TAXPAYERS pay for them and their little show trials. you voted for it so get your wallets out

What the fuck are blabbing about?
CAIR not bothered that its client, Ibragim Todashev, was involved in triple murder.
June 27, 2017

Joe Kaufman

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is associated in large part with terrorism. The group has its roots in terrorism; it has helped finance terrorism; it co-sponsors rallies promoting terrorism; and it has lost, through deportation and incarceration, a number of officials who have been involved in and/or linked to terrorism. Given CAIR’s terror-related history, as well as the group’s appetite for generating lawsuits, it makes sense that CAIR would provide legal defense to someone who is also related to terror, someone like Ibragim Todashev, who is linked to the perpetrators of the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.

Last month, on May 22nd, the parents of Chechen-born Ibragim Todashev filed a wrongful- death lawsuit against two federal agents and two Massachusetts state troopers, claiming that their son’s death, which took place exactly four years earlier, “was the result of excessive force by FBI agents.”

Beginning May 21, 2013, during questioning from the FBI, Todashev admitted to his and Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s involvement in a triple murder that took place in Waltham, Massachusetts on September 11, 2011, well over a year prior to the Boston bombing. The three victims, who were all Jewish, had their throats so violently slashed that they were nearly decapitated.


Terror-Related CAIR Lawyers Represent Terror-Related Boston Bomber Associate

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