Boston Marathon Bombing

All you people jumping on other bombings trying to connect them to the right should search your souls for some dignity and mercy and prayers.
My grandfather was in the Boston Marathon a couple times in the 80s and 90s, and I still have a lot of family back there. Regardless of who did it, hopefully this doesn't drag us into another war, we simply cannot afford it at this point; and hopefully more of our civil liberties won't be sacrificed, because we simply cannot afford it at this point.

The crazy thing is, I have always said if the TSA has the right to check us at airports, they have the right to check us as well travel down our roads or walk down our sidewalks, just as likely for a bomb to be set off in these instances. Hopefully the TSA goons won't be on every corner now.

I think it will an "Iranian terror cell" or "White Supremacists", just a guess. Maybe the North Koreans, but that doesn't seem highly plausible or logical for them to pick that specific target.

why are you spamming this bullshit?
It happened on tax day in Boston. Hmmm!

So, anti-tax loons bomb runners to get their point across? I seriously doubt that. Seriously.

I don't know who it was.
But Boston had a large event on tax day. What better way to have mass people hurt. They found multiple devises.
Which means it wasn't a suicide bomber.

You are as bad as eots, only more popular. It was also the Boston Marathon, and patriots day. Soon you will be quoting Alex Jones and linking this to Batman movies.
My wife and I went to Disney last Thurs and Fri and I was thinking the same thing.
We had to leave our weapons in the car as they aren't allowed in the parks.
I felt so vulnerable, couldn't wait to leave.

Those "It's a Small World" characters give you the willies?

A man was just awarded compensation from Disney no shit over being stuck on the ride and having to listen to "It's a small world afterall" for hours.

Not kidding.

Paralyzed man forced to listen to loop of ‘It’s A Small World’ when Disneyland ride breaks awarded $8K

Wheelchair-bound Jose Martinez was forced to listen to the tune OVER AND OVER again after his ride broke down and workers struggled to rescue him.

If there's a Hell surely it must resemble this.

A paralyzed man forced to listen to the "It's A Small World" theme tune over and over again in 2009 after being left stranded on a Disneyland ride has won $8,000 in compensation.

Paralyzed man forced to listen to loop of ?It?s A Small World? when Disneyland ride breaks awarded $8K* - NY Daily News

Man working near a regional airport in Mass said "Lots of helicopters taking off."
So, anti-tax loons bomb runners to get their point across? I seriously doubt that. Seriously.

I don't know who it was.
But Boston had a large event on tax day. What better way to have mass people hurt. They found multiple devises.
Which means it wasn't a suicide bomber.

You are as bad as eots, only more popular. It was also the Boston Marathon, and patriots day. Soon you will be quoting Alex Jones and linking this to Batman movies.

Sure I will.
Watching this reminds me of the shock and horror of 9/11. I pray there are no more surprises in store and they found all the bombs.
Authorities ID a suspect in marathon bombings - he is being guarded in Boston hospital -

Authorities have confirmed to The Post that they have identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.

The suspect — a Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today's blast — is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital.

A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.

Probably has nothing to do with it, probably only thing tying him to it is his skin color
i'm curious as to the lefties reactions in this thread. they are upset when someone makes it political, but virtually every gun death lefties immediately make it political.

most on the left, not all.
haven't look at other pages but there was a third device that went off at the JFK Library.
Aha. injured is a Saudi and is now being guarded. Guess he didn't plan on getting hit by his own bomb. And living.
It happened on tax day in Boston. Hmmm!
Where was Grover Norquist when these bombs went off?????

Shut the Fuck up People have lost their lives or have them changed in very significant way. Whether this person was left-wing right-wing hell worshiped Ron paul or Bernie Sanders this person or people who did this horrible act did this on their own not Grover Norquist, Ron Paul, Michael Moore, Bernie Sanders, and etc so please next time think before you type sir

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