Boston Marathon Bombing

Dzhokar Tsarnaev is a naturalized citizen....

That's what I had hoped someone would also see: Why would legal US residents turn on fellow US residents (though I believe government is involved in 2013 Boston Marathon Explosions)?
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Probably most of us are hoping they do take the second bomber alive so we will have a chance to know, first hand, of their motive. Otherwise speculation continues to run rampant.

Leftists want them to be rightwing extremist Christian gun nut types to reinforce the Left's propaganda campaign against all who lean right socially and/or politically.

Rightists of course want them to not fit such a profile so as not to give the Left even a small amount of ammunition.

And those who want Christianity to be the evil religion of course don't want these guys to be Muslim. But the circumstantial evidence is startng to tilt that way.

LONDON - A federal law enforcement source tells CBS News investigators are working to determine whether the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have links to other terrorist cells, foreign or domestic.

Officials are trying to determine whether the brothers, who lived for at least a short period near Russia's restive Chechnya region, were acting independently or directed by a broader conspiracy. The source told CBS News producer Pat Milton that investigators and the intelligence community are pressing to determine if the two men were directed by a central player or directed by someone overseas.

According to a former teacher at a school in the Russian region of Dagestan, the brothers were two of four siblings who came to the area with their parents as refugees from Kazakhstan in 2001. They lived only one year in Dagestan, a region next door to Chechnya. Both regions have a long history of Islamic extremism and a number of well-established terrorist groups
Boston Bombers Radicalized on U.S. Soil? | KTVA CBS 11 | Anchorage, Alaska News and Weather | Local News
I still do not buy that Tamerlan Tsarnaev and younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev simply vented on Boston Marathon participants. Watch video of explosion at finish line of race and pay close attention to the reactions of agents in yellow and black jackets: Noticed agents they simply stood, watched and headed towards affected area? Very odd.

If that had been an unknown event to government officials, then those agents would not have stood and approached the affected area, seeing they would not have known the incident did not involve multiple devices (some yet to explode). I detest mind games, and wish lives of people were not so callously sacrificed.
Probably most of us are hoping they do take the second bomber alive so we will have a chance to know, first hand, of their motive. Otherwise speculation continues to run rampant.

Leftists want them to be rightwing extremist Christian gun nut types to reinforce the Left's propaganda campaign against all who lean right socially and/or politically.

Rightists of course want them to not fit such a profile so as not to give the Left even a small amount of ammunition.

And those who want Christianity to be the evil religion of course don't want these guys to be Muslim. But the circumstantial evidence is startng to tilt that way.

LONDON - A federal law enforcement source tells CBS News investigators are working to determine whether the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have links to other terrorist cells, foreign or domestic.

Officials are trying to determine whether the brothers, who lived for at least a short period near Russia's restive Chechnya region, were acting independently or directed by a broader conspiracy. The source told CBS News producer Pat Milton that investigators and the intelligence community are pressing to determine if the two men were directed by a central player or directed by someone overseas.

According to a former teacher at a school in the Russian region of Dagestan, the brothers were two of four siblings who came to the area with their parents as refugees from Kazakhstan in 2001. They lived only one year in Dagestan, a region next door to Chechnya. Both regions have a long history of Islamic extremism and a number of well-established terrorist groups
Boston Bombers Radicalized on U.S. Soil? | KTVA CBS 11 | Anchorage, Alaska News and Weather | Local News

Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.
EVERYONE has an's just that some agendas are healthy, some are toxic, and quite a few are in between.
Probably most of us are hoping they do take the second bomber alive so we will have a chance to know, first hand, of their motive. Otherwise speculation continues to run rampant.

Leftists want them to be rightwing extremist Christian gun nut types to reinforce the Left's propaganda campaign against all who lean right socially and/or politically.

Rightists of course want them to not fit such a profile so as not to give the Left even a small amount of ammunition.

And those who want Christianity to be the evil religion of course don't want these guys to be Muslim. But the circumstantial evidence is startng to tilt that way.

LONDON - A federal law enforcement source tells CBS News investigators are working to determine whether the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, have links to other terrorist cells, foreign or domestic.

Officials are trying to determine whether the brothers, who lived for at least a short period near Russia's restive Chechnya region, were acting independently or directed by a broader conspiracy. The source told CBS News producer Pat Milton that investigators and the intelligence community are pressing to determine if the two men were directed by a central player or directed by someone overseas.

According to a former teacher at a school in the Russian region of Dagestan, the brothers were two of four siblings who came to the area with their parents as refugees from Kazakhstan in 2001. They lived only one year in Dagestan, a region next door to Chechnya. Both regions have a long history of Islamic extremism and a number of well-established terrorist groups
Boston Bombers Radicalized on U.S. Soil? | KTVA CBS 11 | Anchorage, Alaska News and Weather | Local News

Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.

Only a dedicated leftist would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the left haven't HOPED this would be a rightwinger instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the leftwing dynamic? Has a single leftist in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be Muslim extremists? How many of you accuse us who are at least looking at that possibility as people who are racist toward 'dirty Arab mooslims?'

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?
Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.

That would be "dirty Caucasian mooslims" to you, sister...
This is not the suspect they were looking for, but he appears to have a deadman switch on his body. He's lying face up on the pavement, handcuffed, and is trying to arch up his back, maybe to get off the deadman switch and cause an explosion.

EOD is arriving.

Apparently, there are multiple suspects running around suspected of carrying or planting bombs.

If he's a nutter out to kill himself, he would not have been cuffed.
Sounds more like false reports or the man was the wrong colour so he got arrested.
Probably most of us are hoping they do take the second bomber alive so we will have a chance to know, first hand, of their motive. Otherwise speculation continues to run rampant.

Leftists want them to be rightwing extremist Christian gun nut types to reinforce the Left's propaganda campaign against all who lean right socially and/or politically.

Rightists of course want them to not fit such a profile so as not to give the Left even a small amount of ammunition.

And those who want Christianity to be the evil religion of course don't want these guys to be Muslim. But the circumstantial evidence is startng to tilt that way.

Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.

Only a dedicated leftist would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the left haven't HOPED this would be a rightwinger instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the leftwing dynamic? Has a single leftist in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be Muslim extremists? How many of you accuse us who are at least looking at that possibility as people who are racist toward 'dirty Arab mooslims?'

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

Only a dedicated rightie would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the right haven't HOPED this would be a Muslim instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the Right-wing dynamic? Has a single rightie in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be right wing extremists?

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?
Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.

That would be "dirty Caucasian mooslims" to you, sister...

At least youre not trying to claim he's not white;)
Lol! Seriously?

Yeah, only the left has an agenda, all the right wants is justice:rolleyes: Since the moment of attack, as much as the left has waited with baited breath they could pin this on a right wing extremist, the right have screamed that its all those dirty Arab mooslims.

Only a dedicated leftist would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the left haven't HOPED this would be a rightwinger instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the leftwing dynamic? Has a single leftist in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be Muslim extremists? How many of you accuse us who are at least looking at that possibility as people who are racist toward 'dirty Arab mooslims?'

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

Only a dedicated rightie would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the right haven't HOPED this would be a Muslim instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the Right-wing dynamic? Has a single rightie in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be right wing extremists?

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

I am not aware of any rightwingers who are particularly concerned with PC-ness of any kind. We do get really tired of being accused of all sorts of ugliness every time one of these things come up. I didn't see a single soul on Fox news nor did I hear a single conservative talk radio host suggest that these guys were Muslim extremists. I don't know if anybody on the message board immediately suggested that.

I do know that MSNBC, CNN, and other more leftwing sources immediately brought in religion, guns, and other specualatin, but not one suggested Muslim extremism even though for years now, MOST of these kinds of attacks have been via Muslim extremists.

But for some reason it just isn't PC to look in that direction is it? Why is that do you think? Do Muslim extremists who hurt people deserve some kind of special exemption from being suspect? If so, how come the NRA, Christians, and other conservative groups don't deserve the same exemption?

Nevertheless I was speaking my observation of the way this whole discussion has been going, and I reported the news that is being reported. And your post was less than honest, charitable, or accurate re what I had posted. And I took exception to that.

Will I take exception to it the next time you do that? Probably. Yeah. You can pretty much count on it.

His best bet would be to call the press then walk outside in shorts and a T shirt, hands in the air.
If, as his dad claims, it is a plot, the cops can't shoot him.
Regardless of the truth in that claim, he's dead if he doesn't.
Only a dedicated leftist would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the left haven't HOPED this would be a rightwinger instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the leftwing dynamic? Has a single leftist in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be Muslim extremists? How many of you accuse us who are at least looking at that possibility as people who are racist toward 'dirty Arab mooslims?'

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

Only a dedicated rightie would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the right haven't HOPED this would be a Muslim instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the Right-wing dynamic? Has a single rightie in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be right wing extremists?

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

I am not aware of any rightwingers who are particularly concerned with PC-ness of any kind. We do get really tired of being accused of all sorts of ugliness every time one of these things come up. I didn't see a single soul on Fox news nor did I hear a single conservative talk radio host suggest that these guys were Muslim extremists. I don't know if anybody on the message board immediately suggested that.

I do know that MSNBC, CNN, and other more leftwing sources immediately brought in religion, guns, and other specualatin, but not one suggested Muslim extremism even though for years now, MOST of these kinds of attacks have been via Muslim extremists.

But for some reason it just isn't PC to look in that direction is it? Why is that do you think? Do Muslim extremists who hurt people deserve some kind of special exemption from being suspect? If so, how come the NRA, Christians, and other conservative groups don't deserve the same exemption?

Nevertheless I was speaking my observation of the way this whole discussion has been going, and I reported the news that is being reported. And your post was less than honest, charitable, or accurate re what I had posted. And I took exception to that.

Will I take exception to it the next time you do that? Probably. Yeah. You can pretty much count on it.

Don't play the wounded victim, it doesn't suit you.

You are correct in that the extreme left wanted the bomber to be all the things they hate about the right, but your attempt to suggest the extreme right only wanted to avoid the lefts issues shows how partisan you are.

The last week the board has been filled with threads speculating on who the bombers are, and have show how much some on the right have been desperate for them to be evil Arabic Muslims. The desire for this to be a huge terrorist plot instead of an isolated incident has been strong and continues to grow.

The right has been just as ridiculous and partisan in this as the left. As someone else said, everyone has an agenda.

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