Boston Marathon Bombing

As of right now, I think its likely an extreme Islamic issue. I think there's a 40-60 chance that they worked alone though. The older brother had been to Russia recently, the younger( as far as reports go now) hasn't left the America since he was a small child.
As of right now, I think its likely an extreme Islamic issue. I think there's a 40-60 chance that they worked alone though. The older brother had been to Russia recently, the younger( as far as reports go now) hasn't left the America since he was a small child.

I guess it would be nice to think that the only reason Muslims kill people is because they are terrorists. But I doubt that is the case.
As of right now, I think its likely an extreme Islamic issue. I think there's a 40-60 chance that they worked alone though. The older brother had been to Russia recently, the younger( as far as reports go now) hasn't left the America since he was a small child.

I guess it would be nice to think that the only reason Muslims kill people is because they are terrorists. But I doubt that is the case.

They have quotes from the older brother who did an interview for a boxing thing, describing himself as very religious, that he has no American friends, that he worries about a lack of self control/values in todays world and can't understand Americans.

Unlike some, I wait for facts before speculating.
What discussing motivation what has to be taken into account is that these were brothers who may have some common experiences which may have been the source for these acts.

I find it very curious that they did not harm the man they hijacked the car from. After killings and maiming many others. If this killing spree was motivated by a religious belief that man should have been killed as well.

There is more to this story.

Can you try to contain your looney self for just a minute please.:cuckoo:

Now, they're meeting with a Russian interpreter to take him somewhere. Maybe the house they have surrounded in Watertown?

Wow. I don't even watch the news on Fridays and I know that ain't true.

On that note has anything interesting happened today? I'd read the last few pages but I am sure most of it is rumor.
Only a dedicated rightie would interpret my post as you have interpreted it, I think. Are you suggesting that ANY of you on the right haven't HOPED this would be a Muslim instead of somebody who is more sympathetic in the Right-wing dynamic? Has a single rightie in this thread, or any others on USMB or elsewhere, suggested that these guys could be right wing extremists?

How about we all be Americans and be willing to see things as they actually are even if it does happen to veer into un-PC territory and does happen to exhonerate people you despise? Would that be okay with you?

I am not aware of any rightwingers who are particularly concerned with PC-ness of any kind. We do get really tired of being accused of all sorts of ugliness every time one of these things come up. I didn't see a single soul on Fox news nor did I hear a single conservative talk radio host suggest that these guys were Muslim extremists. I don't know if anybody on the message board immediately suggested that.

I do know that MSNBC, CNN, and other more leftwing sources immediately brought in religion, guns, and other specualatin, but not one suggested Muslim extremism even though for years now, MOST of these kinds of attacks have been via Muslim extremists.

But for some reason it just isn't PC to look in that direction is it? Why is that do you think? Do Muslim extremists who hurt people deserve some kind of special exemption from being suspect? If so, how come the NRA, Christians, and other conservative groups don't deserve the same exemption?

Nevertheless I was speaking my observation of the way this whole discussion has been going, and I reported the news that is being reported. And your post was less than honest, charitable, or accurate re what I had posted. And I took exception to that.

Will I take exception to it the next time you do that? Probably. Yeah. You can pretty much count on it.

Don't play the wounded victim, it doesn't suit you.

You are correct in that the extreme left wanted the bomber to be all the things they hate about the right, but your attempt to suggest the extreme right only wanted to avoid the lefts issues shows how partisan you are.

The last week the board has been filled with threads speculating on who the bombers are, and have show how much some on the right have been desperate for them to be evil Arabic Muslims. The desire for this to be a huge terrorist plot instead of an isolated incident has been strong and continues to grow.

The right has been just as ridiculous and partisan in this as the left. As someone else said, everyone has an agenda.

Given that for decades now, almost ALL of these kinds of sneak attacks via bomb or other weapons of mass destruction have been done by Muslim extremists, it is perfectly reasonable for Muslim extremists to be the first suspects when such attacks occur. Just as we do NOT expect Muslim extremists to be implicated in the mass murders committed quite visibly by gunmen who then usually take their own lives.

I would have had no problem with your point of view if you had offered a reasoned argument for why Muslim extremists are probably not the logical suspects in this case. But you didn't do that. You accused me, by implication, of being racist toward 'dirty Arab Mooslims' (your phrase, not mine.)

Since I don't think in terms like 'dirty Araba mooslims' or use such phrases in my arguments, that reflects on you and not me. So don't lose any sleep over me feeling 'victimized' in any way just because you call people names or characterize them in dishonest ways. It takes more than calling me names to 'victimize' me.

At the same time, the link to radical Islamic regions appears to be a fact related to the Boston bombers and does provide a piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to Islamic extremism as a motive for the Boston bombings while in no means is conclusive. It seems to me that intelligent and reasoned leftists or rightists would have no problem accepting that such information does exist.
I am not aware of any rightwingers who are particularly concerned with PC-ness of any kind. We do get really tired of being accused of all sorts of ugliness every time one of these things come up. I didn't see a single soul on Fox news nor did I hear a single conservative talk radio host suggest that these guys were Muslim extremists. I don't know if anybody on the message board immediately suggested that.

I do know that MSNBC, CNN, and other more leftwing sources immediately brought in religion, guns, and other specualatin, but not one suggested Muslim extremism even though for years now, MOST of these kinds of attacks have been via Muslim extremists.

But for some reason it just isn't PC to look in that direction is it? Why is that do you think? Do Muslim extremists who hurt people deserve some kind of special exemption from being suspect? If so, how come the NRA, Christians, and other conservative groups don't deserve the same exemption?

Nevertheless I was speaking my observation of the way this whole discussion has been going, and I reported the news that is being reported. And your post was less than honest, charitable, or accurate re what I had posted. And I took exception to that.

Will I take exception to it the next time you do that? Probably. Yeah. You can pretty much count on it.

Don't play the wounded victim, it doesn't suit you.

You are correct in that the extreme left wanted the bomber to be all the things they hate about the right, but your attempt to suggest the extreme right only wanted to avoid the lefts issues shows how partisan you are.

The last week the board has been filled with threads speculating on who the bombers are, and have show how much some on the right have been desperate for them to be evil Arabic Muslims. The desire for this to be a huge terrorist plot instead of an isolated incident has been strong and continues to grow.

The right has been just as ridiculous and partisan in this as the left. As someone else said, everyone has an agenda.

Given that for decades now, almost ALL of these kinds of sneak attacks via bomb or other weapons of mass destruction have been done by Muslim extremists, it is perfectly reasonable for Muslim extremists to be the first suspects when such attacks occur. Just as we do NOT expect Muslim extremists to be implicated in the mass murders committed quite visibly by gunmen who then usually take their own lives.

I would have had no problem with your point of view if you had offered a reasoned argument for why Muslim extremists are probably not the logical suspects in this case. But you didn't do that. You accused me, by implication, of being racist toward 'dirty Arab Mooslims' (your phrase, not mine.)

Since I don't think in terms like 'dirty Araba mooslims' or use such phrases in my arguments, that reflects on you and not me. So don't lose any sleep over me feeling 'victimized' in any way just because you call people names or characterize them in dishonest ways. It takes more than calling me names to 'victimize' me.

At the same time, the link to radical Islamic regions appears to be a fact related to the Boston bombers and does provide a piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to Islamic extremism as a motive for the Boston bombings while in no means is conclusive. It seems to me that intelligent and reasoned leftists or rightists would have no problem accepting that such information does exist.

Look, I have no desire to argue with you. You have a bad habit of ignoring facts that don't fit your personal narrative. You can stand on your soap box and shout about how the left was pushing their agenda while the right wore their halos and sought justice till the cows come home.If it makes you feel better, go for it.

I just felt the need to once again point out how much you give away when you do so:)
Seen at a Boston area liquor store:

Don't play the wounded victim, it doesn't suit you.

You are correct in that the extreme left wanted the bomber to be all the things they hate about the right, but your attempt to suggest the extreme right only wanted to avoid the lefts issues shows how partisan you are.

The last week the board has been filled with threads speculating on who the bombers are, and have show how much some on the right have been desperate for them to be evil Arabic Muslims. The desire for this to be a huge terrorist plot instead of an isolated incident has been strong and continues to grow.

The right has been just as ridiculous and partisan in this as the left. As someone else said, everyone has an agenda.

Given that for decades now, almost ALL of these kinds of sneak attacks via bomb or other weapons of mass destruction have been done by Muslim extremists, it is perfectly reasonable for Muslim extremists to be the first suspects when such attacks occur. Just as we do NOT expect Muslim extremists to be implicated in the mass murders committed quite visibly by gunmen who then usually take their own lives.

I would have had no problem with your point of view if you had offered a reasoned argument for why Muslim extremists are probably not the logical suspects in this case. But you didn't do that. You accused me, by implication, of being racist toward 'dirty Arab Mooslims' (your phrase, not mine.)

Since I don't think in terms like 'dirty Araba mooslims' or use such phrases in my arguments, that reflects on you and not me. So don't lose any sleep over me feeling 'victimized' in any way just because you call people names or characterize them in dishonest ways. It takes more than calling me names to 'victimize' me.

At the same time, the link to radical Islamic regions appears to be a fact related to the Boston bombers and does provide a piece of circumstantial evidence pointing to Islamic extremism as a motive for the Boston bombings while in no means is conclusive. It seems to me that intelligent and reasoned leftists or rightists would have no problem accepting that such information does exist.

Look, I have no desire to argue with you. You have a bad habit of ignoring facts that don't fit your personal narrative. You can stand on your soap box and shout about how the left was pushing their agenda while the right wore their halos and sought justice till the cows come home.If it makes you feel better, go for it.

I just felt the need to once again point out how much you give away when you do so:)

If you have no desire to argue with me, then don't.

I don't spend my time accusing you, defining you, telling you what you think, what you believe, what you ignore, what you push, what you shout. And because you are a leftist, I don't expect you to see it when that is what you do to me even when you have to make up a straw man or red herring or some other nonsense because you can't use a single illustration in context to back up your accusations of me.

But I will continue to call you on it when you misquote me or mischaracterize what I have posted.

Meanwhile, I prefer to focus on the topic if that is okay with you.
I just heard that he posted online that he will kill everyone since they killed his brother.

Likely this post had to come from his phone since its doubtful he has computer access at this point.

Being able to ping his phone should provide some hint as to his whereabouts
I have been both right and left, and am now neither. So, I will state the obvious, "If we had not let third world foreigners into our country in the first place, there would have been no Boston Marathon bombing." Duh!
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