Boston Marathon Bombing

Boston's nightmare is just beginning. A lot of people knew what these guys were planning. They questioned the older bro two years ago, and Dad said his sons talked to him about the bombing last week.

(My bold)

If a lot of people knew about the bomb plot, they may be chargeable. It depends on how the survivor is charged - if one of the charges is conspiracy to bomb, any & all of the people who knew about the plot could also be charged.

Especially if those who knew provided material support - a place to make bombs, store materials, ordered explosives, ball bearings, nails, blasting caps, electronics. Raids on the lab & assembly/storage/work areas should turn up receipts, fingerprints, bills of lading, & on & on. FBI is good on forensics, if there's a paper trail, they should be able to run it down.

Explosives have signatures, & techs can read those. We'll see, over the next 6 months or so ...
I still want to know why the first suspect is being deported. If he's innocent, why is he being deported?

they said he had some other issues

i would like to know what happened to the guy this morning

that had on a bomb vest and was holding a dead mans trigger

that the cops had on the ground and a bomb robot stripping him

heard while listening to the scanner
We want a suspect alive - to interrogate, to see if they were lone actors or not, to see if we can expect more attacks, to see where to deliver our protest. & an actual interrogation, not some hack job by Extraordinary Rendition nor merely drop a Hellfire on him.

You may have to invade Russia.
Alive is good news.
With luck, they can find out who got the kid to do this and get them as well.

His mother said the FBI put him up to it.

Some stories suggest that wouldn't be a first.

The Informants | Mother Jones
You may have to invade Russia.
Alive is good news.
With luck, they can find out who got the kid to do this and get them as well.

His mother said the FBI put him up to it.

Some stories suggest that wouldn't be a first.

The Informants | Mother Jones

the sweet mother

she is quite the role model

Loss prevention from Lord & Taylor called to report they had detained a shoplifter. Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, 45, of 410 Norfolk St., Apt. 3, Cambridge, was arrested and charged with larceny over $250 (women’s clothing valued at $1,624), and two counts of malicious/wanton damage/defacement to property.

Arrests: $1,600 in Clothes Stolen - Natick, MA Patch


the same store front that one of the bombs was at
New photo


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is seen being arrested in Watertown, Mass., on April 19, 2013, in connection to the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, 2013. (Obtained by ABC News)
CaféAuLait;7120200 said:

from the daily mail

This image, taken from a surveillance camera shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev climbing into a boat Friday night after a police gun battle. He was later found in the boat and captured

Boston bombing: Watertown homeowner finds suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in boat | Mail Online
As of right now, I think its likely an extreme Islamic issue. I think there's a 40-60 chance that they worked alone though. The older brother had been to Russia recently, the younger( as far as reports go now) hasn't left the America since he was a small child.

I guess it would be nice to think that the only reason Muslims kill people is because they are terrorists. But I doubt that is the case.

Can you explain why Chenyans would have a problem with the US? Didn't we actually fight for the Muslims in Europe when Clinton was in office?

Yet, for some reason, you fall back on it not being the fault of the ideology.

The suspect's Russian version FB page had Syrian stuff on it.
America interferes in Syrian internal politics.

That may well explain it. (but I do not agree with it, before some moron suggests I do)
What discussing motivation what has to be taken into account is that these were brothers who may have some common experiences which may have been the source for these acts.

I find it very curious that they did not harm the man they hijacked the car from. After killings and maiming many others. If this killing spree was motivated by a religious belief that man should have been killed as well.

There is more to this story.

You could argue, they are a product of Russian anti-Muslim violence.
I would imagine it's easy to radicalise someone who has been on the receiving end of oppression.
What a beating America has taken
.Much of the whole world either openly laughing ( radicals and Freedom Fighters ) and many others cackling behind closed doors .
What a botched investigation --- the FBI will pay later when the hysteria dissolves , and the final scenes were pure farce .
CaféAuLait;7120200 said:

from the daily mail

This image, taken from a surveillance camera shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev climbing into a boat Friday night after a police gun battle. He was later found in the boat and captured

Boston bombing: Watertown homeowner finds suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in boat | Mail Online

The Daily Mail is a tabloid. One needs to be completely sceptical of everything they print. Most likely, the photo is him getting OUT of the boat.
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CaféAuLait;7120200 said:

from the daily mail

This image, taken from a surveillance camera shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev climbing into a boat Friday night after a police gun battle. He was later found in the boat and captured

Boston bombing: Watertown homeowner finds suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in boat | Mail Online

Why is the boat cover/tarp all shredded if he's climbing "into" the boat to hide? I say it's him climbing "out" of the boat under his own power when he surrendered. I'm convinced that I got a brief glimpse of him walking behind some shrubbery after he surrendered while being followed and shoved by police walking behind him.
It is being handled pretty low key by the media, but apparently there have been more arrests other than the one bomber last night. And though most have been questioned and released, according to one account, at least one other person is still being detained. I'm sure we'll hear more about that as time passes. Obviously they don't want to implicate people who may be innocent any more than is absolutely necessary.

But now the focus is on whether there are others involved. The arrested brother was not Miranda-ed immediately as that is not required with terrorists but sooner or later they will probably have to do that and allow him silence. Meanwhile they hoped to get a motive and who, if anybody, he was representing.

It doesn't seem entirely reasonable that the brothers acted entirely alone as the bombs were sufficiently sophisticated as to need some training/expertise and possibly some financing. Did they figure it all out themselves? Or are part of a larger group? These are all questions we really do need an answer to.
Have you wondered why the blast at JFK Library, about five miles away from Marathon Explosions, is not being talked about? And I wonder what happened to the two other explosives reportedly found at Marathon site.
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Can you try to contain your looney self for just a minute please.:cuckoo:

Now, they're meeting with a Russian interpreter to take him somewhere. Maybe the house they have surrounded in Watertown?

Wow. I don't even watch the news on Fridays and I know that ain't true.

On that note has anything interesting happened today? I'd read the last few pages but I am sure most of it is rumor.

Politico, not loony, simply logical thinking. While I believe the Tsarnaev brothers are not master minds behind the Boston Marathon explosions, I also believe the brothers are likely vicitms of electronic manipulations: The US and Russia have history of electronic mind control. For starters, see

I wonder why no one is talking about blast at JFK Library on the same day, few miles away from Marathon explosions. And what became of two other explosives found at Boston Marathon? I wonder.
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