Boston Marathon Terrorist OBAMA SUPPORTER!

All that trampling of the dead by the lib media, hoping these terrorists were Tea Party.

Now they turn out to be muslim, Al Queda sympathetic AND OBAMA SUPPORTERS!!!

Twitter feed suggests Boston Marathon terrorist was an Obama supporter « Bob Owens

Is the SHIT going to hit the fan when this becomes more known. The media will hush this up more than they are trying to hush up the Gosnell abortion murder trial!

You paid lib trolls better go to your handlers and get your spin. You're going to need wall paper paste to plaster on the spin for this one.

Boston Marathon Terrorist OBAMA SUPPORTER!

proof positive of wingnut gramershool mentality ....

Libs don't misspell?


Nice try A-hole. Not only are you desperate to spin this to the libs advantage, you have a VERY SHORT Memory!

All that trampling of the dead by the lib media, hoping these terrorists were Tea Party.

Now they turn out to be muslim, Al Queda sympathetic AND OBAMA SUPPORTERS!!!

Twitter feed suggests Boston Marathon terrorist was an Obama supporter « Bob Owens

Is the SHIT going to hit the fan when this becomes more known. The media will hush this up more than they are trying to hush up the Gosnell abortion murder trial!

You paid lib trolls better go to your handlers and get your spin. You're going to need wall paper paste to plaster on the spin for this one.

3 people died over 100 injured and the jackass's of the world speaks.......

Yes, the jackasses, most certainly did!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

And they let it be known before the bodies were cold and the maimed were operated on, that they were intending to use this terrible tragedy AS A POLITICAL PROP!


You don't like me posting, he could be an Obama supporter? TOO FREAKING BAD!

There is no way you can spin your way out of this, but I'm sure you will try. The facts are there and the shows the libs were DROOLING to use the dead and maimed AS POLITICAL PROPS.

We are just holding your feed to the fire! Don't like it?

Ever since the bombing, the Right has been whining, "They are going to blame us!"

And what are some of you doing right now? Blaming every Muslim. Committing the very act you were whining about being done to you.

Fucking hypocrites.
Idiot leftist.
The topic title is a textbook Hasty Generalization logical fallacy. Identical to the Hasty Generalization logical fallacy which writes the Boston crime on all Muslims.

It's what ignorant bigots do.

It's hilarious the OP writer is doing the very thing he simultaneously whines about when it is applied to his own demographic.

Who is doing the logical fallacy. MY what short memories you libs have and what obvious double standards!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

I guess it's ONLY A LOGICAL FALLACY when the conjecture comes anywhere near Obama. When it's smearing whites, Christians, Republicans, the "far right," or anyone that might have voted for Romney, then conjectures okay.

Suck it! OWN IT. YOUR LIB MEDIA were just fine with openly accusing the "right wing" when they thought it was to your sides political advantage.

Too late to pretend otherwise NOW!

Don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot do you?


SUCK IT!!!!!!!
This thread is retarded and pathetic.

just like your ideology......nexxxxt!

You have no basis for anything you're saying, you're just cumming your pants that it wasn't another Timothy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph. Americans are dead from this terrorist cocksucker and all you can think about is how to use it to your political advantage. You are lower than whale shit.

Yeah, because conservatives like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh started claiming it was a muslim from the moment the bombs went off.

Oh, wait, they didn't.



Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

You were saying IDIOT??????


Ever since the bombing, the Right has been whining, "They are going to blame us!"

And what are some of you doing right now? Blaming every Muslim. Committing the very act you were whining about being done to you.

Fucking hypocrites.

Who are the hypocrites???????


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

OWNED, every single last one of you.

BUT KEEP WHINING. It proves what whiny little #itches you are when the shoe is on the other foot.

You libs are all my BEEECHES!!!!!!

All that trampling of the dead by the lib media, hoping these terrorists were Tea Party.

Now they turn out to be muslim, Al Queda sympathetic AND OBAMA SUPPORTERS!!!

Twitter feed suggests Boston Marathon terrorist was an Obama supporter « Bob Owens

Is the SHIT going to hit the fan when this becomes more known. The media will hush this up more than they are trying to hush up the Gosnell abortion murder trial!

You paid lib trolls better go to your handlers and get your spin. You're going to need wall paper paste to plaster on the spin for this one.

This post is filled with several outright lies BUT --

I'd bet you voted for mittens, right? or for one of the other clown car candidates.

GeeDumbya was one of the clown car candidates.

Doesn't it then follow that you kill innocent people and lie about your reason for doing so?

See what a stupid ASSSSumption that is?

Get it????

Didn't think so.

Oh, it's all lies but liberals don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

Whine some more B*TCHES!
I'd really rather people didn't use the insane few that do bombings, shootings or murders to attack entire parties. If we did that then both parties would have to admit they are insane, but hey, maybe that's why I'm in the Libertareian party, lack of murderous nutjobs....

lol, see what I did there!??!

Yeah, but what party did that?


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters

I'm just letting the poor whiny babies what it is like when the shoe is on the other foot.
The topic title is a textbook Hasty Generalization logical fallacy. Identical to the Hasty Generalization logical fallacy which writes the Boston crime on all Muslims.

It's what ignorant bigots do.

It's hilarious the OP writer is doing the very thing he simultaneously whines about when it is applied to his own demographic.

Please specify (a quote would be helpful) the 'Hasty Generalization" to which you refer.


Show me the conservative media doing the same WITH ANYONE after this terrible tragedy.

Show me the Conservatives writing, "Sure hope it's Black guy" or "Sure hope it's a Muslim."



Of course, it's the libs!


Chris Matthews: 'Normally' Domestic Terrorists 'Tend to Be on the Far Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

Shameful: New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof Links Boston Explosion to GOP, Others Pile On | NewsBusters

Al Sharpton's Radio Producer Tweets Speculation That 'Anti-Gov' Group Behind Boston Marathon Bombings | NewsBusters

Chris Matthews: Did Boston Bombing Have Anything To Do With Tax Day? | NewsBusters

ABC Speculates: Was Boston 'Homegrown Terror?' Features Mark Potok on 'Extreme Right' | NewsBusters

CNN Won't Call Out Barney Frank for Politicizing Boston Bombing, But MSNBC Did | NewsBusters

Randi Rhodes Explodes: Rush, Sean, Glenn, Michele Bachmann, Peter King! They're All Terrorists! | NewsBusters

Actual Salon Headline: 'Let?s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American' | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings On Harvard Professor to Speculate ?Far Right? May Be Responsible For Boston Attack | NewsBusters

MSNBC Brings on Guest To Wonder About Bomber's Message: 'Abortion?' 'Taxes?' 'Tea Party?' | NewsBusters
Suck it libs!

Let's see you try to spin your whiny B*tch way out of this!

You won't.

You'll crawl off like the cowards you are.

I'm a thread Killah!!!!!!
and to make matters worse for them most of the recent mass shooters were liberals !!:doubt:

The idiot who sent ricin this week is a confirmed Democrat. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

But do you see conservatives just jump at the first headline and start smearing people?

NO! It's liberals that do that.

ANY lib on this forum who tries to pretend otherwise, I'm going to shove this thread and all the evidence I have DOWN THEIR THROATS! :)
The NRA is behind the Boston bombing; they needed to get guns out of the headlines ahead of the votes in the Senate.

Hey idiot. You are WAY behind in current events.

The gun control vote failed in the Senate this week and we know now the bombers were muslims.

Wake up!
What a dumb. ass. thread. Toe Putty Spammer is a sorry sack of shit.
What a dumb. ass. thread. Toe Putty Spammer is a sorry sack of shit.

AW! We have another liberal whining about the shoe being on the other foot. Poor BABY. There there!

Notice when libs can't deny the evidence, they simply make whiny baby attacks.

Boy you sure proved I'm wrong about you libs, didn't you??


Suck it libs!

Let's see you try to spin your whiny B*tch way out of this!

You won't.

You'll crawl off like the cowards you are.

I'm a thread Killah!!!!!!

Suck it libs? 3 people are dead and all you can do is play politics with it. You're a sick piece of shit. The only thing you killed with this thread is the little bit of respect you had from the reasonable posters left on this wingnut hack of a site. Fuck off, you stupid bitch.

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