Both are wrong

Obama was right, Alito was wrong: Citizens United has corrupted American politics

Ten years ago this week, a narrow majority of the Supreme Court overturned a century of campaign finance law, giving wealthy donors and corporations nearly unlimited ability to influence our elections. In his State of the Union address a week later, President Barack Obama said the controversial Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision “will open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections.” Justice Samuel Alito famously shook his head, mouthing “not true.”

A decade later, it’s clear that President Obama was right and Justice Alito was wrong. With its decision, the court threw out restrictions on corporate and union election spending, narrowed the legal definition of “corruption” and set the stage for an influx of undisclosed dark money spending on our elections.

Morally bankrupt empty suits are the cause of corruption regardless of the arena. Putting it on a national stage merely publicly exemplifies it.
If Obama was right and Alito was wrong, then how is it that Clinton and the Democrats managed to raise much more money in 2016 than Trump and the Republicans?
Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Nope, sorry, these organizations, in no way should be allowed to have the same rights as sovereign citizens. Fuck the elites, fuck Soros and Koch. Fuck them to hell.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Nope, sorry, these organizations, in no way should be allowed to have the same rights as sovereign citizens. Fuck the elites, fuck Soros and Koch. Fuck them to hell.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.
Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Nope, sorry, these organizations, in no way should be allowed to have the same rights as sovereign citizens. Fuck the elites, fuck Soros and Koch. Fuck them to hell.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Nope, sorry, these organizations, in no way should be allowed to have the same rights as sovereign citizens. Fuck the elites, fuck Soros and Koch. Fuck them to hell.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
My only concern is that during GW's presidency, the amount of influence Wall Street yielded over Congress caused great anguish among people who actually had to work for a living, whether White or Blue collar.
I have 1 vote but 0 influence over my so-called Representatives,
Last edited:
The guy who contributes one dollar gets the same access that the guy who contributes hundreds of thousands does?

If the answer is no, Obama was right. As usual.

On election day they are equal. If you don't like who a candidate takes money from (none can take hundreds of thousands from anyone) don't vote for him.

Did it bother you at all how much Obama took from Wall Street?

nice dodge....

do they have the same access?
Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Nope, sorry, these organizations, in no way should be allowed to have the same rights as sovereign citizens. Fuck the elites, fuck Soros and Koch. Fuck them to hell.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
My only concern is that during GW's presidency, the amount of influence Wall Street yields over Congress caused great anguish among people who actually have to work for a living, whether White or Blue collar.
I have 1 vote but 0 influence over my so-called Representatives,
Could you be more specific? In what way has the influence of "wall street" increased and exactly what anguish has it caused?
Rights is rights. They apply to all.

Agreed, but if you fuck with their rights as sovereign citizens to act collectively, you invite others to fuck with your rights.

The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
My only concern is that during GW's presidency, the amount of influence Wall Street yields over Congress caused great anguish among people who actually have to work for a living, whether White or Blue collar.
I have 1 vote but 0 influence over my so-called Representatives,
Could you be more specific? In what way has the influence of "wall street" increased and exactly what anguish has it caused?
Off-shoring, Business Visas, Trespassers, millions lost Healthcare coverage due to layoffs.
It was a good time to be a big shot at a corporation.
Of course, no one noticed until the Housing Crash.
The guy who contributes one dollar gets the same access that the guy who contributes hundreds of thousands does?

If the answer is no, Obama was right. As usual.

On election day they are equal. If you don't like who a candidate takes money from (none can take hundreds of thousands from anyone) don't vote for him.

Did it bother you at all how much Obama took from Wall Street?

nice dodge....

do they have the same access?
Pretty much other than when Hillary was auctioning off access to the highest bidder.
The Bill of Rights says nothing about applying rights to organizations.

It says nothing about applying person-hood to corporate entities or collective entities. The rights are secured for those who are individuals with natural rights endowed by their creator.

By your logic, and the courts logic, by applying the Constitution to corporations, you violate Sec.1 of the 13th Amendment by owning a corporation. :auiqs.jpg:

It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
My only concern is that during GW's presidency, the amount of influence Wall Street yields over Congress caused great anguish among people who actually have to work for a living, whether White or Blue collar.
I have 1 vote but 0 influence over my so-called Representatives,
Could you be more specific? In what way has the influence of "wall street" increased and exactly what anguish has it caused?
Off-shoring, Business Visas, Trespassers, millions lost Healthcare coverage due to layoffs.
It was a good time to be a big shot at a corporation.
Of course, no one noticed until the Housing Crash.
How does this show greater influence from Wall Street over the government? Much of the financial industry ran amuck and government agencies like the FDIC failed to do due diligence, but none of that shows influence over the government.
Corporations are not the people they supposedly represent and only the Board has the ability to make decisions.
The government makes policies that affect people's corporation, therefore they have freedom of speech to attack or defend candidates. Citizens United is a freedom of speech issue.
All citizens are "special interests" and have the constitutional right to free speech and to contribute to their causes.

That groups of citizens choose to exercise these rights in a collective manner is supported by the same constitutional amendment.

Foreign contributions are a separate issue, and responsibility for accepting such contributions should sit solely with the candidate receiving them.

I disagree. You can’t assume corporations who donate to a candidate represent the interest of all the shareholders nor employees of the corporation, just as you can’t assume that a union’s donation represents the interest of every union member.

If that were in fact the case, then the union or corporation would simply give the money earmarked for donation to the individuals they “represent” and have them donate it. In that case there would be no need for the Supreme Court ruling.
All citizens are "special interests" and have the constitutional right to free speech and to contribute to their causes.

That groups of citizens choose to exercise these rights in a collective manner is supported by the same constitutional amendment.

Foreign contributions are a separate issue, and responsibility for accepting such contributions should sit solely with the candidate receiving them.

True, but corporations should not be considered citizens in regard to the Bill of Rights. This, is the underlying problem, and the root of the corruption. Folks that are against judicial activism should not pick and choose.

Corporate personhood - Wikipedia


Without the protections afforded by the Bill of Rights, corporations become nothing more than banks for the political to buy votes.

or >>>



True. Congress, and by extension, the entirety of Government, is the one percent. The problem is, they have the power to make the rules that benefit, guess who? Themselves.

In order to even manage to get your case heard, you need to get their attention.

This isn't a problem of Citizens United, but one of electing corrupt people whose only interest is retaining their power and wealth.

It isn't just corrupt folks in just our government though.

These globalists set up these rules so that foreign governments and multi-nationals could funnel cash in, as a way to influence our government.

The controlled media learned a very important lesson when they were forced to distract EVERYONE, on the left and the right with that whole Clinton Impeachment thing. Do you honestly think the lefty media and the D.C. elites would have exposed that unless they had an ulterior motive? They never exposed the affairs of other presidents, why now? :dunno:

It was a distraction from the biggest scandal in the history of D.C. That trading of High Tech military secrets for campaign cash from China. Up until that point, China was way behind the U.S. in military tech.

The press mostly played down the story while distracting folks with that silly BJ in the oval office with that intern.

After this, corrupt globalists in both parties decided they needed a better way to launder foreign campaign cash from China, Canada, Mexico, Britain, Israel, Russia, etc. into their campaigns.

“Tell All” Video Made By Clinton Insider Fearing For His Life Made Public
"Tell All" Video Made By Clinton Insider Fearing For His Life Made Public

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal fundraiser for the Clintons made secret tape because he feared being ASSASSINATED over what he knew - and used it to reveal Democrats' bid to silence him
  • has obtained a video in which convicted illegal Clinton fundraisers Johnny Chung gave secret testimony while in fear of his life
  • The Chinese-American was convicted of funneling money to Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election bid in a breach of campaign finance law known as 'Chinagate'
  • Now new book revealed how he spilled details of his activities in a video he made because he thought a squad of assassins would come after him
  • He made the video with a friend after his FBI protection detail was suddenly removed - which Chung said on the tape shocked even his judge
  • Chung feared meeting same fate as Ron Brown, Clinton commerce secretary, who died in plane crash, friend who made the tape reveals
  • Video is revealed in new book about the Chinagate scandal

Illegal Clinton fundraiser made tape fearing for his life | Daily Mail Online

Chinagate and the Clintons
Chinagate and the Clintons | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Judicial Watch - Because no one is above the law!

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
It was a neo-Con court decision...terrible.

Is that why the suit was brought by the likes of the ACLU and NARAL also?
My only concern is that during GW's presidency, the amount of influence Wall Street yields over Congress caused great anguish among people who actually have to work for a living, whether White or Blue collar.
I have 1 vote but 0 influence over my so-called Representatives,
Could you be more specific? In what way has the influence of "wall street" increased and exactly what anguish has it caused?
Off-shoring, Business Visas, Trespassers, millions lost Healthcare coverage due to layoffs.
It was a good time to be a big shot at a corporation.
Of course, no one noticed until the Housing Crash.
How does this show greater influence from Wall Street over the government? Much of the financial industry ran amuck and government agencies like the FDIC failed to do due diligence, but none of that shows influence over the government.
Because that's not what happened.
I know dozens of Mortgage Bankers and Brokers and the software provided by the Feds rejected applications left and right.
The Lenders Rubber Stamped left and right.
In fact, I was out of work for 3 years and thousands in debt and was Rubber Stamped a 600,000K Home Equity Loan that I refused to take.
I am no more of an advocate for Government intervention than anyone else.
But I put the blame solely on Wall Street for the bull crap that went down.
And my friends in the business agree with me.
Corporations are not the people they supposedly represent and only the Board has the ability to make decisions.
The government makes policies that affect people's corporation, therefore they have freedom of speech to attack or defend candidates. Citizens United is a freedom of speech issue.
I don't buy it.
I know to many people who were unemployed after the decision came down, including MDs.
The corporations inundated our workforce with cheap labor.
Heck, MDs were being laid off from hospitals and clinics left and right and being replaced by Indian Business Visas.
I know hundreds of people who will have to work till they die.
Obama was right, Alito was wrong: Citizens United has corrupted American politics

Ten years ago this week, a narrow majority of the Supreme Court overturned a century of campaign finance law, giving wealthy donors and corporations nearly unlimited ability to influence our elections. In his State of the Union address a week later, President Barack Obama said the controversial Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision “will open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections.” Justice Samuel Alito famously shook his head, mouthing “not true.”

A decade later, it’s clear that President Obama was right and Justice Alito was wrong. With its decision, the court threw out restrictions on corporate and union election spending, narrowed the legal definition of “corruption” and set the stage for an influx of undisclosed dark money spending on our elections.

Morally bankrupt empty suits are the cause of corruption regardless of the arena. Putting it on a national stage merely publicly exemplifies it.

Wrong.......having the government put limits on campaign spending is a violation of the 1st Amendment. As hilary v Trump showed, money doesn't win an election........
The constitution treats corporations as people because they are private property

They treat them as private property b/c they are the means by which the aristocracy/elites of the globe OWN YOU! Never heard of the East India Trading Company in School huh? But YOU are not property, YOU are a human being, endowed by your creator with inalienable rights. Do NOT get the two confused. Or your owners will continue to enslave you.


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