Both CNN & MSNBC Trash Obama on Foreign Policy Mistakes (Video)

So, when Fox news has liberal commentators it's being "fair and balanced." When conservative commentators are on MSNBC, it's being a "sellout." Makes perfect sense.
Not surprised two cable channels that bend left, stridently so at MSNBC, would take on Barry over this. The obvious lying about Libya rubs off on them because they've been carrying his water for so long now that continuing to do so in this case now reflects badly on them. Recent polling on lack of trust in media might have influenced them too.

They love Barry's ass but not as much as their own, so they'll toss his under the bus when it'll help them look good. The test will come if they continue to point out lies and other administration failures, but I wouldn't bet on it.
So are these two channels still a part of the "liberal media"? Just want to know which way the wind is blowing for you today.
This gradual wake up in the media is occurring, more than anything else, because much of the media now understands that its attempt to play along with the White House with regard to the video-protest narrative, especially as it relates to the assault on the Libyan consulate, has proven to be an embarrassment for them. The American people simply aren't buying it. Of course, the president’s "bumps-in-the-road" interview comes off clumsy and clueless and insensitive. It’s revealing.

There is only one thing that liberal "jounalists" hate more than conservatives: looking foolish.
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